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The tax man cometh!!!


2. WTF IT has everything to do with depreciation.

3. Please follow your own advice.

LOL,LOL,LOL Are you driving an SS ute?
Because of the concerns to achieve a surplus, a new tax will voted in by parliament shortly.
All parties have unanimously agreed.
It will be $.0001 cents in the dollar on all those above the minimum tax threshold.

It will be called the " TISSUE TAX ", to maintain a balance of composure and emotions in parliament,
mostly to prevent the carpet being soaked.
A good deal on tissues from an overseas supplier is being negotiated as I type.

My Tax Returns

Yesterday I got my Tax Return "Returned"

I was trying to get a jump on doing my taxes this year,

however, the ATO sent my Tax Return back!!

I guess it was because of the line:
"List All Dependents" to which I had replied:

  • 1/2 million illegal immigrants
  • 1/4 million crack heads
  • 2 million imprisoned or otherwise unemployable people living on welfare
  • 3 million useless "consultants" and "lobbyists"
  • 353 fools in Parliament House and the Senate.

Apparently, this was NOT acceptable.

So I sent it back with the question "Did I forget someone?


Woolworths usually have Kleenex toilet tissue on special at $0.26 per 100 sheets (two ply) strong and twice as absorbant.
My Tax Returns

Yesterday I got my Tax Return "Returned"

I was trying to get a jump on doing my taxes this year,

Did you actually do that, pixel, or is it another understandable but apocryphal tale?
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