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The World according to Cartman

And so then If I was only right 30% of the time I couldnt be profitable then could I?
And so then If I was only right 30% of the time I couldnt be profitable then could I?

define right

if you mean 30% profitable trades and 70% disciplined managed stoploss trades then yes you can be profitable , it is all in how you manage the risk to your rewards ....

no point winning 70% small trades and letting the 30% of bad trades run a bigger loss that the other 70% gained
So you'd agree than that you cant go broke taking a profit?
If your taking a profit you must be right then?

ok --- ill condense cause I don’t wanna have to type a squillion words again!!!!

U can go broke taking a profit if the cumulative profit is exceeded by the cumulative loss – no rocket science there !

Taking a profit is never wrong !!! --- absolutely !!!! ---- it may be detrimental to yr bottom line due to lost potential --- but u can always re-enter the trade --- and there will always be more trades in the future ---

The early part of a trade is the most difficult --- and the area which separates traders who survive from those that go under ---- ps – ive been under so I know what that feels like ----

Position sizing relative to the size of the punters bank is paramount to survival ---- fullstop

Ps My first post had a lot more detail etc in it but the basic gist is still there ---
So its not about being right after all.

Position sizing relative to the size of the punters bank is paramount to survival ---- fullstop


How so.
On that note of posters driving others away, where has WayneL gone? He was a true master and an inspiration for the understanding of the entire spectrum of trading and all it's potential strategies and instruments.


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and thankyou cartman
takes allsorts to make the world go round

yr welcome Nun ----

So its not about being right after all.


How so.

come on now Tech ---- surely u have more respect for me than that ----

being right !!!! ------- silly games -----

Over leverage relative to the punters capital base is possibly the greatest killer of any trading system ---- even if the system is sound in principal ----- robust systems may recover from a bad period ----- but if punters want to risk their whole capital base in a given time frame without any consideration to 'worst case scenarios', they are taking unnecessary risk ------ (the bank should be split into sections b4 trading commences ---- and the division of those banks should be relative to the % W/L ratio that the system has inferred thru either backtesting or more preferably, forward testing ---

all in my humble opinion of course -----
On that note of posters driving others away, where has WayneL gone? He was a true master and an inspiration for the understanding of the entire spectrum of trading and all it's potential strategies and instruments.

hi Mirc --- hope yr well ------ Wayne was/is as u say ----- "a goddamn marvel of modern science" -------- (Jack Nicholson --- "Cuckoos Nest" ---- luv Jack!!)
Over leverage relative to the punters capital base is possibly the greatest killer of any trading system ---- even if the system is sound in principal

So I guess you'd agree then that 5 X Nett worth would be lunacy?

Yet 1000s do it when buying a home.
1000s do it when controlling Futures contracts.
Probably Millions do it when trading margin accounts.

Those who understand how to effectively use Leverage and the power of Compounding are those who float to the top.

Not all succeed but show me a group of successful investors and I'm sure you'll find many who use both.

Another post jam packed with snippets of useful information.
A true asset to a site like this. I really am surprised you haven't made moderator status.
Perhaps Site Policeman of moral integrity would be more appropriate.
Hope you are too Cartman.

On a quick note as this nonsense that the forums are degenerating keeps poking up it's ugly head, a few of my own thoughts: When I started reading this forum years back, all I remember was talk of traditional T/A, H&S etc, breakouts, EW or looking at volume or backtesting. This was about 99% of what was on offer and as such, this is where my journey began and these were the methods I read about and looked into to begin with, and still use fragments of them (T/A and volume to date).

I would say the variety has improved DRAMATICALLY, and the encouragment and inspiration of creating your own view of the world and as such, your own way to trade it, as seen through guys like Frank D (who has luckily for us, popped his head into more threads lately) and TH, have improved this forum 10 fold from all I had perused beforehand, which includes threads FAR before my time. There is a true multitude of styles and methods here now on offer and for that, I think it is far better than any other forum I have come accross.

