Australian (ASX) Stock Market Forum

The 'blue tie' brigade

6 June 2007
I often wear a blue tie to work; it goes nicely with my navy suit and it is ubiquitous in the finance industry. But I detest 'pro-lifers' and their religious rot. Where do I fit in Gillard? Patriarchal oppressor or not.

This is a desperate politician who would rather see the ALP in ashes at her feet than do anything to question her self-delusion. Please, independents and 'faceless men', you created this monster. Time to pull the pin on this fool.

'As speculation about her leadership intensified, the Prime Minister said a government dominated by ''men in blue ties'' would mean hard-won financial gains for women would be rolled back, with abortion again becoming the political play-thing of male politicians.'

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Blue ties, blue ties, blue ties...

Men should wear blue ties to signify their support of the equality of women.

(Gillard has lost the plot (again)).
Blue ties, blue ties, blue ties...

Men should wear blue ties to signify their support of the equality of women.

Lol, K Rudd was wearing a blue tie today. He is the Steve Waugh of politics; the master of mental disintegration.

Meanwhile, Quail-gate is kicking off. Small breasts, big thighs and a red box. That is offensive!
Lol, K Rudd was wearing a blue tie today. He is the Steve Waugh of politics; the master of mental disintegration.

Meanwhile, Quail-gate is kicking off. Small breasts, big thighs and a red box. That is offensive!

Yes, very offensive especially If I was a quail, In which case I would be mightily offended.
The Oils are back !!

Blue Tie Mine

And if the blue tie mining company won't save me

If the Gonski report won't save me

Who's gonna save me ?

But if I work all day on the blue tie mine

(There'll be food on Libs table tonight)

And if I walk and talk down about the blue tie mine

(There'll pain in your jacket tonight)

And some have sailed from a distant shore

And that union takes what that company wants

And nothing's as precious

As a hole in the ground

Who's gonna save me ?

Repeat Chorus
Last night I saw a looney feminist lop off the Ch10 late night news host's blue tie at the end of her interview, after literally foaming at the mouth with praise for Gillard. The news anchor wasn't amused and removed the vandalised remnant of his tie before continuing, allbeit ruffled and somewhat embarrassed.

How pathetic. How demeaning to women?

What do these hardcore feminists hope to achieve by such over-the-top "let's emasculate men" actions? Do they want to engender hatred against themselves? Do they really want to stir up a gender war?

Wtf JuLiar? See what you are starting?
Lol, K Rudd was wearing a blue tie today. He is the Steve Waugh of politics; the master of mental disintegration.

Meanwhile, Quail-gate is kicking off. Small breasts, big thighs and a red box. That is offensive!

You call that offensive. I've seen much better depictions of gillard (or worse,depending on your taste) privately circulated. The offensive bit is the Labor man haters going public with it.

Pickering puts her assets in perspective.:D

Last night I saw a looney feminist lop off the Ch10 late night news host's blue tie at the end of her interview, after literally foaming at the mouth with praise for Gillard. The news anchor wasn't amused and removed the vandalised remnant of his tie before continuing, allbeit ruffled and somewhat embarrassed.

How pathetic. How demeaning to women?

What do these hardcore feminists hope to achieve by such over-the-top "let's emasculate men" actions? Do they want to engender hatred against themselves? Do they really want to stir up a gender war?

Wtf JuLiar? See what you are starting?

That is totally unacceptable to embarass the male host and destroy a piece of his clothing too. Just shows they are far more misandrist (haters of men) than they realise and totally removed from reality, imo.

What is it about Gillard and her need to divide this country? It seems clear she doesn't have the best interests of this country at heart.
That is totally unacceptable to embarass the male host and destroy a piece of his clothing too. Just shows they are far more misandrist (haters of men) than they realise .........

Try making a comment like that to The Age newspaper and see if it gets published. I used the words misandrist and misandry in an online comment to The Age yesterday and it got rejected. Maybe they didn't know the meaning of the words and thought I was just being profane.
Last night I saw a looney feminist lop off the Ch10 late night news host's blue tie at the end of her interview, after literally foaming at the mouth with praise for Gillard. The news anchor wasn't amused and removed the vandalised remnant of his tie before continuing, allbeit ruffled and somewhat embarrassed.

How pathetic. How demeaning to women?

What do these hardcore feminists hope to achieve by such over-the-top "let's emasculate men" actions? Do they want to engender hatred against themselves? Do they really want to stir up a gender war?

Wtf JuLiar? See what you are starting?
For someone claiming to be championing the cause of women (though I'm not sure that that's actually necessary) Ms Gillard and the above nutty type arch feminists are doing a great job of the reverse.

Stupid, illogical stunts like this disgust most women and can only reinforce suggestions that we are not up to behaving appropriately and absolutely not up to being leaders.

Gillard is every day digging herself further into a deep grave of her own making. If she displayed a modicum of dignity in place of her shrill faux outrage she might stem the tide of disrespect at least a little.
.... If she displayed a modicum of dignity in place of her shrill faux outrage she might stem the tide of disrespect at least a little.

Like so many things I think it comes back to a question of her judgement - or rather lack thereof.

For example, the 'menu affair'. What if she had simply dismissed it as frivolous poor taste but had a good laugh about it.
But no she had to turn it into a cause celebre and castigate the entire Liberal Party.
For those of us paying attention (which apparently doesn't include the ABC) we now know that it was just slander.

She invites us to 'connect the dots' on Tony Abbot. Well how about we also connect the dots on Julia Gillard beginning with the AWU slush fund saga. Irrespective of whether she did anything legally wrong the whole carry on demonstrates that she had 'poor judgement'. Roll forward to 2010 - 2013 and perhaps all we are seeing are the same character traits in another guise.

She is another leopard that cannot change its spots - and she can't change her dots either.
For someone claiming to be championing the cause of women (though I'm not sure that that's actually necessary) Ms Gillard and the above nutty type arch feminists are doing a great job of the reverse.

Stupid, illogical stunts like this disgust most women and can only reinforce suggestions that we are not up to behaving appropriately and absolutely not up to being leaders.

Gillard is every day digging herself further into a deep grave of her own making. If she displayed a modicum of dignity in place of her shrill faux outrage she might stem the tide of disrespect at least a little.

Given she is female and the Prime Minister of Australia, I am struggling to see how she has been discriminated against?

The manoeuvres against her are due to her diabolical performance in the key political role in Australia. Rather than take responsibility for her performance, she is pulling the gender stunt again as she knows this is the only card she has left. The problem for her is that it is based on someone's Facebook status update. Pathetic.

She is an abomination (as a politician, and it saddens me that I have to write that) and this farce that is damaging our nation needs to end. Where is the courage amongst Shorten, Rudd, the ALP, the 'faceless men', the country independents to stand up for Australia and send her back to setting up slush funds for here union cronies? The voters of Australia will show her no mercy. :)
New arrival cards are being issued for incoming passengers to Australia.


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Gawd, I am now even applauding Amanda Vanstone's commentary ... however the comment about 'women wearing jackets' shows how absurd Gillard's 'blue tie' comments really are.

'If the stupidity of her remarks isn't clear, ask yourself what we would say if Abbott made a speech about the need for us to watch out for women taking over, especially the women wearing jackets. I, for one, would think his sanity had left him. In her indulgent tirade, Gillard committed the sins of which she accuses Abbott. It was cheap gender politics with no substance. We don't want cheap, we don't want gender politics and we do want substance. Therein lies her problem.'

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Thanks for the link, Bushman. I have a lot of time for Amanda Vanstone. She eschews pussy footing and is fearless yet entirely reasonable in her commentary.