Australian (ASX) Stock Market Forum

The Conspiracy Theory thread

Found this on another forum regarding the silver ETF SLV. Great read

No Silver In SLV ETF?!
I've done a little bit of detective work and discovered some info suggesting possible fraud in the SLV ETF.

Gold/Silver holdings get audited from time to time. Here are a couple from & the SLV ETF.

Normal Inspectorate Report (many pages for small audit):

Possible 'fake' Inspectorate report (2 pages of little content for large audit - same company):

I have found inspectorate reports both before and after the supposed report completed on SLV ETF. They always have the same Inspectorate logo in the top right hand corner. It is just the report conducted on the SLV ETF that shows a slightly different logo, stating 'an Inspicio company'.

What is an Inspicio company?

Inspicio is a global provider of testing and inspecting services, which just happened to go private shortly after the SLV ETF commenced.

Inspicio was taken private by 3i. Who is 3i?

3i is closely related to JP Morgan Chase (the holder of the monster silver short comex position)

"N.M. Rothschild & Sons Ltd. advised 3i on the transaction, with JPMorgan Cazenove acting as corporate broker, while Citigroup Inc. and Kaupthing Singer & Friedlander advised Inspicio. 3i bought 54 million pounds of shares, or about 24 percent of the company, on the market this morning, Giddins said today."

In January 2010, J.P. Morgan Cazenove became a wholly-owned part of J.P. Morgan

JP Morgan acting as corporate broker for this 'Commodity Inspecting Company'. I guess this Inspicio company owes JP Morgan a favour or two... perhaps a fake 'Inspectorate Report' stating the SLV ETF holds silver - when they really hold a negligible amount?!

On Tuesday 9th November, 149 million shares were traded on SLV (149 million ounces) - half of SLV's total holdings. Is this ETF being used to suppress the silver price? I believe likely!

Hinde Capital have also recently warned of ETF's being 'Price Suppression Schemes'

Many irregularities have been discovered on the silver bar list for SLV ETF. Double entries etc etc.
James Turk - Kamikaze Attacks in the Silver Market

November 12, 2010
KWN Blog

With gold and silver in retreat, King World News interviewed James Turk out of Spain. When asked about silver specifically James said, “They are not dislodging physical silver by running the paper market down. In fact the silver market is getting tighter and tighter. That’s why I am perplexed at why they are trying to run this paper market lower. If they want to get physical silver they are going to have to take the price higher, not lower.”

Turk continues:

“I’ve not seen this kind of tightness in the silver market before and you know that I have been talking about how tight the physical market has been these past few months.”

James, is this sort of like the kamikazes flying into aircraft carriers at the end of the war?
Jim Sinclair - Gold to Swing $100 to $300 in a Day

Jim Sinclair - Gold to Swing $100 to $300 in a Day$100_to_$300_in_a_Day.html

November 12, 2010
KWN Blog

With gold getting hit hard today, King World News interviewed legendary trader Jim Sinclair. When asked about the volatility in gold Sinclair stated, “I think from this point forward you are going to see unprecedented volatility. You’ll see $100 swings to $150 swings in a day, and if you go back to 1979 to 1980 we had $150 in one direction. So if we had $150 in one direction back then, what’s to stop this market from doing $300?”

Jim Sinclair continues:

“There is very little understanding of gold anywhere. The primary culprit that is threatening every country and that’s currency induced cost push inflation.

What started all of this was three things. The discussion early on about price controls in China. The discussion in Brazil about currency controls, and then on top of that talk of raising interest rates in China. Then the general commodity market collapsed on itself because everyone is up to their eyeballs in margin debt.

