Australian (ASX) Stock Market Forum

The tax man cometh!!!

ERRMMMMMMMMMMMM ............... No this did not happen ?

WTF has this got to do with depreciation?? And why would you buy a car for CASH and signal to the ATO you have far too much money??

Please engage brain prior to tapping keyboard in future. :D


2. WTF IT has everything to do with depreciation.

3. Please follow your own advice.

LOL,LOL,LOL Are you driving an SS ute?:D
Because of the concerns to achieve a surplus, a new tax will voted in by parliament shortly.
All parties have unanimously agreed.
It will be $.0001 cents in the dollar on all those above the minimum tax threshold.

It will be called the " TISSUE TAX ", to maintain a balance of composure and emotions in parliament,
mostly to prevent the carpet being soaked.
A good deal on tissues from an overseas supplier is being negotiated as I type.

My Tax Returns

Yesterday I got my Tax Return "Returned"

I was trying to get a jump on doing my taxes this year,

however, the ATO sent my Tax Return back!!

I guess it was because of the line:
"List All Dependents" to which I had replied:

  • 1/2 million illegal immigrants
  • 1/4 million crack heads
  • 2 million imprisoned or otherwise unemployable people living on welfare
  • 3 million useless "consultants" and "lobbyists"
  • 353 fools in Parliament House and the Senate.

Apparently, this was NOT acceptable.

So I sent it back with the question "Did I forget someone?

Because of the concerns to achieve a surplus, a new tax will voted in by parliament shortly.
All parties have unanimously agreed.
It will be $.0001 cents in the dollar on all those above the minimum tax threshold.

It will be called the " TISSUE TAX ", to maintain a balance of composure and emotions in parliament,
mostly to prevent the carpet being soaked.
A good deal on tissues from an overseas supplier is being negotiated as I type.


Woolworths usually have Kleenex toilet tissue on special at $0.26 per 100 sheets (two ply) strong and twice as absorbant.
My Tax Returns

Yesterday I got my Tax Return "Returned"

I was trying to get a jump on doing my taxes this year,

Did you actually do that, pixel, or is it another understandable but apocryphal tale?