The above post was typed by Karl Scott who is the share market college’s salesman. He is also an out of work solicitor who was so poor that he was living on the office floor at the SMC offices in Kangaroo Point at the time the above was posted. If an out of work solicitor who is essentially homeless is trying to sell you a $15000 package on how to make millions trading CFD’s then you should run a mile!
The Share market college was investigated by the immigration department earlier in the year for hiring a broker (from the UK) who was working in this country illegally. That broker has since been removed.
The head trainer (and we use this term lightly here) Jason Sidney has literally no financial qualifications what so ever. This means that every single time he gives a student or client advice he is breaking the law. If Jason gives you advice on a trade and the trade goes wrong then SMC is liable.
We’ll just reiterate this shall we. If Jason Sidney gives you any financial advice on anything pertaining to trading what so ever he is breaking the law. If you have placed any trades based on any advice that anyone at SMC has given you, and you have lost money, then you need to speak with SMC for a full refund. If they refuse, you need to speak with the Financial Services Ombudsman to make an official complaint to obtain refunds on all trades.
Make a full enquiry into the commission SMC is charging you on all trades. Then ring a few other brokers and ask them. It won’t take long and you’ll be surprised by just how much you’re being over charged.
The Australian Securities and Investment Commission (ASIC) raided and interviewed the SMC at their Kangaroo Point offices earlier in the year.
The share market college has been investigated by the financial services ombudsman on no less than three occasions, based on complaints by clients. One of these investigations centred on SMC placing unauthorised trades and losing clients money.
If you are an SMC client they have a duty to inform you that both ASIC and the Financial Services Ombudsman have interviewed them. If they have not, we urge you to contact the two agencies and make inquiries.
The share market college was a conduit to Sonray Capital whose directors are now in prison for stealing millions from their investors. If you obtain a copy of the creditors list you will see that SMC (who used Sonray as their broker and who had all their money with Sonray) SMC is not on that list. This is because just before the multi million dollar Sonray collapse, SMC was given advance warning and withdrew their money. SMC did not pass this heads up to their clients and SMC clients lost millions. Share market staff have been heard openly bragging about getting their money out in time. SMC will refute this fact but if you obtain a copy of the creditors list, SMC is not on it.
The Director of the share market college, Graeme Rogers claims to be an electrical engineer, yet has been unable to prove this fact. He also has literally no financial qualifications.
The share market college claims to have over 10000 members. They have less than 100.
We have emails from other SMC salesmen to clients claiming that you will make a guaranteed 30-60% profit when you trade with SMC. This is highly illegal.
Graeme Rogers often tells perspective clients that they (SMC) have a special arrangement with the ANZ bank so you take out a $15000 loan to pay for the course. They do not have any type of agreement what so ever. They just want to get your $15000. Before you do take out a loan, think about this: if you need to borrow money just to take a course on how to trade shares, what money are you going to use to trade shares? If you cannot afford to do a course without taking out a loan, then you probably can't afford to trade in the stock market.
The three brokers that SMC has used to execute trades on the ASX (Sonray Capital, BBY and D2MX) have all failed and gone into liquidation(except D2MX) under interesting circumstances. Clients from both brokers have lost millions, yet the share market college has not lost money either time. D2MX has just received a $110000 fine by ASIC). This means that every single broker that the Share Market college goes into business with either fails with investors losing their money or is fined by ASIC for breaking the law. How safe do you feel having your money with SMC now?
Only days before Sonray Capital Director Russel Johnson was sentenced to prison for stealing millions from investors, he had a meeting with Jill Rogers and her son Josh Rogers in the offices of SMC.
At no time did either Graeme or Jill Rogers disclose to any of SMC investors in the that they were in business with Russel Johnson and his wife, while Russel was in prison for stealing from investors.
It has been speculated that the Rogers are using the money from Share Market clients to live of. At this stage the Rogers have failed to prove how the money is being spent and where it is. The directors of SMC have been unable to prove how they are keeping the business afloat.
Are the directors of the share market college running a Ponzi scheme with their client’s funds? If not, we call on the directors to contact each of their clients and prove to them where their money is. All it will take is a quick phone call and a bank statement.
