its almost as though someone is trying to obtain info so as to include it in a presentation at a seminar.... hmmm would there be money made by the operator of this seminar using information posted here??
Are you for real? What would you think Kam would have to gain by using anything in that list for a seminar?! Seriously, there are no great secrets or revelations in that list - nothing that you wouldn't read in any decent book on trading. I've heard all those points many, many, times before in countless trading books! Why would he need to ask for this info on here, when he could just open any trading book and copy that instead? I'd be very surprised if any of those points were new to any experienced trader, and if Kam didn't already know all those points in that list, then IMO he shouldn't be in the business, and probably shouldn't be trading. I just find the whole idea of a supposed 'experienced trader' needing to resort to an internet forum for ideas for an upcoming seminar quite absurd - I guess it's possible, but seems highly unlikely to me.