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The World according to Cartman


You and people like you are the single most common reason Excellent posters dissappear into oblivion. THEY CANT BE BOTHERED.

GEEZUS!..get over yaself tech/a! unreal m8 ..... i have seen you prod GOOD posters here also . trembling hand ( he stomped off ) sir osisoliver ( he had to provide documentation ! plus quite a few other good posters diisapear after your egotistical toxic attacks because they may not agree or have a different viewpoint

so because some here question radge , other EW dribblers etc it makes us the reason for them not posting??

geez m8 i reckon you should check ya own nest b4 you start pooping in others

have a great day

You and people like you are the single most common reason Excellent posters dissappear into oblivion. THEY CANT BE BOTHERED.

they cant be bothered discussing a two sided point and only want a one sided view ? they leave because here at ASF there is usually 2 views ?

if they wanna be legends in there lunchboxes without a varying viewpoint why post on a public forum in the first place ?

geez m8 youve annoyed me now with that crock filled statement

bugga it im not a respected poster but i think i will stomp off also because you upset me

good grief
Nun, anyone can find flaws in peoples posts and trading systems. The difference is 90% of the people here couldn't design one better than the one they are pissing all over.

they cant be bothered discussing a two sided point and only want a one sided view ? they leave because here at ASF there is usually 2 views ?

No. They can't be bothered babysitting people... If people like radge have traded profitably for years with their style of trading why should they have to justify it? Doesn't it speak for itself? If people know better then why arn't they out there doing it rather than pissing on someone who has been there and done it already.

Im not going to walk up to tiger when he gets down here to Aussie and say his golf swing sucks.


But no ones actually peeed on radge from what ive seen , i have seen ppl ask questions , offer other anylasis and offer a different percieved outcome ... also mygoodself DID question if hindsight trading was to be listened to as i am NOT a subscriber and only believe what i see . i also noticed as soon as anything in radges thread was questioned or a different outcome was looked at that , a lot of his subscribers were quick to jump in and say how bad we was for apparently wreckin the thread ! ..... just on a side note MY CSL call was correct but that was still looked at disruption ? why is that ....

anyways this reply has got nothin to do with the point in hand with tech/a

but have a niceday regardless
ok back to sulking......... with the rest apparently ..... no more questions regarding anything as it seems that its much nicer to all concernned when only one view offered

um may i suggesrt you read tech/a.s posts towards sirosisoliver before we continue this .. sir o presented stuff and had to justify it ...!!

ok this getting nowhere and im obviously disrupting things again because i read EVERYONES posts NOT just the popular hip swinging bunch

i trade BHP from percieved support/resistance lines .

i use these lines as when entering it can make for a nice low%loss on stoploss points , there is the exceptions as in false breaks(up and down ) but have found the majority of times that it can be a reliable low loss entrys

happy to stop out if im wrong and regard stoploss as just another part of the job at hand

also i watch vols VERY closely around these areas as actual watching of the depth /sales games around these points can often give one a fairly clear message .

i am however not as succesful as others percieve to be here but thems my basic entry and exit points and why i choose them points rather than clear breakouts etc etc

i do use other indicators and scans etc etc but there for me and of no use to anyone else if one cannot accept that taking a loss is part of the game we play
um may i suggesrt you read tech/a.s posts towards sirosisoliver before we continue this .. sir o presented stuff and had to justify it ...!!

You bet.
I didnt believe the guy.
He wanted $500 to prove it.
I obliged.
He proved it.
I payed Joe $500 as agreed.

And the problem is?

More than happy to bugger off this site.
Its not what it used to be and fast becoming another HotCopper.
Just say the word mighty mouth.
----- nothing wrong with making a few bucks but people get so wrapped up in trying to make a squillion dollars that they forget WHY they are trying to make a squillion dollars !!!! --------

I used to think like that, then i meet some people who had a decent amount of money and I realized I had been brainwashed.

That people is one of the best paragraphs of information you can read in regards to becoming a consistent winner!

Learn to appreciate your trades no matter the outcome as equal with no bias!

Tech, fantastic post! Beginners take heed!

