I like to think we are in one of the final booms, just about to start, in the resources sector. It may well prove false and lead to a concerted slowdown but still plenty of fun on the investment front to be had, me thinks. That means doing your homework throughout the resource sector.
Coal in the short term still looks strongly in demand but enhanced thermal from Indonesia will build and build, as well as thermal coal from north South Australia.
Iron ore from Western Australia and Africa is due to come on stream from 2013 and needs monitoring closely.
Gold looks in strong demand with the August buying season coming up and Greece, Spain and Italy being downgraded by the likes of Moodys and others. Many gold mines and some of those in the Eastern Block, Kazakhstan for instance, are costly producers of low and at the low end of the high grade gold producers. Something must give sometime but maybe not quite yet.
So it's a case of keeping on your mettle and research, research and research - good fortune