The federal reserve came into existence under the gold standard, the fed is simply a tool the elites developed to control the wealth. The fed is not part of fiat currency, fiat currency came after the fed was already formed under the gold standard. All the bankster families, acquired their wealth under the gold standard. It is even mentioned in the video in your link, that after the panic of 1907 JP Morgan intervened as the lender of last resort. How were all these bankster families able to create the fed in the first place, how was JP Morgan able to intervene as the lender of last resort? The answer is that the banksters were able to acquire massive amounts of wealth under the gold standard, hence JP Morgan backed by the wealth of the bankster families was able to intervene. Which eventually led to the creation of the fed. Going even further back in time to the 15th to 19th century, under the gold standard, gold smiths were already manipulating money. All this history is detailed in the money masters.