One of the best steps I have ever made in my trading was to read 'Trading in the Zone' I have read it fives times now and above is one of the messages I got out of it.

Well done Tech!

The agenda for most including yourself is to attempt to have the analysis fall flat on its face.

actually that is incorrect Tech ---- u'll note i have not 'bothered' the E/W thread as i said i would (apart from a little joke this morning which shouldnt have offended anyone)

and btw, the analysis cannot fall flat on its face if its valid can it

my questions above are genuine, but no one will answer them --- from what ive seen, u r one of the few who uses E/W the way it should be used ---- as a broad overview of the bigger picture which gives possible indications of how the market may play out over time ---- i can actually see some value in it that way -------- my question is simply ---- can E/W be used exclusively for entries and exits or do real traders actually hone in to shorter time frames to trade? -------- my view until proven otherwise is that it would be a difficult methodology to trade independently of other 'indicators' ----- nothing sinister in my pov at all ---

if u or any other E/W 'admits' to using other indicators/methods etc (which i know u do anyway) ---- who cares ---- im not gona jump up and down and say nah nah ---- told u so !!

to be honest i cant understand why the die hard E/W's get so peeved off about people questioning the validity of the method ----- im not saying its not valid --- i just see it as being toted as far more important or useful than it really is ---- a lot of new traders can get tied up in knots with the complexities of a squillion wave counts etc etc -----

You have no intention of learning or indeed investigating this or any other methodology---
You and the likes of yourself arent prepared to put in the 10000 hrs and resent those that have.

i was actually very interested to see how my simple T/A entries/exits on the BHP chart would marry up to E/W entry/exits --- again nothing sinister in that

i dont resent anyone who takes the time to learn something in great detail -- to the contrary ---- i am simply questioning the 'practicality' of the method to the average Joe Bloggs

ps Joe Bloggs is a very good friend of mine and he says he doesnt have 10,000 hrs at his disposal --- can u recommend something simpler and less time consuming?

---you already know how to extract thousands from the market.

haha ---- i like to think my simple methods have validity as i continue to experiment and fine tune areas that im not happy with ----- but if we consider the analogy that the market is a 'major highway' ---- ive spent more time off the beaten track and up one way dead end streets than probably 10 other punters combined ----- my real time experience should give me some concept of what is/isnt valuable i think --

some folk are happy to pay 'gurus' for their advice, and follow like sheep, never really understanding what they are actually doing, just happy to pay the fees and make a few bucks ---- i've always preferred the 'Frank Sinatra" method -------- the results can either make or break u, but the road has much better scenery ---- and the pics u show yr kidz are way more interesting --

You have to be RIGHT--you simply dont understand that this game is about HOW to handle being WRONG! As Radge once said it doesnt matter if your wrong only HOW LONG you remain WRONG.

i understand all right ------ u r right about being wrong -------- being wrong is sometimes all right, but being right is never wrong ---- i just prefer to be right as often as possible ----

all jokes aside what u said is correct (apart from me not understanding --- that bit was incorrect !!)

You and people like you are the single most common reason Excellent posters dissappear into oblivion. THEY CANT BE BOTHERED.

i wont take offence at that although i could ------- there may actually be the odd pearl in the oyster from 'idiot' posters like myself too Tech , ---- i think the average punter is fairly discerning in working out whether someone is totally full of crap or not -------- if i were posting while at the same time recruiting clients and selling books, u would tend to question my motives rather than herald my generosity i assume?

ps did i mention my new books ----
"Turn your Forex into Fivex" and "Don't Be Depressed By Lower Lows"

ps thank u for at least visiting the thread Tech ---- that in itself showed some character ---

pps ---- sorry about the bold type above folks ---- dunno how it happened --- cant fix it --- u'll have to deal with it ---- lol ----
I used to think like that, then i meet some people who had a decent amount of money and I realized I had been brainwashed.

point taken NS ----- to paraphrase and condense what i meant ---- a persons age, marital status, family/friends relationships, health etc etc all come into the equation as to how important craploads of bucks are at that given point in yr life ------- my opinion as to the lesser importance of money is obviously tainted by my own personal circumstances --- therefore my opinion is biased --- and should be regarded as such --- therefore we are probably both correct for our own situation ----- great thing about life --- it aint black and white !! --- cheers ----

You and people like you are the single most common reason Excellent posters dissappear into oblivion. THEY CANT BE BOTHERED.