And gold is an item which can get taken advantage of because the primary traders are significant and the market is insignificant in the Comex. So if you’re down on the floor and you are looking to buy 10 and somebody offers you 2,000 and you get hit on the 10, as a floor trader you’re going to sell that out instantaneously. So it feeds on itself and I think from this point forward you are going to see unprecedented volatility.”
11. How To Buy Silver & Gold - Mike Maloney Bonus Feature

11. How To Buy Silver & Gold - Mike Maloney Bonus Feature

whygoldandsilver | November 13, 2010 The most common questions after learning about gold and silver are "How?" and "What form of Bullion should I buy?"
Bob Kaplan Interview about his lawsuit against HSBC & JP Morgan for silver market man

Bob Kaplan Interview about his lawsuit against HSBC & JP Morgan for silver market manipulation

EconomyMeltdown | November 13, 2010 Silver Market Lawsuit Interview , courtesy of

Bob Kaplan Interview about his lawsuit against HSBC & JP Morgan for silver market manipulation
中美大戰 胡錦濤rap贏奧巴馬

中美大戰 胡錦濤rap贏奧巴馬

appleactionews | November 12, 2010

在南韓首爾舉行的20國集團( G20)峯會昨日(周五)閉幕,中美這次在滙率和貿易問題上大鬥法,結果中國勝了一仗*,在會後聯合公報未有要求停止低估貨幣滙價,亦未如美國所願為各國經常賬盈餘和虧損設*限。

Seoul, South Korea, held in the Group of 20 (G20) summit yesterday (Friday) concluded the Sino-US exchange rate and trade issues in the Great battle of wits, the results of China wins the battle, the joint communique after the meeting failed to stop undervalued currency exchange rate, nor wish to countries like the United States current account surplus and deficit limits.
Don't Panic! Irish Debt triggers FEAR!

Don't Panic! Irish Debt triggers FEAR!

FeverIAm | 14 November 2010

Recorded Nov 14, 2010 11:00 EST

Sorry I could not get all the links but they are in this original link here:-

I've listed what links he has listed on his youtube page below.

Irish bond yields dip as UK, EU urge calm:

Ireland denies bail-out rumour:

EU leaders cannot squash expectations of Irish rescue:

Eurozone in talks on Ireland bail out:

Top of the bond yield to you:

From Ireland to €2,000bn of eurozone contagion:

If you thought the bank bailout was bad, wait until the mortgage defaults hit home:

EU's Juncker Says Had Talks Yesterday Not Just About Ireland:

Herman van Rompuy: The man who wants to control your finances:

Nation states are dead: EU chief says the belief that countries can stand alone is a 'lie and an illusion':

Olli Rehn's speech: 'Reinforcing EU economic governance':

Eurogroup's Juncker to propose common euro bond - report:

Euro Stability: EU Leaders Pave The Way For A Small Treaty Change To Protect Euro From Future Crises:

Strong dollar in interest of international community - Trichet:

EU unveils trillion-euro single energy market:

Pledge to lift EU energy barriers:

World economy: In gold they rush:

Zoellick seeks gold standard debate:

Peace and Love
Freud, Zionism and the Sexual Revolution

drdduke | 14 November 2010 Sigmund Freud is credited as being the father of the Sexual Revolution. He sated repeated that he found sexual morality "contemptible." In fact Freud was a Jewish supremacist and Stalwart Zionist who saw himself like Hannibal conquering Rome, (Rome signifying the Church and European morality. This video show how the Jewish dominated media has promoted a destruction of higher human values It shows from mainstream Jewish sources hows how resentment against Europeans and Christians is a motivating factor in promoting sexual degeneration and even pornography.
Nuke rumors? What do you make of this?

Nuke rumors? What do you make of this?

We have seen the story of a Missile lunch that no one seemed to acknowledge who lunched it.

But we have no information on were the missile landed. I've found this on youtube. Take it with a pinch of salt.

Dr Deagle Show 101112 - EARTH CHANGES HOUR

Dr Deagle Show 101112 - EARTH CHANGES HOUR

urupiper | November 14, 2010



SGTbull07 | November 11, 2010

wow, lots of news tonight. Get ready!