Josh Rogers is the IT Manager, the CEO in training (and has a few other titles too) yet he has literally no tertiary qualifications apart from being an out of work kitchen hand and the child of the Rogers. How can someone with such little experience be trusted to approve the traders trading recommendations, manage the computer systems of a stock broker and manage the client’s funds?
Keep an eye out for the company and website FIWS. It’s SMC using a different name.
Due to the negative press on virtually every single share trading forum, the Rogers started their own website. The entire website was so that people could post positive only reviews about SMC. SMC staff called their clients and could only source three people to post positive reviews. The website has since been taken down.
Graeme Rogers even emailed this forum and threatened them, trying to force them to shut down the negative reviews of SMC. They have no legal team and no money so naturally nothing happened.
Go on Youtube and check out and the first video is actor John Jarret hawking SMC. Let’s be really clear about this. John Jarret has never (as in never ever) been a paid member or client of the Share Market college. Staff joke about this fact all of the time. He has not taken a single class to learn how to trade shares. He was paid.
While you’re on YouTube check out and wait until the blonde lade (her name is Laura) comes on and talks about her positive experiences with SMC. At the time of the video, Laura was a sales person for SMC and was selling the $15000 training package she is talking about, earning commission from each sale. Yeah, not surprising you think it’s just wonderful, Laura!
The Rogers have recently had to sell most of their assets including their boat and house and are now back to renting. If their training package is so brilliant and their clients are all making millions trading CFD’s and Forex, then why are the directors of this stock broker having to sell everything just to keep the doors open?
Josh Rogers is the CEO in training and air to the Rogers business yet he has never owned his own home and from what we can find has no equity in the business or even own shares.
The offices of SMC have literally no electronic security or surveillance at the Kangaroo Point offices other than a lock on the front door.
If you have money in SMC’s escrow account, call them up and ask for them to transfer it out. Seriously, ring them up and ask them to do it. Legally all you have to do it give notice and they must do this. Good luck!
The only person at SMC to hold an RG146 licence is Jill Rogers. If anyone else offers you any advice on any financial services matter they are breaking the law and must be reported.
If anyone from the share market college (even Jill) asks specifics with regards to your financial situation, how much you earn, how much you want to trade, how much is in your super (anything) then they are breaking the law. SMC only have a XYZ licence yet have been breaching that for years. We urge you report them.
Have you notice that the results you were getting when you were “paper trading” during training are vastly different to the results you are getting now that you are trading with real money? Think about this for a second. We would ask that you obtain a cop of all of your trades and go through them to find any, shall we say, discrepancies.
If you’re an SMC client and they sold you on trading CFD’s or Contracts for Difference did they give you this ? No? Well, they should have. Naughty, naughty!
This is what ASIC says about the risks of trading CFD’s:
“Risk areas in trading CFDs include margin calls, investment loss, gapping, opaque pricing structures and counterparty risk. Many of these risks are difficult to explain to investors. Table 1 sets out the key risk areas according to the issuer’s business model. The combination of risks is not present in simpler financial products commonly traded by retail investors, where disclosure is more straightforward. When investors take out a CFD position, they are only required to commit a small percentage of the underlying value of the assets in question; however, they are required to maintain a certain percentage of the value of the position in their account (margin). A margin call can occur if the market moves against an investor so that the margin falls below the required amount. If this occurs, the investor will need to post additional cash or sell a portion of their position to restore the margin””that is, the investor must pay the issuer the difference between the current price of the underlying asset and the price when the investor took out the contract. With a high degree of leverage, this could be many times more than the original amount invested. Margin calls are often a feature of leveraged products, and investment risk is inherent to investing in financial products, in general. However, the potential for margin calls and large losses are much greater in CFDs than for many other leveraged products. CFD issuers generally offer investors a much higher degree of leverage than do issuers of other products like margin loans.”
This is what SMC Director Graeme Rogers says about the risks of trading CFD’s:
“CFD trading is 'as easy as buying a simple stock in Australia.”
And if you don’t believe us, check out this little gem from a few years ago in the Sydney Morning Herald .
