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The Ultimate Destruction of the US Dollar and World Markets Will Not Happen

Yes QE3 is coming, so is QE4, QE5....

The US ceased being a creditor nation a long time ago. The only thing holding the US economy (and the dollar) together at this point in time is Bernanke's printing press. Don't make any mistake about it though, the US is still the same same unproductive country that lost its comparative advantage decades ago. Once a lot of this debt matures (which a lot of it will soon) and its not rolled over (due to the belief amongst creditors that the fed will continue to print money for as long as it can and cause further inflationary pressure), then you can expect a significant devaluation of the dollar.
This is where you went wrong. Youtube docos are mighty entertaining and that sucks you in to believing thier logically presented facts. Turns out they are not facts, its just a load of rubbish. opposed to the crap they feed us via the mainstream media???????????

a good quote i heard recently

"... havnt you heard? its not called the mainstream media anymore its now the 'mushroom media'... keeping us in the dark and feeding us bullsh*t".... yeah i liked that one!

not all youtube information is reliable for sure, but at least its a way for multiple views on a topic to be expressed UNLIKE the censored,skewed, spun and oh so bias crap that the mainstream media spews forth...

...but then i keep forgetting that as long as brangelina are still together and kyle keeps playing it fair on idol the world will remain all warm and fuzzy without the possibility of any bad things coming to pass!
But a future restructuring might hand over more wealth to a future middle class, as this is needed to support a healthy and functioning economy.

lets hope so my friend, but my fear is we are being forced back into a feudal like system of serfdom similar to the medieval 'dark ages', with:

1)a tiny ruling 'elite' class (like the old european aristocracy) owning everything,
2)no middle class and
3)a massive poor (peasant) working class controlled by means of financial slavery (by being paid less than their cost of living, therefore being constantly in debt to their 'masters')

i pray to god (no im not overly religious) that this never happens but alot of the signs are there that there is a deliberate war being waged against the middle class/ small business's/family farms etc (a carbon tax being the latest example)!

i think its about to become a case of 'hope for the best but prepare for the worst!'..... lets hope not though hey!

The 'dark ages' reference is a good one and your three points are valid indeed. 'Being paid less' is a real issue around the world. It's always a relative issue too; paid compared to what? An increase of 3% in your wages just won't cut it if real inflation or the price one has to pay as soon as they wake up in the morning for just about anything, is at around +10% per year. And in the US, if your currency is devalued then its much worse.

We are also bigger consumers than yester-year which adds to the problems of affordability and the need for even more (almost perpetual) debt. We have to keep up with the Jones. Hey, that was three years ago in the US. Now it's about surviving for many.

Yes, it appears that some very influential elite organisations want the middle-classes' wealth transfered to their own, to a large extent. I think that the financial crisis of 2008 was one way to achieve this around the world. A triple-whammy for the elite as the transfer of wealth from middle to higher-end occurred, the elite banks then issued more debt to a struggling middle class, and to top it off, the middle class tax payer has future debt obligations to pay for 'too big to fail institutions'!

I'm kind of surprised that the FBI, etc etc including the military (CIA* etc) in the US, for example, doesn't have some shadow presence in 'Wall Street' to oversee and protect American interests. These institutions are America's last hope and best defense against the 'not in the US's interests' goings-on. I'm not talking about jurisdictional powers here. Just a presence and an opposing 'not in the US's interests' force. These organisations are the best at what they do covertly. Without a prosperous middle class and the transfer of wealth moving to an (non patriotic) elite these government organisations will lose power and influence.

*I know that the CIA isn't meant to operate in the US, but these are desperate times and nothing really needs to be logged for Congress to oversee. Congress is made up of elected officials that probably take bribes from 'not in the US's interests' domestic and foreign organisations. These US high-end protective service government organisations are more patriotic (many would die for their country) and their long-term existence is dependent on a prosperous and innovative middle class.

unfortunately a majority of the alphabetal organisations (CIA, FBI, ATF, NSA) are funded by, therefore also indebted to, the dept of treasury which get their money from "the federal reserve" private... yes PRIVATE!... banking cartel... the very 'elite' that are causing the problem in the first place! ppl will scoff at that previous comment but its all on public record.. do some research its not hard!