Music Courtesy Kevin MacLeod:
Titles: "Shores of Avalon", "Unanswered Questions"; Kevin MacLeod ( Licensed under Creative Commons "Attribution 3.0"

The content in my videos and on the SGTbull07 channel are provided for informational purposes only. Use the information found in my videos as a starting point for conducting your own research and conduct your own due diligence (DD) BEFORE making any significant investing decisions. SGTbull07 assumes all information to be truthful and reliable; however, I cannot and do not warrant or guarantee the accuracy of this information. Thank you.
Jackie Kennedy (Jackie O) Crash JP Morgan Song

Jackie Kennedy (Jackie O) Crash JP Morgan Song

jackieochannel | 14 November 2010

Jackie O hears her late husband JFK calling to
crash JP Morgan by buying silver
MODERN DAY HUNT BROTHERS: Buy Physical Silver & Beat the Banks

MODERN DAY HUNT BROTHERS: Buy Physical Silver & Beat the Banks

SGTbull07 | November 15, 2010

a brand new micro-doc in the spirit of the movement to beat the criminal Banks. Buy PHYSICAL silver, Bankrupt JP Morgan!

Music Courtesy Kevin MacLeod:
Titles: "Darkness is Coming", "Truth of Legend", "Ghostpocalypse"; Kevin MacLeod ( Licensed under Creative Commons "Attribution 3.0"
"Bond Mkt Implosion & Gold Tactics"

"Bond Mkt Implosion & Gold Tactics"

Stewart Thomson
Nov 16, 2010

1. “I cannot overemphasize the critical importance of factoring the bond market into any analysis of the crisis now.” That was the sentence I started yesterday’s update with, and it’s probably the sentence I should start every update with, for the next six months!

2. I see a lot of gold analysts trying to gauge the “gold market correction” but they are seemingly unaware that the bond market just imploded, and Bill Gross basically issued a massive sell signal on his own fund, the world’s largest bond fund. For the past few months I’ve urged you to understand that when the bond implodes, there would be initial weakness in gold followed by tremendous strength. Here and now, the words “Gold” and “Bond” must be mentioned in the same sentence, or you are out to gold market analysis lunch.

3. The conventional view in the public, and a view held by many institutional money managers, is that lower rates produce higher gold prices (correct), and higher rates produce lower gold prices. Well, sometimes, yes. Sometimes, no. Sometimes higher rates produce an upside gold parabola.

4. In the second situation, higher rates and gold, in a commodity demand-related gold bull market, are a negative for the price of gold. In such a situation, gold functions as a commodity, and the economy gets higher prices as demand for goods increases. The cost of borrowing increases as the demand for loans increases because business conditions are solid. As the cost of borrowing rises, that hurts demand. Prices (int rates) for money and the price for goods both fall.

5. Look out your market window. Do you see a booming economy, or potential economic Armageddon? My message to you: the new bankster game is in play, and it’s a big one; the bond market. Bond market chaos that could send gold stocks parabolic on the upside. Here’s why:

6. I coined the term, “The Institutional Awakening”. The awakening is a bankster game to create a mass mindset of terror amongst institutions, a mindset that further QE won’t work to continue the markets recovery, and instead further QE will see bond market prices stagnate or even fall, while the US dollar falls like a rock. All in all, a nightmare situation, given the backdrop of the marked to model OTC Derivatives quadrillion dollar. Marked to model is: Marked to Lies.

7. In practical terms, meaning flows of liquidity by institutions, what the institutional awakening means is a mass panic out of bonds and into…?

8. What the gold community needs to understand is the LAW. Institutional money managers have written mandates as well as unwritten mandates on what they can and cannot do with their assets. Pouring money into gold is not on their “oh yeah, let’s do it!” list. It’s on their “if we dump our assets into gold, then our investors pull out, we get no pay, and we could get charged with securities violations” list.

9. The history of institutional money flows in a currency and bond panic is a massive flow of liquidity into the stock market. Having said that, what do YOU think happens to the Gold Price Thermometer of global financial health when that occurs, or is thought to be about to occur? I don’t think most in the gold community really understand what just happened to the bond market, and what this event means for gold.

10. I know that because, other than Bob Moriarty at and Trader Dan Norcini at, almost nobody is even mentioning the imploding bond market, yet they are conducting one study after another as to why gold “could be in a correction”. Translation: “Here are all the reasons why I just sold all my gold and you should do the same.” Thanks, but no thanks. In regards to the bond market, to quote John “Sir Johnny” Templeton, who uttered these words after the first phase of the markets crisis began in 2000,

11. “Does anybody kow what just happened?”

Article continues,, see URL links above.

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