There is no problem actually ..... just wondering why its ok to question some posters sincerity/methods but not others tho

glad it worked out to be a nice lil bonus to joe actually

no one asked you to bugger off just proving a point that perhaps your point made earlier was rather hypocritical as you also have been known to be a little toxic to posters here also .

your input here is enjoyed and actually respected (by myself included). you provide valuable contributions and some bloody good advice at times actually

as far as me being called "mighty mouth " well i,ll just put that down to an emotional outburst and will not exchange personal attacks and namecalling with you

i do suggest you scroll back from your original post to cartman and then MY post to you and maybe if you can stop that anger towards me and posters like me , you will be able to see i have a mighty valid point .

but hey i suspect you will just pick the bones out of the bits you like and ignore the whole point of my original post

yet again i reiterate your are an asset to ASF in my view and would hate to see anyone go because they cannot deal with an opposing valid viewpoint , or go stomping off because they had an emotional outburst

... If people like radge have traded profitably for years with their style of trading why should they have to justify it? Doesn't it speak for itself?

u r right Brad ---------- Nick has nothing to prove regarding his trading -- he IS a qualified trader ---- he has a product which punters perceive as valuable -- and he sells it ---- no problem with that ---- i personally dont pay for it -- thats my choice ---- just cause hes good at it doesnt mean we cant question whether he could be better though ----

im sure Tiger Woods doesnt tell his coach off for pointing out that his swing has developed a slight in to out bias which is causing an exaggerated fade ---- how many majors has Tiger Woods coach won I wonder ??

, a lot of his subscribers were quick to jump in and say how bad we was for apparently wreckin the thread ! ..... just on a side note MY CSL call was correct but that was still looked at disruption ? why is that ....

understand yr frustration Nun --------- yr view is welcome here
More than happy to bugger off this site.
Its not what it used to be and fast becoming another HotCopper.
Just say the word mighty mouth.

actually after reading how you feel about ASF lately as in regards to hotcopper

IF you or anyone else here actually thinks MY opinions MY posts MY banter has turned ASF into a worse forum , please let me know as it would be wrong of me to hurt this fine forum because my opinions/views/comments are not welcomed

more than happy to stick in the chatroom and stay right away from the forums IF my presence is deemed to be lowering the tone/standard of ASF

but being right is never wrong ----

So you'd agree than that you cant go broke taking a profit?
If your taking a profit you must be right then?
understand yr frustration Nun --------- yr view is welcome here

funny thing is Nun --- that posters like U (and Tech) are what makes this site interesting --- differences of opinion and friendly 'angry' banter is what makes a good Forum ----- i'll be pretty peeved if either of u leave
rather hypocritical as you also have been known to be a little toxic to posters here also .

I will continue to be so.
I Dont believe everything which is written here. I'll question if I feel it needs questioning. Like this

So you'd agree than that you cant go broke taking a profit?
If your taking a profit you must be right then?
I will continue to be so.
I Dont believe everything which is written here. I'll question if I feel it needs questioning. Like this

Tech ---- id almost finished writing a response to that post --- when my computer decided to shut the crap down ----

im a slow typer so im pretty peeved about that (15 minutes of typing !!)

i will respond again ---- just give me time ---

geez i hate computers sometimes @#&&*&#@!@!#^((^%!!!

crap etc etc ---- @#$#%&*$%@

---- kind of funny just the same ---- gods of Karma punishing me for my contrary pov ---- lol ----
I will continue to be so.
I Dont believe everything which is written here. I'll question if I feel it needs questioning. Like this

So you'd agree than that you cant go broke taking a profit?
If your taking a profit you must be right then?

i find that statement quoted a lil misleading actually as one can be right when taking a loss also just as long as that loss is taken when it was planned too and not left too fester .

profits are all part of the trade , as with expected loss point

LOL actually have heard of someone going broke "taking a profit" but thats in another business area but he forgot about money management and his profits just did not cover his outlays
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