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The future of energy generation and storage

Hate to say it but there's a degree of political posturing here akin to someone swearing at the lawnmower on Saturday morning.

If it won't start well then it won't start but at least with all that yelling everyone knows we tried to get it going.

Some of this stuff's really not in good shape and what was in much better shape has been literally blown up with explosives.
At least they are talking about it, in the past the problem seems to have been more about political mileage, one side saying something the other side disputing it. Then one side dropping an idea, because of media backlash and the other deciding it wasn't a bad idea after all.
At least know someone has to make a decision and wear it, there is no finger pointing, it's Morrison's problem and he has to sort it.
As you know any action is going to take some time and some money, and if the action is renewables it is a whole lot more money and time, so they need to get started on something.
As you rightly have pointed out, existing plant is getting older, probably not getting maintained and no one will do anything unless a big stick is threatened.
If nothing is done, then the system fails and something has to be done, probably in an untimely and uncoordinated manner with a very poor outcome.
Just my opinion.
At least they are talking about it
Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying it's a bad thing.

I'm just considering background knowledge and seeing that if it all gets through without a crisis of some sort then, well, let's just say a lot needs to go right for that to happen.
akin to someone swearing at the lawnmower on Saturday morning.

If it won't start well then it won't start but at least with all that yelling everyone knows we tried to get it going.

On a serious note,

I bought myself one of these, and it’s a dream,

no problem starting, just push as button,
no need for a catcher it mulches clippings perfectly,
No need to mix fuel or run to petrol station, it runs for 40 mins and takes 30mins to charge, so with 2 batteries I can mow, whipper snip and use the blower continuously (although I have never used more that 1.5 full charges and I have a large yard)

Ditch the clunkers and make mowing. Pleasure.


That is a serious bit of gear, I see these silly 18v and 36v light weight bits of junk and think not yet, but 82v now you are getting serious.
I just checked up the wattage 1200, still a bit small, would like to see a 2hp in myself 1500w
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That is a serious bit of gear, I see these silly 18v and 36v light weight bits of junk and think not yet, but 82v now you are getting serious.
I just checked up the wattage 1200, still a bit small, would like to see a 2hp in myself 1500w

It’s pretty good, and the guy in the video is correct, electric mowers are such a pleasure to use, I do find myself wanting to get out and mow more, it just doesn’t seem like a chore as it does with a clunker.
the irony for me is that i usually associate battery powered thingoes as saving the planet .....

on that other, be careful in the dark with that thing (lol)
I just find it rather sad that right now we have large scale solar turned off in SA, so going completely to waste, whilst just a few hours from now gas-fired plant will be running heavily.

There’s a need to do this better with shifting loads (eg water heating) to when there’s an abundance of renewables and via storing energy in batteries and pumped hydro. There’s a role for all that - let’s get on with it is my view.

Don't worry, the market will fix it.
Don't worry, the market will fix it.
I still think the Government will have to build something, the only other obvious option would be private to build it and the Government to have a take or pay contract. Those contracts usually end up in tears, the Government has to play with the cards face up.
I still think the Government will have to build something,

Probably best for government to build long term assets like hydro storage and let the private sector build the short term stuff like wind farms so they can get out quick when it suits them.
Probably best for government to build long term assets like hydro storage and let the private sector build the short term stuff like wind farms so they can get out quick when it suits them.
That's if they have enough time, to put in enough capacity and storage, highly doubtful. IMO
It is easy to smash the private sector in the energy field, but they are not exactly playing in an even field
For the last 20y, ground has been shifting and distorted by various pending policies, agenda
It is an area i would run away quickly if i was a ceo..and they did
Most of these companies are big boys, they do not need to be in Australia or invest much, and why should they?
We pay the price of incompetence, high taxation and instability
Remember the banana republic quote?
Now look at power gas situation, mining tax and export live cattle
I was going to suggest you stick to what you know.
But your posts suggest you don't know much.
Your first claim is dead wrong - the rules of NEM are clear and apply to all market participants.
Next, the last 20 years are not relevant to the NEM.
Next, CEOs are not running away.
Next, energy generators need to invest billions to stay in the game, not as your claim suggests.
The rest of your post is the usual nonsense.
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