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The Sharemarket College

Today I was at a home and leisure expo, and I noticed that ‘The Sharemarket College’ had a display. I wandered over to hear what they had to say, and was immediately given the sort of oily sales pitch that you usually hear from dodgy outfits who sell expensive courses.
At first the bloke was evasive when I asked him how much their full course cost, but after pressing him further I was told that their top of the line course plus their software was 30 grand.
I asked the bloke to put up a chart of a stock, and show me where he would have bought, and why. I didn’t let on that I’ve studied technical analysis and have been trading for 15 years.
He put up a chart of some stock I’d never heard of, drew a couple of lines on the chart, then pointed to where the stock was drifting sideways across the chart, and he told me he’d buy HERE.
So I pointed out that the stock was going sideways, no clear trend up or down, and suggested to him that it’d be more sensible to choose some other stock that was in a clear uptrend, or even one in a clear downtrend so that he could short it through CFD’s, or buy some put options so he could profit from its downward movement.
The bloke got a bit stroppy that I’d exposed his lack of knowledge, and said in a terse manner...’I couldn’t give a s**t what the chart is doing, I trade currencies and gold myself, you asked me for a chart and I gave you one’.

I’d trust a Funnelweb spider in my sleeping bag before I’d trust this mob.
A friend told me about this thread and I’ve got to say I’m pretty stunned! My husband and I have been with the Sharemarket College for about 18 months now and never regretted it! We came in as complete novices thinking that the share market was something rich people did. Though the training is fantastic and thorough the part that we were most impressed with was the support we got, whether it was through us ringing them with questions whenever we wanted to, them ringing us to touch base, or the one on one sessions we did with the trainers or the advisors.

We were trading before we even understood it all just by getting the guys to help us do it and now have a portfolio AND a bank balance that could NEVER have happened without them! As I said previously I was a total novice and even the words CFD or options, warrants etc were scary as I didn’t have a clue about any of them. No question was too stupid for the guys to answer including my first one which was “What’s the difference between a share and a stock?” We have monthly members nights where any of the members can go.

If this company was dodgy they would be mad to open themselves up to dozens of members getting together in their own office, yet all the members I’ve met are very happy
Well my sister was being groomed to sell this rubbish.
Let me tell you my sister knows three parts of bugger all
When it comes to shares--- and in my view people she considers
Working for.

Ladybyrd, a hint for next time - don't make it too obvious...

You've joined on Sep 2012 and this is your first post. Who are you trying to fool?
Ladybyrd, a hint for next time - don't make it too obvious...

You've joined on Sep 2012 and this is your first post. Who are you trying to fool?

I joined because I had to to write my comments. I'm not interested in fighting about them, just wanted to add my comments. Have a great weekend everyone
I recently spoke to a sales rep from the sharemarket college by the name of Sujen Bhashkar about the training course and self managed super funds as they teach you how to do this.

He later emailed me and said that last year "our self managed super fund members returned over 34%... we give you an edge that you never had in the sharemarket because I guarantee that this is what you will have with our training and education." These are direct quotes from his email.

I have complained to ASIC and to the Financial Ombudsman Service. The Financial Ombudsman have confirmed that they have received a number of complaints from current investors. They also said that it is illegal to guarantee profits.

Interesting to note that 34% is a really big deal return per year! At the height of my so called aggressive trend trading system pre-GFC, the averaged backtested return was 1000% but leveraged down is actually a measly 100% so I might just 'join' this college for a no brainer conservative trading system and post-GFC!
I'm really disappointed that when a new ASF user had a positive comment about the sharemarket college within 50 minutes hr credibility was bought into question but when new posters who have no real experience with the College no similar comments were made!

I'd mosly agree with Ladybird. Comments here like can't organize a beer from a brewery, black box software and no mentoring are the opposite of my experience. I'd agree that ASF should get accredited but let's be serious, that's not going to happen because they won't go through all the red tape required. Anyone who works in a regulated industry knows the govt changes the hoops every two years so such comments don't add value. Some posters ar calling people muppets which is certainly not a way to address ore humans.

People sitting on their couches sure won't get the 10,000 hours they need to be a pro at anything. If you're getting your time at some college or on an internet forum it's just horses for courses.

I agre with Waza hat genuine courses are a valid learning tool and I haven't found anyone to be other than genuineat the college. The support at the college almost has no limit. If you want to meet the principals of the College you can go right in their tomorrow and ask.

Sure the is my first post and someone will discredit me within the hour but a friend of mine mentioned this website to me and in the interests of open democracy I thought I should have my comment recorded.
Some of the people in the forum are very experience investors....they put some professional investors to shame....they have portfolio ranging from many thousands to millions....they know what the return are and what is possible in the market.....

trying to get past their watch with dodgy products is next to impossible...

they dont get to their large portfolio position by going to some share collegue I can tell you that

most tricks has already been played out on this forum and that the last you hear of these products...
they cant mount an argument against the experience investors on here...

I don't dispute that there are some experienced investors in this forum or the size of their portfolios. Labeling a product dodgy disregards people who do get value. Value is something that market participants will never agree on which is why there is a market. From what I can see is that the College has remained open through a period of GFC as well as this Sonray thing. From what I can read these Sonray guys are in jail. Mg global bear sterns Sonray, brokerage houses unfortunately are at risk of closing like any other business. I had a Sonray account but as luck would have it I hadn't funded the account.

