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The Conspiracy Theory thread

More on 9/11. WTC 7

Face to Face with Dr. Niels Harrit: "There is no doubt that this building was taken down in a controlled demolition..."

I was thinking the current Google search page with the masked man (CIA agent) on it represented assisting in the overthrow of dictators (toppling of pillars/foundations).
Michael Tsarion - Architects of Control Program 1 part 1 of 16(480p)

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Bob Chapman

Uploaded by SGTbull07 on Mar 26, 2011

The Dollar is doomed, you should be in gold and silver.

Check out:

Adrian Douglas

The content in my videos and on the SGTbull07 channel are provided for informational purposes only. Use the information found in my videos as a starting point for conducting your own research and conduct your own due diligence (DD) BEFORE making any significant investing decisions. SGTbull07 assumes all information to be truthful and reliable; however, I cannot and do not warrant or guarantee the accuracy of this information. Thank you.

Came across this before if you follow the chain some of the others are quite interesting.
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Here is an interesting one for all iPhone users....

iPhone Tracking Discussion
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Not so much conspiracy, but more a 'think tank group' that is trying to put the pieces together and form a clearer picture of global events and what it all means. I'll subscribe to this one and post 'em as they come out.
Could be an interesting and beneficial, but hey; it's been know that monkeys throwing darts at a copy of the stocks in the Wall Street Journal have outperformed fund managers before....

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Not so much a conspiracy theory, more a question.

All 4 major banks suffer critical systems failure within a few months

Is it possible that their systems are under sustained criminal hacker attack?

If I was a criminal syndicate of professional computer hackers, wouldnt it make sense to go hardest for the biggest money?

That would be major banks or financial institutions

They have demonstrated what can be done with Sony.

I read something that suggested that this may be the case

My understanding of the procedure adopted by systems managers is to bring the system down if something is occuring which they dont understand, I believe that Telstra engineers did cut all input to Australia about 2 years ago, due to suspected security compromise
All 4 major banks suffer critical systems failure within a few months.

Is it possible that their systems are under sustained criminal hacker attack?


I read something that suggested that this may be the case
Article/source would be good awg.

(OT; I also posted on ASF how China was hacking into RIO/BHP/FMG around the time BHP was looking at a RIO takeover and the Stern Hu case was all unfolding.

4 Corners, 19/04/10 - "Chinese Whispers". Scarey...)
AIPAC 101 ”” What Every American Should Know

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Can't remember if l've posted this picture before.

And Video to follow...

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9/11: Explosive Evidence - Experts Speak Out, Trailer;, 9/11/11 DVD

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alex jones mega rant at nwo!!!i love this guy

mega rant at the globalist scum selling us it..

Been a while since l've posted in the conspiracy thread.

How's this one for size? Found on the net, copied and shamelessly pasted.

Yesterday at 2pm, CNBC acts as the only mainstream news outlet to upload a release over a new lawsuit claiming evidence of the Federal government and top US banks colluding to launder 43 trillion dollars, enough to pay off the entire US debt almost 3 times over. (edit: they deleted the page, here it is: CNBC cached page) and screenshot
3 and a half hours later that same day (reported on today), the daughters of the executive of CNBC’s digital division (read: their website) are both killed by the family's nanny who was supposedly “a very nice woman”, “very religious”, and “has always been very, very stable”.

(Marketwatch (read: WSJ) also has the same article)


  • CNBCvanishedarticleSpire.jpg
    276.4 KB · Views: 8
Missed this thread. LOL. I wonder what happened to electronicmaster????

How's this one for size????

Mistress of CIA head Petraeus' says that the Libyan attack on the Benghazi Annex which killed Ambassador Stevens was because it operated as a secret prison.

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He's not as stupid as the media portrays him.....

Kim Dotcom interview on RT

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