Australian (ASX) Stock Market Forum

The dumb criminal videos

That Bottle shop one is a killer,

How long was he in that store before he was caught,
its a pity criminals didnt make 'dumb cop' videos. they would be much funnier. not sure they would make the cut on mainstream media though.
That Bottle shop one is a killer,

How long was he in that store before he was caught,

not long enough to get on the turps!!!

Its a deadset classic hey,you think he wouldve got on the piss??

if you muck around you do find some good vids,but alot is rubbish.

What about the guy who robbed a bank in his lunch hour & when he got pinched he asked howthey got onto him???he had his company shirt with his name on it:banghead:,i dont understand why all the shop breakers dont cover their faces....good for this thread,very dumb but then again the smart ones dont advertise..

What about cheaters,that host is such a self righteous butt face,he wanna hope he dont put his knob anywhere but the wifey...tb
What about the guy who robbed a bank in his lunch hour & when he got pinched he asked howthey got onto him???he had his company shirt with his name on it:banghead:,i dont understand why all the shop breakers dont cover their faces....good for this thread,very dumb but then again the smart ones dont advertise..

That reminds me of those 2 aussie guys a few years ago who robbed a bank in some US town they had been living in. Not only were the recognisably from their accents, they were also still in their work uniform if my memory services me right.