I went to Elite Trader and looked at it, too much junk. I found Traders Laboratory good, but little to no emphasis on DOM (something which itself moves the MAJORITY of global quantities, something to think about and would not be known if not for TH original persistance with it) and no heated debate to question and let members decide for themselves on each individual method. HotCopper and the other sites, not even worth the site hit.

I too questioned EW at one point and whilst I believe you can make $$$ from it, I believe there are better methods out there which I continue to personally investigate and dedicate time towards. Just like counting cards in blacjack using -1, 0 and +1 is profitable, but nowhere near (infact, close to 3x less profitable) if you can count cards to the exact numeral. In essence, I believe you need as much detail as you can about your market, but at the same time, need to keep the application of that detail as simple as you can.

Another post jam packed with snippets of useful information.
A true asset to a site like this. I really am surprised you haven't made moderator status.
Perhaps Site Policeman of moral integrity would be more appropriate.

Tech, I would prefer not to be a moderator and do in no way envy Kennas for the work he has too do to try and balance things here, it means I would have to read through all your posts of useful junk that are espoused in books and youtube videos of things which HAVE to be followed, because the markets are black and white, there is right or wrong, and you are always right.

Everything works yet everything doesn't, glad new members can decide for themselves as there is much more information available now. A simple example, I would rather see a level being defended and refreshed in DOM, with a 1 tick stop placement, than use a number from a fibonacci sequence or analyse each candle of volume for some hidden message in a bottle.

But you have spent as much time as anyone studying DOM and laugh at those who analyse it, as according to you, it is useless and there is no edge in it, right? Or have you changed your mind? I'm still waiting for you to take over the SPI, perhaps while your at it, you can teach the Europeans how to trade Bund, Bobble, DAX, S&P?

Here is one for you, why has DOM had so little air time on public forums? Because most retail traders never had access to level 2 data, it was nearly ALL done through platforms like TT by professionals and before that, the guys with the biggest edge were the locals at the Open Outcry who had a far superior advantage from ex floor traders I speak too, ones who would have stood next to Radge in his day at the exchange. Now, there are cheaper alternatives, which go as cheap and affordable to the retailer as IB or cheaper but still relatively expensive like GL.

I for one, am GLAD AS HELL THAT THE AVERAGE RETAIL TRADER CAN SEE WHAT PROFESSIONALS DO NOW, LEVELLING THE PLAYING FIELD. Perhaps you should really take a look if you are really trying to advance your trading.

If taking a look at some DOM set-ups and how to incorporate this into your trading is useless in comparison to your EW algorithm from your standard retail provider or your analysis of every bar of volume, then someone else can decide that for themselves, taking into account which one moves the global volume and some of the names in the trading world who actually trade off DOM. Guys who I could only ever aspire to being able to trade like, but at least I KNOW I am on the right path, the most important element IMVHO to taking your trading to it's maximum potential.

So I guess you'd agree then that 5 X Nett worth would be lunacy?

Yet 1000s do it when buying a home.
1000s do it when controlling Futures contracts.
Probably Millions do it when trading margin accounts.

u know as well as anyone Tech that its the risk relative to the N/W per trade that is important ---- leverage is a double edged sword ----- we all try and stay away from the sharp side

buying a property is a different kettle of fish altogether ------- everybody over leverages to buy property --- a) cause its percieved to be a safer investment and b) cause the downside even in a catastophic scenario is 'relatively" not that bad ---- some people who have been stung may argue against that point !!

Those who understand how to effectively use Leverage and the power of Compounding are those who float to the top.

Not all succeed but show me a group of successful investors and I'm sure you'll find many who use both.

no arguments from me on that !!

ps Mirc --- as always --- appreciate yr input (above posts) from someone who is actually at the coal face ------ good stuff ----

pps irrespective of whether You or Tech or I or TH or anyone else agrees or not --- i agree that this forum has actually benefited from the differences of opinion displayed over recent times ------- and i both thank and applaud those willing to add their 2 bobs worth, right or wrong -- left or right ----- i consider myself a 'new chum' in the trading game, and i am happy to learn from anyone generous enuff to post their views ----

I have no interest in Reading DOM.

