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The Conspiracy Theory thread

Never heard of this, but we all know that 'The Mossad' did the hit in Dubai back in 2010. The Aussie Passport connection from that hit, has been linked to Prisoner X (Ben Zygier) who's death and incarceration has all been hush hush.

Foreign Correspondent - Prisoner X - The Australian Connection

Was also on the 7:30 Report tonight. I'll pop the link when they put it up on the website.
Mossad and Australian spies: how Fairfax reporter homed in on Zygier

Ironic how the father of prisoner x spent his life fighting the handful of neo-nazi types in Australia meanwhile his son is strangled to death in an Israeli prison and he just shrugs and moves on with his life.
not really a conspiracy, more the sad murder od a dual national who was probably too aussie for his own good....
So will our limp government act on this scandal: openly or not; I have no doubt it will not!!!
Was also on the 7:30 Report tonight. I'll pop the link when they put it up on the website.

Mystery of Prisoner X slowly unravels
not really a conspiracy, more the sad murder od a dual national who was probably too aussie for his own good....
So will our limp government act on this scandal: openly or not; I have no doubt it will not!!!

Not sure if you can call someone who betrayed Australia too aussie for his own good.

Facinating DB, thanks!

A nice distraction from my homework this morning....

I like this:

Perhaps the religion is crazy thread needs a dose of reality...

Ok, here is one for all of you old timers....LOL. Just kidding, l'm still a younging on ASF.....

STATIN NATION: The Great Cholesterol Cover-Up (Full Movie)

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Ok, here is one for all of you old timers....LOL. Just kidding, l'm still a younging on ASF.....

STATIN NATION: The Great Cholesterol Cover-Up (Full Movie)
Any chance of a summary? Or do I need to watch the full 1 hour?
Any chance of a summary? Or do I need to watch the full 1 hour?

I hope to watch it later this afternoon when I go for a coffee. But as soon as it talks, if it does, about a conspiracy by big pharma, I won't watch much further. Big pharma conspiracies are a dime a dozen on the internet.
But as soon as it talks, if it does, about a conspiracy by big pharma, I won't watch much further.

Then unfortunately, you will miss the whole point of the video which presents independent scientific data. When evidence started to be presented about the side effects of Thalidomide there was a similar widespread reaction to yours that big pharma was being unnecessarily criticised.

This topic is far more serious than being posted in this "Conspiracy" thread.

I have what is considered high cholesterol. I also have a science background.

As we travel extensively, we go to different doctors for annual checks. The last 2 doctors noted my "high" cholesterol, assessed my risk factors and suggested that I not be talked into taking statins because of the increasing scientific evidence of severe side effects and because I don't need them.

That aroused my curiosity and I did considerable research into statins, particularly how statins actually work in reducing the cholesterol. I don’t know how long this video has been in circulation but I did not come across it, probably because I was researching mainly scientific journals.

However, the 2 most telling points I found are also fairly well explained in the video at about 8 minutes 30 and 26 minutes into the video. The reduced or absence of the production of Q10 and the elimination of isoprenylation of proteins by the body when taking statins stood out to me as I am one of those people referred to “as we age”.

The video is long and people without an interest in the science behind it or without a technical interest will probably not view it all. The 10 minutes or so before that 26 minute mark can be a bit boring to most.

Any chance of a summary? Or do I need to watch the full 1 hour?

Worthwhile viewing the lot when you have an hour to spare – from my previous research it all appears factual.

Some comments by the researchers/medical experts who really do not appear to have an axe to grind and ring true to me are:

Millions of people around the world are taking cholesterol lowering medications that are causing them more harm than good

People taking statins do not live longer than those who don’t take statins

The last thing you want to do is to interfere with your blood levels of cholesterol, your body knows what it is doing. Whatever level of cholesterol you have in your blood stream is the right level for you – don’t mess around with it.

Country Lad
I hope to watch it later this afternoon when I go for a coffee. But as soon as it talks, if it does, about a conspiracy by big pharma, I won't watch much further. Big pharma conspiracies are a dime a dozen on the internet.

No wonder...easy fodder, you can't hide the truth forever...

I found myself nodding my head to all the crap that has gone on about Lipitor and Cholesterol....Eggs, no Eggs, margarine no margarine...its shameful:frown:....bring on the the butter.

I worked in food for twenty years and I've seen and heard all of this crap first hand.

These guys are poisoning people, full stop.


I agree. I was expecting the usual cellos and base string instruments playing Wagner that usually accompany videos on big pharma conspiracies.

It certainly is thought provoking and worth knowing if there are any videos out there that rebute this video, just to hear a different perspective. Being on Lipitor myself and in the second category mentioned (those who have already experienced heart issues - I have had a stent put in 7 years ago), I think I will need to do some further study on the issue. I wouldn't just stop using Lipitor, based on just one video.

Thanks for posting. BTW, the video stopped about 9:48 from the end and I couldn't get it to go beyond that point. I'll see if I can find another copy on YouTube.
BTW, the video stopped about 9:48 from the end and I couldn't get it to go beyond that point. I'll see if I can find another copy on YouTube.

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You can then download videos from Youtube and watch them at your leisure.

I'm using a Mac at the moment, sorry if the links aren't for Windows, but l'm sure a quick Google search will help you.

And the answer to your question, I got the whole video no problem.

I managed to watch it from the land of the unfree with a VPN...with Firefox!

I was watching it on my 1Password browser on my iPad. There was no problem when I got home and used my Mac (Safari).

I was a bit confused by the statement made at the end by the lady, when she said "Whatever level of cholesterol is in your bloodstream is the right level for you. Don't mess with it". Surely there is a difference between using medication like statins to lower cholesterol and lowering it naturally by the food we eat. Isn't that the main benefit of a Mediterranean diet?
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