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The World according to Cartman

ok totally OFF TOPIC here as gunna mention a stock

now if anyone would be so kind as to post a ONE year chart on OGC, one may get an insight into why this has caught my eye as a POSITION trade .. not a skim , not a scalp .

as one can see that it has formed a rather intresting long term pattern but the reason it has caught my eye and hit my prospective radar is because of where it currently sits , if one was to trade the way i often do this too can be a LOW%LOSS on stoploss point .. if the trade breaks south ........ one using other analisis may take the more conservative aproach and maybe wait until a confirmed break . but be warned i have seen many traders use this way ONLY to be stopped out as the stock has made a jump over breakpoint and then dip to retest the previous resistance .

each to there own , couldnt care less how anyone trades just dont tell me your way is the right way when my way works for me just fine

oh yeah if one is following the volumes , one may note with intrest at how it looks around the PERCEIVED "cup and handle pattern forming ... again i dare say there is 58 different names for this pattern and use the one that makes you feel special

This stock is on VERY close watch as a position entry shortly for me

LOL im not one for explaining my trades or actions so this is kinda new to me , im a "watch this sucka" kinda guy and keep my thoughts on entrys / reasons/ strategys to myself as personally think that one should make up there own mind on what they look at in front of them

hope that was intelligeble to the more sophisticated and hip swinging traders out there

a nun

nothing is off topic on this thread Nun ---- go yr hardest ---


  • OceanaGold Corporation (-).png
    32.1 KB · Views: 3
Here you go Nun.

Nice triangle.




  • ogc.jpg
    132.5 KB · Views: 11
cmon now boys stop messing this thread up with all this off topic chit chat

someone might complain soon

I'll second that motion Boggo and add that I haven't seen one constructive post from these Galah's, just unsubstantiated BS.
I'll second that motion Boggo and add that I haven't seen one constructive post from these Galah's, just unsubstantiated BS.

please define who you are calling "galahs"

or is it everyone in this thread ?

if you would be so kind
I'll second that motion Boggo and add that I haven't seen one constructive post from these Galah's, just unsubstantiated BS.

Did you read my posts? Is what I said BS and unsubstantiated? Maybe you should go do some research or try trade for yourself. It's the follwers that pizz me off to no end and you are one of them!
hahahahahah please note time of previous post

if that wasnt constructive i dunno what is
ok seems it wasnt so constructive after all so far . but hey beats bein a galah anyday
Global indices are selling off, must be time to set a few short trades for the US tonight hey?


. . . . I would rather see a level being defended and refreshed in DOM, with a 1 tick stop placement,

hello MRC,

i like your enthusiasm for what you do, a necessity for any who aspire high.

a question for you re DOM.

i used DOM when share trading with some success, but dont use it index trading.

how do you account for the all the volume not visible in the queue, such as at market orders yet to be executed? is this a largish portion of the volume, never reaching the DOM queue? does this unseen volume negatively influence your DOM strategies?

Did you read my posts? Is what I said BS and unsubstantiated? Maybe you should go do some research or try trade for yourself. It's the follwers that pizz me off to no end and you are one of them!

Mirc --- to be fair --- i dont think Glenn was referring to u as part of the "Galah" tribe --- U my friend r highly regarded around here by all --- and if anyone does not regard u highly, more fool them !!!

i think his pretty p#ss poor attack was directed more at myself and Nun --- maybe poor old Bob has gotten himself wrapped up in a 'bad team' as well --- although i think Bob can handle himself just fine ---------

the nay sayers seem to be predominantly disgruntled E/W's from what i see !! ------- im almost over all the BS myself --------- funny how my posts are seen as disruptive/hot copper like/ full of crap etc etc ---- i assume these people dont actually read what i write or give my opinion any consideration for content ???? -----

its called "narrow mindedness" --- do i care?? ---

well actually i do !!! --- cause i like to be good to people and help wherever i can (ask some of the poor punters on the Bris Connections thread !!) --- irrespective of the perception of the narrow minded, i like to believe true sentiment shows through -----

if i am precieved as a sh#t kicker, then so be it ----- i sleep well at night --- (well actually i dont ---- but that is another story !!! --- and not related to my relations with my fellow man, or people on this forum !!)

i just have a strange sense of humour --- and like to purvey that in my postings (as does Nun) --- those who dont understand our SOH are poorer for the lack of appreciation imo ----- if u dont like our SOH --- bad luck i guess ----- we probably dont like yr lack of it ----- cheers Glenn and Boggo and any others who see fit to judge others on 'superficial' unimportant crap such as Elliott Wave theory -----

my advice to u guys -- have a good long hard look at what is driving yr life, and why u do what u do and judge others the way u do ---- life is short (and believe me i speak with experience in that regard !!) ----- the big picture is a lot bigger than u or I ---- i like to think that people like Nun and i are actually adding a perspective to punters lives that they may have otherwise missed ---

then again --- i may be just a dreamer, and my appreciation of the finer qualities of human nature may just be a total misconception on my behalf ------

in that sense, i accept the ridicule from u guys, cause u r products of yr own environment the same way i am -------- the only difference is --- i choose to 'explore' alternative views and perceptions ---------- i actually consider myself fortunate to be judged by u -- that means my pov may actually be worth something --- (although i doubt u will ever concede that )

ps debate welcome on any/all of the above if u feel it of any value

if not --- no problem ---

James its exactly Half the volume. but it not something that you use like,

There are 100 total bids and 200 total asks so its going lower. Its the flow and the refreshing that you look for. Its who's printing bar closes, who's defending levels who's doing icebergs etc etc etc.

Its not what is sitting in there.
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