I'm happy with my own trading results.
I dont wish to emulate even the most successful DOM traders.
There are some here who want to take your path and others who feel as I do.

For those I post.
Hi MRC & Co

Like your posts

Have a look at This is a well run friendly forum with plenty of knowledgable contributers, right up your street.

hope your dream comes true
Its not what it used to be and fast becoming another HotCopper.

I directed a colleague to this site a few weeks ago, his comment after reading a few of the threads in question was along similiar lines... a pity really.

Maybe if you just shut up you might learn something, even learning diplomacy would be a start.

As a 'new chum' you have had an enormous effect on this board, unfortunately it has been to the detriment of a board that was second to none.

In the short time you have been here your negative smart **** condescending attitude seems to have brought out the worst in a few others who now think it acceptable to behave like fruit bats, ie. when you have had your fill then piss on what you can't eat so that it is spoiled for everyone else.

Disappointing shame really that it has been allowed to degenerate.
When you guys stop exchanging blows, can we discuss what is the best recorded profitable trading plan with the worst win/loss rate?

Example, 30% or less W/L rate is pretty bad, but yet can still be profitable? I 've got data from Nick of 33% Wins and still profitable but what is the worst you have ever heard? Or it could be interpreted as the best too!



PS, drop the crap guys, you are all really making fools of yourselves.

Nice to meet u too "Bog" (ive left the "go" off for obvious reasons ) ---- would u care to elaborate on how ive
a) been a smart @rse
b) been condescending
c) how ive brought the worst out in others

oh --- and just for the fun of it --- where any of my posts may in fact show less diplomacy than the post u just made !!! -----

care to enlighten me "Bog" ------ ?? ------

ps if my post gets wiped and yours doesnt --- ill be p#ssed off

no offence at u Can cause u r a top fella ----- there were no blows thrown on this thread at all til Bog stuck his bib in ---------

please tell me where there was any problems on this thread till then??? ---- anyone???? ----- im all ears !!!!
I'm not sure where the degeneration is? A few questioned EW in that thread (including a GREAT trader such as Frank D), and this thread which if you don't want to read, you don't have to come in. Though, EW has always been a contentious issue for some reason or other, so best to leave it alone, which I have well and truly done now.

I see far more insight on this site now-days, far more push to be a maverick, guys like stormin in the FOREX area with a very unusual system, the pairs trading journal with a great, outside the box methodology, Frank D moving around the boards with some great things to think about, and TH even posting individual trades and DOM snapshots (all these 'magical' methods that I remember guys several months ago BEGGING to get their hands upon).

Cartman is condescending, is that a joke?

Nun, agree with what you have said.

Thx BBand.

Good luck in the trading all.

well said Mirc ----

i think Bog took offence to the fact that i dared question Nick on the E/W thread ------ i have since stayed away from both those threads as a sign of respect --- as i said i would ---

seriously Boggo ----- i really dont understand yr gripe with my personality ---- i question stuff --- nothing more nothing less ---- if u find my sense of humour irreverent i dont apologise for that cause that is my SOH --- if u think ive debased ASF to the point of retardation --- i'll happily leave if instructed by the Mods ----- (get the petition started !!)

people question motives and methodologies all the time ---- its called progress ---and it leads to learning, whether u see it that way or not ---

Tech was gracious enuff to post in here (with some reservation initially), and even though we may have not solved any particular issues (and even if we disagree), i think there was still some substance in the sum total of the posts ----

U obviously dont see it that way -- which is fine -- but fair dinkum --- to tell someone to p#iss on what they dont eat so they spoil it for everyone else is basically pretty petty stuff -----

considering im supposedly the smart @rse condescending one around here --- yr post is doing a fine job of following in my footsteps ---- i spose u'll blame me for your lack of decorum as well ---- after all someone else is always to blame, right !! --------

i trust that the Mods will not delete any of these posts cause there is nothing that shouldnt be noted here.

since Boggo is into Latin ---------- alenda lux ubi orta libertas
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