just take a look at the major players... nearly ALL the top treasury officials are ex(? yeah right)goldman sachs ppl... goldman sachs one of the very corporations who caused the GFC with dodgy sub-prime derivative trading in the first place! the same goldman sachs who paid a $500mil settlement behind closed doors so they could keep their dodgy dealings locked behind closed doors away from public scrutiny... the same goldman sachs who tried to use bailout money to fund their executives yearly bonuses...... and this is but ONE of the parasite corporations both hugely proffiting from the global chaos while facing NO public prosecution for their unethical (at best) behavior!....

add jpmorgan & chase manhattan to the list plus... well the list is quite long, too many parasites to ID on one post!... and you can see why the law enforcment agencies will never act against these financial mobsters & their cartel... unfortunately the FBI etc are part of the 'system' not part of the solution. maybe if ron paul and his entourage get some power the pendulum may swing back in favour of the productive (and relatively honest) middle class.

anybody with an inquisitive mind can find/check this information on the public record without much effort involved... it seems they just dont want to!

I agree about Goldman Sachs and other US corporations, not to mention Henry Paulson and other X-Goldman Sachs bosses etc. Yes the Federal Reserve is pretty much as private as Fed Ex. All of the above are all lawyered-up too and are thus protected and insulated.

But I don't believe that the FBI, CIA, NSA etc are part of this conspiracy to defraud or transfer wealth from the middle classes. They are a part of the middle class system that got 'robbed'. Their paychecks come from treasury, that gets its funding from the Federal Reserve. In fact everyone gets its money this way in the US as the Fed loans money to the treasury with interest on top (perpetual debt). But this is the system that was set-up. The FBI, CIA, US Military, NSA etc etc had no say in the matter.

These sacred US government organisations cannot operate like they do if the USD comes close to collapsing through overburdening perpetual debt obligations. The CIA, NSA etc had nothing to do with the financial crisis. Why would these organisations want to destroy themselves?

The NWO, for lack of a better name, on the other hand is partially operating outside of US borders and might end up seeking the destruction of the USD and the American economy. Perhaps the last hope the US has is for these US protective services agencies (FBI etc) to try and protect the middle classes and thus themselves.
Almost all of the feds 'profits' go to the government.
That makes it as private as Australia Post.
Meanwhile closer to home, Australia continues down the "level playing field" delusion as industry after industry is smashed to pieces. We'd better hope the Chinese keep buying our rocks. That's about the only industry we'll have left if things keep going the way they are.

It's alarmingly like the US situation, the only real difference being that we've got some rocks to sell. But in terms of any other industry, we're almost as stuffed as the Americans these days.

Take a look around the "industrial" part of most Australian cities and there it is. What were once major factories are now nothing more than warehouses housing imports of the goods they once produced or have simply been demolished. The towns, cities and entire states that relied most heavily on manufacturing have struggled economically for years as factory after factory has closed its doors forever.

Port Huon, Electrona, the Stanley Works, ACI, Sheridan, Blundstone, Coats Paton, APPM, Tioxide, NW Acid, Southern Aluminium... All gone and never coming back. And that's just part of the list for Tasmania - there's far more in the other states.

All looks good if you're digging up rocks in WA and Qld or are involved in financial services etc in Sydney and Melbourne. But times aren't so good anywhere else with manufacturing stuffed and even tourism now suffering at the hands of the currency situation.

We'd better hope they keep buying those rocks. We're in much the same situation as the US if they don't...
Almost all of the feds 'profits' go to the government.
That makes it as private as Australia Post.

'control a nations money and i care not who makes its laws'... nathaniel rothschild

may not be word for word but close enough, its not about profits its about controling the financial system... i wont go on and on about it because theres enough info on public record about the corrupting nature of the 'fed' and the fate of those that oppose it (jfk being the last pres.. introducing exec order 111110 to shut the fed down)

anyhow i'm straying... my point... thats right! my point being the taxpayer funded bailout money distributed by the fed at the height of the GFC...
1) the fed chairman WILL NOT disclose to anyone where the money was allocated nor how much... not even when directly challenged by ron paul in a sitting of congress
2) the fed HAS NEVER EVER been audited BY ANYONE... independant nor government body... since its inception in 1913... so how can you know where its profits go??? a MSM journalist!? give me a break!!!
3) the fact that the bailout money was used to bail out banks, and not used to help ppl being evicted from their homes to stay in them is the most dispicable, disgusting, immoral and unethical situation in american financial history! SHAME ON THE FED, SHAME ON DEPT TREASURY and SHAME ON PUPPET... sorry i mean PRESIDENT OBAMA!

if they had made those trillions of dollars into long term, low interest, govt backed loans to the mortagee's being evicted it would have:
1) saved thousands of ppl being thrown out of their homes and onto the street & living on welfare
2) stopped the real estate crash that followed the glut of houses being sold as a result of foreclosures

you are trying to defend the undefendable mate! the fed is scum!

