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The Health and Fitness Thread

Problems with essential fatty acids: time for a new paradigm?

Unsaturated fatty acids: Nutritionally essential, or toxic?

Coronary heart disease mortality among Seventh-Day Adventists with differing dietary habits: a preliminary report

What truck drivers need to realise is that they are a service industry - they produce nothing
Study from way back in 2003 ?

is hardly preliminary

More like old hat.


I early await the first longitudinal epidemiological paper of Paleo dieters...

At this point, ovo lacto vegetarian SDAs have a definitive physiological and functional health advantage.
Best advise I ever received for the average joe,

For Breakie - bake beans on toast, egg on toast, ham and cheese on toast,chicken and cheese on toast, grill the latter with a sandwich maker, special K, Spanish omelet, oaks

Brunch - Fruit

Lunch - Salad, protein, bit of carbs - Sushi, Kebab, Sumo Salad, 6 inch Subway, or bring your own

Afternoon knack - nut bar

Dinner - too easy - tuna/chicken/steak/lamb with salad, add some carbs - ratio 1/4 carbs/1/4 protein/1/2 salad ... don't eat crap which includes chips.

Also get a pedometer, make sure you do 10,000 steps every day ... do this , you don't need a personal trainer.

Want to tone up, look at free weight ... push ups, sit ups, nearby anything that allows you to do pull ups.

Eat and exercise how we are supposed to. No need for anything extreme at all.
I early await the first longitudinal epidemiological paper of Paleo dieters...

At this point, ovo lacto vegetarian SDAs have a definitive physiological and functional health advantage.

So I take it from your response
that Dean Ornish claims long chain Omega 3 is unnecessary
in the diet

That was the question I asked

If so that is good to know

Paleo is a word covers many things
some things that are clearly not Paleo

In any case

There is a terrific amount of research
being done

Evolutionary perspectives are informing
many aspects of medicine and health

look at supplementation of infant formulas
With DHA etc

So I take it from your response
that Dean Ornish claims long chain Omega 3 is unnecessary
in the diet

That was the question I asked

If so that is good to know

My view is that every couple of years, someone comes along and puts a new brick in the wall of scientific knowledge. Many knowingly or unknowingly place more weight on that one brick than the whole wall.....and build religious zeal for that.

I am 50, and have been interested in natural therapies and diet since I was 14. I've seen one fad after another come and go in the alternative field and the medical field.

Maybe you are right that longitundinal studies of paleo diet will reveal some health advantage......

At this point, Dean Ornish's research upholds many of the papers I've read through the years. Though I am not a dietitian or gastroenterologist, and do not avidly keep up with all the issues.

If you want to know the detail of his views on PUFAs, they are probably out there in google land or on medline.

What I'd recommend though if you want to search medline, is first read literature review articles that orient you on an issue, and help clarify who the respected peers are.

Now I am off to bed as I have to be up for a nice 70k cycle early in the morning.....before the truckies get out after a night on the fatty food and booze....


Just be aware that in 1 or 200 years folk will access this site and giggle about your anal take on diet.

What goes down, comes out.




Just be aware that in 1 or 200 years folk will access this site and giggle about your anal take on diet.

What goes down, comes out.


What is wrong with a diet that you need to supplement
To this extent ?

maybe LOTS ?


DHA is so important for infants
it only gets into breast milk
If it is in the Mothers Diet

same way EPA & DHA gets into and makes up cellular membranes in your body
( in the skin , brain . macular etc etc )

for discussion


I'll try and read up on PUFAs over the next week Motor, as it is flavor of the month in nutrition.

The comment I made earlier about one brick being overly emphasized in the wall of scientific knowledge applies here.

I accept Ornish advocates EFA supplementation, which is testament to his respect for current scientific consensus. As far as I know, he is a dedicated vegetarian who has for decades followed the teachings of a Hindu Yogi Swami Satchidananda.

However, there are examples of landlocked communities (Ecuador, Bhutan, Tibet) who rarely if ever eat fish, and only minimal other flesh....certainly not enough to meet the levels the literature advocates.

Considering these communities have survived for thousands of years, you have to assume DHA has not been an issue for lactating mothers or anyone else.

Females also have a greater ability to convert ALA into EFA and DHA.

Seventh Day adventists also have a long history of giving birth to and rearing healthy children.

Further, an old peer of mine once said it doesn't pay to get too hung up on every micronutrient. She told of her experiences in Nazi occupied Poland, where she followed more than 12 women as they gave birth to and nurture healthy normal babies on a diet of flour and condensed milk.

Finally, inflammation certainly is a modern day scourge. However, it is not well elucidated what the cause of the this scourge is. n6:n3 ratio to my knowledge has not been proven to be the essential cause. It may very well be non diet related.
Considering these communities have survived for thousands of years, you have to assume DHA has not been an issue for lactating mothers or anyone else.

You have a very piecemeal approach

Humans have survived on all sorts of diets

even very bad ones

an optimal diet will provide all nutrients
without the need for supplements

with low anti nutrient load


Humans can not make Vitamin C
So it has to come from food

slaves and serfs throughout the ages
have lived on shocking diets

people live on cigarettes and whiskey

but all that means ZIP

If we need B12 . Zinc .. Iodine
If we need long chaing omega 3
if we need Taurine

Vitamin A etc etc

And we need to fortify or supplement as a matter of course
Then the diet being promoted is not optimal
or built on sound principles

or a natural Human being Diet

It is a fad diet

And instead of being in nature

You are in a feedlot
with all the supplements they needed

YES don't focus on one nutrient or
one disease process

Get back to first principles
and a holistic approach

forget the Swami imo

and look to Science based evidence


Don't worry mate,

In the land of the blind the one eyed man is king.