There is no pressure to join a particular broker. They have choices of broker or bank they can help you with. If you want to fly blind and not get their help you stay with some retail mob who doesn't really care.

Paths and perception of value are individual. Advice is appreciated but taking others advice especially in financial markets has led a lot of people to lose money. I'm sure we'd agree that getting information to make your own decisions is the goal?


Klogg is right about Ladybird being too obvious. Ladybird is not a member of the college, Ladybird is an employee of the sharemarket college and is the customer service manager who is responsible for renewing memberships and her name is ****** *****. When a company gets employees to pretend to be customers of a business and put fake posts online you know something is wrong.

I agree with AverageJoe. Everybody can be taught safe investing in the markets.
I agree with AverageJoe. Everybody can be taught safe investing in the markets.

I'm glad you edited your post. "helping average Queenslanders become professionals" did sound a bit OTT, even for a spammer.

so Bort now one has been outed where does that leave you?
Why would you trust your trading education to these people or others like them unless your sucked in by the glossy websites and unrealistic promises.
The simple solution is simply go with either of the two diplomas dealing with Technical Analysis that have to meet minimum standards under federal legislation.

ATAA diploma (Kaplin)
Or W****h W****n based in Melbourne.
It is policy here at ASF to reveal those using multiple accounts, as it is both dishonest and misleading.

The user known as mrspocksmate also registered as countryroad to spam the forums with another business. This spam has now been deleted and countryroad has been permanently suspended. This person then registered as gonefishinnow and continued posting. Needless to say, this is unacceptable behaviour and is in violation on ASF's rules. As a result, all three accounts have now been permanently suspended. By deliberately being dishonest and attempting to mislead ASF users this person has done their cause a lot of harm.

I think it goes without saying that anything this person says should be taken with a rather large grain of salt. This thread seems to be attracting a lot of dubious characters. I will post again if there is anything else of interest to report.
OK to clarify my post to all those on this thread. I posted my comments as a Member of the Sharemarket College not as a staff member because I was expressing our experience as members. Despite claims by mrspocksmate, The College had no prior knowledge that I was going to post, did not know for sometime after and certainly did not suggest or tell me to post.

The question was asked as to why I would not divulge the fact that I am now also employed by the college (as are a number of other members) in my original post. Looking at the theme of this thread, ask yourself... Would you?

I stand 100% behind my first post of our experience as members. The thread was shown to me by a friend I had introduced to the College. I say again that If this company was dodgy they would be mad to open themselves up to dozens of members getting together in their own office every month.

I believe I am entitled to put forth my experience as much as those who know absolutely nothing about the college but are quite happy to call them a rip off / shonky etc. I will not defend my statements any further.
Hi all

I joined the share market college way back when it was Trade Tech...with life time help..that lasted 2 or 3 yrs and the help was useless...Everything they taught me was hind sight trading and crap...Their trainers are hindsight trainers.. My question to their trainers is this.. If you are a good trader then why would you bother teaching people full time or even part time????? Why arn't you trading and making the $$$$$$ from the market???? Much better job if you ask me....

I even lived in the USA and studied under Steve Nison and other leading schools and found that in 2005 Steve Nison had a tax problem not from trading but from training..(revealed in one of his emails to me.).. That peved me off big time.. You should see some of the high pressure and out of this world tactics used in the USA for totally crap training makes SMC look like amatures..

It soon became clear to me that the trading of shares, futures currencies etc is full of failed traders or wannabe traders who hake a fortune from their questionable training..

There are thousands of good courses on the net and they are very very cheap. There is also software out there with monthly fees under $50 even as low as $25 a month....

Many CFD providers have good software also.. Biggest thing to learn in trading is money management.. learn where the stops are raided and control trades that go against you quickly with minimal losses. My method I have a spread sheet and can change mt loss amount from $20 to $2000 and it tells me how many shares I can buy to wear such a loss..

Trading need not be stressful if you keep your emotions outside your office and strictly work by your money management rules..and let profits run.. Its a grand profession and I love it.. Doesn't have to cost you $5g or $10g or $30g to learn...Just time and patience and determination...


Welcome to ASF, rebel
How have you been? and great to see you're still around and - obviously - enjoying Trading.
I'm sure we've met in other places - both with different nicks.
and I'm really looking forward to your "unemotional" contributions. No floral nonsense. Pure reason.
I just cannot believe the negative things people are saying about the share market college. Let me tell you my story. After a terrible divorce I didn't know what to do but then I met with the wealth creators at the share market college they blew me away. After borrowing $15000 to study at their prestigious campus in kangaroo point I can safely say that I will be a trading millionaire one day just like the people on wall street. The trainer is Jason and when he waves his magical super wand over the stock market charts it all makes sense. He's such a good stock market trainer he's probably a millionaire ten times over. Even at the information night before I joined there was a currency trader told us about hedging and how superannuation companies rip you off AND he drives a Porsche!!! That was sooooo exciting because there must be millionaire traders everywhere at the sharemarket college. Not that you would tell from the campus but one of the expert staff told me the campus looks run down because they believe in putting their money into the stock market and not into other things. The software people complain about is amazing and it even tells you what stocks or shares to buy and when. I can't wait to be a millionaire trader and to show off to all of the nay Sayers in this forum. I went from being scared of banks to being excited and I can't wait to start buying stocks, shares or even gold!
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