Ok this is the 50th post on this - You've convinced me we're f'cked.

So what is the solution. I'm thinking I'll buy a whole lot of silver bulion and heaps of scotch whisky and hide out in a cave somewhere in Tasmania while it all plays out - am I on the right track here?

i truly hope that they do do something but while they may not be actively involved in the scam, they take their orders from ppl who are... otherwise explain why have no prosecutions taken place when there is SO much evidence that blatant fraud was involved?

lets hope the FBI grows some balls and steps up to the plate! for our sakes as well as the yanks cos we just feed off their scraps in the big picture of things!

where did anyone ever say things were f*cked?? nothings ****ed unless ppl let it get to that point! there are ALOT of ppl around the world who are fed up with being f*cked over by the same badstards, getting the information out there for ppl to become aware is the big issue, fighting the bastards by awakening the 'slumbering masses' is the way to maintain our freedoms... not by running away with your tail between your legs like a mongrel dog to 'hide in a cave'....

but do nothing and the transfer of wealth from the middle class to the robber-baron elite class will continue and you WILL become a financial slave, not having enough income to meet your living expenses (which will yoyo due to inflation and deflation which is manipulated & controlled by institutions like 'the fed' to facilitate their own gain at OUR loss)

so its your call mate, play their game or wake up and educate yourself and as many other ppl as you can to whats really happening...

me i'm taking the 'hope for the best but prepare for the worst' approach and try in my own way to get as many ppl as i can to educate themselves on the situation... if that makes me paranoid in some ppl's eyes so be it.. better to think about these things than have your head buried in the sand is my position & i'm sticking to it! you can do what ever pleases you.
So, Bandicoot, in very basic, practical terms, what do you suggest the ordinary Australian should do?

spot on summary smurf! but it is not a seperate issue... its all rolled into the same situation we are discussing on this forum (yes we are focussing on the USA mostly but in practical terms australia is a flea on the yanks back, whatever affects them affects us also)

if you are interested in this topic but with the australian perspective i reccomend you read a book called: 'what will we tell our children' by jeremy lee... awesome reading
plus anything by the canadian author john ralston saul and/or the american congressman Ron Paul,

ppl really need to educate themselves as there is nothing on the MSM showing what is happening behind the scenes & how we are being manipulated by these elitist eugenicist bastards!

When the zimbabwian dollar collapsed I gave my kids 300 trillion dollars each for their birthdays.

Are you able to paraphrase those books into a couple of easy to read paragraphs - I'm looking for some more birthday ideas.
So, Bandicoot, in very basic, practical terms, what do you suggest the ordinary Australian should do?

i'm no expert and everyone should carefully consider their own situation before doing ANYTHING... but what i'm doing is

1) educating myself from as many varied sources as i can (and cross referencing that info as well) to make damn sure the information i'm reading is genuine and not some bogus wind-up being put out there by crooks or bearish traders looking to do some short selling at my expense (i suggest EVERYONE research as much as the can independantly of the MSM) google is handy

2)try to educate as many other ppl on the topic as i can... i was first told about it by an old spanish workmate of mine over a beer after workin 1998.. out of the blue he said "if you dont wake up your children will all be slaves"... (he started talking about his experience in europe with the setting up of the EU.. look whats happening there now!)...scared the crap out of me but then told me why it just made me sooo mad!

3) introduce the topic into conversations (without jamming it down ppls throats & putting them offside) and try to bring ppl into the discussion to get the topic into the open... most yanks think the federal reserve is a US govt bank and are amazed then outraged when they discover its a private bank run by a cartel of bankers, has NO govt oversite and has NEVER been audited EVER!