Now, this is a pretty big one. It is illegal for you to pay for any training package with money from your superannuation fund. You can be prosecuted by the ATO and be served with a huge fine and even prison time. (you can look this up on either the ATO or ASIC website). If SMC told you that you can pay for the $15000 training course out of your super they are breaking the law. If they helped you set up your self managed super fund (SMSF) and showed you haw to pay for the course from your super fund then they are breaking the law. And so did you. But, if you speak with the ATO and ASIC and explain that you paid for the course under advisement from your broker (the share market college) then the onus will be placed back into SMC for giving you incorrect financial advice, which they are not licensed to do anyway. That’s not your fault.
Did you know that the data that SMC charge you for every month (charts, live prices etc etc) is the most expensive on the market? No other broker charges you for 20 minute delayed data. I mean, except for SMC that is. That’s because the ASX doesn’t charge. Where is all that money going?
The “solicitor” who handles all of the compliance for all of the (alleged) 10000 trading members of the share market college is a one man band working out of Sydney. We’re curious how one man can do the compliance for all of the trades for thousands of clients all on his lonesome and 1000KM away!
Have you noticed that you can trade CFD’s and Forex 24/7 with SMC, yet you can’t get anyone to answer the phone after 5PM? What happens if you use money from your SMSF and the trade doesn’t execute or something goes wrong after 5PM? Of course, if you do get someone to answer the phone there’s a good chance it’s an out of work solicitor trying to sleep on the floor under his desk. We think that every client should ring SMC tonight and see what happens.
In the past two years, SMC has gone through (aprx.) eight stock brokers and ten sales staff. Interesting. Wonder what’s going on over there!
How are SMC keeping the doors open? Is it with trading profits? Is it by using client funds? When the Directors are selling assets to stay afloat you do have to wonder, don’t you?
If you check out it gives you a list of all of the locations where the mighty Share Market college is located. They’re everywhere! Actually, no, they are not. They have only one location and it’s in Kangaroo Point. The other locations are false and are there to give the prospective mark, I mean investor, a sense that SMC is a huge company with thousands of staff.
Did you know that SMC is advertising to the Chinese Market? We do! Check out
So, to sum it all up this is what we've found:
1. The Sharemarket College (SMC) are under investigation by the financial ombudsman, ASIC and the Department of Immigration.
2. No one at SMC (Except for Jill) has any financial qualifications what so ever.
3. They are breaking the law every single time they give you trading or financial advice on anything specific.
4. They have close ties to Russel Johnson and his wife and were conducting business with him even after he was convicted of stealing more than $40M from investors.
5. SMC are not on the creditors list for Sonray Capital and somehow knew to withdraw all of their money only days before the collapse, yet SMC clients lost millions.
6. The three stock brokers who execute SMC trades have all collapsed.
7. The IT Manager and CEO in training is a kitchen hand.
8. The head salesman is an out of work solicitor who was living in the office as he was homeless.
9. The client testimonials on youtube are sales staff.
10. SMC pretend to have locations all over Australia, but they really only have one. It's in Kangaroo Point. And there is no electronic security/
11. SMC sales people (including the Directors) guarantee profits ranging from 20% to 60%. This is highly illegal.
12. The Rogers are selling off assets including their home and boat (the list goes on) just to keep the doors open. Which is weird because they guarantee profits of 20% to 60%.
13. SMC staff often pose as happy clients and go on forums. Ladybyrd is a culprit and has posted on this forum. She has never been a paid member and receives the courses for free. She has also lost money on trades with SMC.
14. ASIC tells us that trading CFD's are risky. Graeme Rogers tells us it's easy...
15. SMC advise their new clients to open a SMSF (self managed super fund) and to pay for the $15000 course on how to trade shares with money from clients super funds... this is highly illegal and you can be prosecuted and receive a huge fine and/ or prison time.
16. If you have been advised to pay for the share trading course from your SMSF or have paid for it from your SMSF then we advise you to contact the ATO and ASIC and speak with them and explain that you were advised to do this by Graeme and Jill Rogers. Let them go to jail, not you. It's highly illegal and SMC know it!
17. The "solicitor" who handles all of the compliance for the 10000 alleged members is a one man band working out of Sydney.