If I ever get short of a quid I'll open a fat farm/beauty feed lot.

I just haven't presently got the the patience to put up with the dills who'd sign up.

But if times get tough , thats where I'll be.

I just made the best tasting Green Smoothie so far. The Starfruit tree and Lime tree in the back yard are fruiting their heads off so I added a bit of each.

Blend the following:

Big handful of dandelion leaves and Spinach leaves
1/2 banana
1/3 Starfruit
1/2 Lime
1/2 Orange
(optional 1/2 tsp agave nectar sweetener)

Here's what the nutrient count looks like.

Dandelion leaves: A good source of Folate, Magnesium, Phosphorus and Copper,
and a very good source of Dietary Fiber, Vitamin A, Vitamin C, Vitamin E (Alpha Tocopherol),
Vitamin K, Thiamin, Riboflavin, Vitamin B6, Calcium, Iron, Potassium and Manganese.

Spinach leaves: A good source of Niacin and Zinc, and a very good source of Dietary Fiber,
Protein, Vitamin A, Vitamin C, Vitamin E (Alpha Tocopherol), Vitamin K, Thiamin, Riboflavin,
Vitamin B6, Folate, Calcium, Iron, Magnesium, Phosphorus, Potassium, Copper and Manganese

Banana: A good source of Dietary Fiber, Vitamin C, Potassium and Manganese,
and a very good source of Vitamin B6

Starfruit: A good source of Pantothenic Acid and Potassium, and a very good source of
Dietary Fiber, Vitamin C and Copper.

Limes: A good source of Calcium, Iron and Copper, and a very good source of
Dietary Fiber and Vitamin C

Orange: A good source of Thiamin, Folate and Potassium, and a very good source of
Dietary Fiber and Vitamin C

If this doesn't appeal, then pull into the nearest truck stop cafe and fill yourself up with transfats instead.

I am all for respecting the science. So show me the science showing a Paleo diet gives a survival advantage in the long term for mankind living a contemporary western lifestyle.


there is mountains of stuff out there

Bit you need to seek facts and be unbiased ( don't we all )


you said

However, there are examples of landlocked communities (Ecuador, Bhutan, Tibet) who rarely if ever eat fish, and only minimal other flesh....certainly not enough to meet the levels the literature advocates.

Just like The difference between the Okinawans was their low grain consumption ( staple is sweet potato ) and high fish consumption compared to USA

in any case it is not my place to preach diet

But start from what nutrients are required
and go to what unprocessed foods can provide

eg all grain based foods are processed

eg an apple is not

evolutionary perspective is the right starting point
it is for all other aspects of the human condition

best of health

Evolutionary perspective is only one piece of info, and not necessarily the best....genetic expression is not fixed in concrete.......environment does influence DNA transcription, via environmental pH, osmolarity, and oxygen concentration to name a few.

YOu and I will both be dead before an optimal diet is elaborated for the whole of mankind.

So you and I will just have to eat based on the literature as it presents today, or personal bias.
The Tibetan diet consists mostly of meat, milks and other high-protein foods.

You made it sound like they were on the ornish diet

Because the estimated amount of genetic change (0.005%) which has occurred in the human genome over this time period is negligible, the genetic makeup of modern man has remained essentially unchanged from that of pre-agricultural man

because all infants drink milk ( human )

the extension to lactose tolerance in adults over the last 10,000 years is not surprising or mean that milk is healthy ( just that it can be better tolerated )
it is not much of an adaption..

( the literature discusses this point )

but you miss the point

your quotes have no logic

Okinawans eat pork use pork fat
eat fish

you had them on the ornish diet too...

you have everyone on the ornish diet

hunter gatherers
pre agricultural man


nor it seems Okinawans or Tibetans

and those who do consume extensive grain based diets
maybe it is the insect contamination that gets them by

eg weevils are a source of B 12

true ... papers even out there on this

So don't remove the weevils

The yak is truly "the treasure of the Plateau" as the inscription reads below the golden statue of yaks located in a busy intersection in downtown Lhasa.

In the mountain tundra and ice desert of the Tibetan Plateau with altitudes soaring over 19,000 feet, yaks flourish where other domestic beasts die. Because of this, the people inhabiting this region use the yak for everything.

"The yak is inescapable in Lhasa. The acrid, slightly sour smell of yak butter permeates the streets and temples where pilgrims burn the whitish yellow fat at innumerable altars and carry smoking candles through the streets."

Yak milk is golden in color and very rich in fat at 7-8%. It has a sweetish taste.
Milk production from yaks is seasonal.
Hybrid yaks tend to yield more milk.
Milk can be rendered into powder, butter, yogurt, cheese, and Kurut.
Kurut is made from curdled milk which is churned, boiled and then drained.
The cream from yak milk, called Kaimak, thick, sweet, and yellow with a flavor like almonds.
Yak cheese is a hard, Swiss style cheese that fetches high prices in Kathmandu.
Tea is made with yak milk and is a staple part of the diet of Tibetan yak herders. Milk is also added to mushrooms to make a milk-mushroom stew.
Butter is the principal product from yak milk. It is a staple food for herdsmen and locals. Tea can be made from butter.

Yak meat is beef-like, but more delicate in flavor, contains no marbling because the yak is a cold climate animal, and the fat is located around the outside of the body.
The fat content of yak meat is low (3.8%, 1/16th the fat of beef).
The cholesterol level is under 50.
Yak meat is high in protein (22.95%), and has less calories than beef or chicken breast!
In Central Asia yak meat is dried, or deep frozen in natures own freezer, for storage and portability.


No need for weevils

Yak meat = Paleo meat

and would contain long chain omega

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