4)pay off as much debt as i can... starting with personal debt, avoid spending money on anything non-essential so as to have the money to pay down that debt! try to build up a diversified asset base that will retain its value irrespectave of what the financial system is doing as well as a decent share portfolio (see next point)

5)fight fire with fire... watch what the bigwigs are doing and do the same... when the GFC was at its worst warren buffet was buying quality stocks in a frenzy at rock bottom prices, buy when other ppl are scared sell when other ppl are greedy & have forgotten their fear... then use that money to pay down debt youve accumulated while building up your other asset base... basically accumulate assets that you can fight tooth & nail to retain if the sh*t ever hits the fan big time

6) keep your pantry stocked (min 3months) and your powder dry

7)hope for the best but prepare for the worst!

... but thats just me
When the zimbabwian dollar collapsed I gave my kids 300 trillion dollars each for their birthdays.

Are you able to paraphrase those books into a couple of easy to read paragraphs - I'm looking for some more birthday ideas.

i hope i'm taking your quote in the right context as being serious and not a piss-take?

those books:

'what will we tell our children' by jeremy lee (australian author)

'voltaires bastards' by john ralston saul (former canadian govenor general)

'liberty defined' by US congressman Ron Paul (libertarian (R) texas congressman)

Yeah... can you paraphrase them into a couple of easy to read paragraphs?
Yeah... can you paraphrase them into a couple of easy to read paragraphs?

no probs for jeremy lee's "what will we tell our children".. but i havnt got the others with me @ the moment, but it doesnt matter as this is by far the best of the 3!!!!

On November 19, 1993, at a meeting of the Asia Pacific Economic Community (APEC) in Seattle, WA, under the chairmanship of U.S. President Bill Clinton, Australia lost the final remnants of its sovereignty, bringing to an end a nearly 50-year process which began when Australia's governing cabinet agreed to sign the November 19, 1946 Bretton Woods International banking agreement after World War II.

Australia had emerged from World War II with one of the strong*est economies in the world, the highest standard of living, and it was totally self-sufficient with its broad base of small farms. Now sixty percent of the Australian-owned farming sector has been wiped out. In 1960, there were 300,000 farms; now there are not even 100,000. In 1997, the remaining farmers were quitting the land at the rate of 35 per week. Of the remainder, 80% were in debt, owing $18 billion to banks in mid-1996, an average of $133,000 per farm.

In 1972, the national debt of Australia was $23 billion, with a manageable 9.8% GDP in 1982. But to keep up its high standard of living, the Australian Government borrowed billions of dollars from private banks at high rates of interest, which plunged it into a debt of $225 billion. The interest payments on this huge debt deprived the Government of the money it needed for many of its social programs.

“The last half of the '80's and the first half of the '90's carried Australia through an escalating crisis which saw tens of thousands of domestic enter*prises either close down, move offshore, or be swallowed up by foreign multinationals. The latter, given full rein by the goverment, cut through the Australian economy like sharks. Satiated by a limitless choice of targets, they simply toyed with dis*integrating Australia. They kept the names of the ‘icons’ they had swallowed where it suited them. As Australian-made goods disappeared from the retail shelves, they were replaced with foreign-owned goods – either from overseas or from foreign-owned productive units in Australia.

“Hardworking Australians stood bewildered in fields of unmarketable fruits and vegetables, while overseas produce was shipped in to fill market space which once carried Australian goods; orange juice from Latin America, while Australian citrus rotted on the trees; fresh and frozen vegetables from Southeast Asia, while Australians ploughed their unsaleable produce back into the soil; pork from Canada, jams and bottled preserves from Poland, fish products from China and Scandina*via... The importation of steel-based items... and electrical products were legion.”

thats just some random passages i had on file from a previous discussion with someone i was trying to 'awaken' lol....
Unavoidable - the facts are that we have lots of dirt to sell, and the demand for said dirt is high. What else was going to happen? Naturally, our efforts get focused on mining because that's where the profit is to be had. When the Chinese construction bubble crashes, we will have a recession, and resources will be reallocated to other industries according to their profitability. These other industries that are disappearing will come back, and the mining industry will contract.
Oh come on. Spare me this hysterical, sky-is-falling, conspiracy theory spit-fest. Do you read your own posts? You look like a lunatic. Do you even live in America?

Yes the fed should not exist. But this is not specific to the US. No central bank should exist. Yes, the Rothschild's were really powerful, and are really rich. Good for them. The story of Rothschild, who left a jewish ghetto with nothing, and built the wealth and power that he did, creating a whole dynasty, is amazing. I would have loved to have met the guy and gained an insight into his mind.
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