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The beauty in religion

14 June 2007
Plenty of threads here vilifying religion so it's time for a positive one. If you want to post bigotry or conspiracist nonsense please go elsewhere. Just the good here.


Ask him why, and White, who attends Mass daily, replies: "I'm motivated a lot by what Jesus wants me to do, or what I think he wants me to do. And I think he wants me to help make the world a better place."
Jean Vanier, who practices his beliefs about the value of all humans as special because they carry the image of God.


Hopefully there will be contributions from people of other religions but I'll be posting inspiring people in the Christian tradition as that's my heritage.
Good luck MS&T!

I remember how well 'Bible Quote of the Day' went...eeeeek.

I DO agree, there is much beauty in some of what religion preaches.

Hope this unfolds reasonably...
its hard to see beauty in religion. i see it in humanity. beautiful acts of kindness inspired by men and women, with a religion taking the credit....

well, comeon, show us some religious beauty that man hasnt done himself...

a 'confusion of beauty one may say?
Plenty of threads here vilifying religion so it's time for a positive one. If you want to post bigotry or conspiracist nonsense please go elsewhere. Just the good here.

Metric, do you have trouble respecting a simple request?
Dave Andrews intentionally lives in community with the disenfranchised, understanding and helping their situation. He has founded or works with organisations that exemplify this tradition.

I'm sorry, you don't set the parameters of debate on a discussion forum. There is nothing virtuous in posting only the good points of religion. Anyone with an objective bone in their body would recognize both positive and negative aspects of religion. I'm sure you can find plenty of websites that indulge the backslapping needs of god botherers.

Was He a Chartist or a Fundamentalist?

well, comeon, show us some religious beauty that man hasnt done himself...


Every post i have ever seen of yours is complete garbage.

Man is Man, religous or not. Being religous doesn't elevate you from being a Man to being something greater than Man that has a different human nature.

Everyone is made the same, religous or not. Great people can do great things, no matter what their religion.

You think that you know everything and that you are better than everyone else, im sure you think you have it all worked out.

You are simply ignorant and shallow minded.
In the interest of supporting the theme of this thread I've been trying to think of something positive or beautiful to do with religion.

Can't say it's been easy but I do have a friend who is devoutly religious.
Somehow we've managed to remain friends over many years, probably because we agree not to discuss religion.

Every Christmas she looks around her neighbourhood, workplace etc for anyone who might not have someone with whom to spend Christmas Day and invites these people to join her and her family. There are often a quite motley collection of people but she makes them all feel welcome and wanted.

So I reckon that's a plus for religion.

And then there's the work the Salvos do. They get down in the gutters if they have to and make no judgements.
its hard to see beauty in religion. i see it in humanity. beautiful acts of kindness inspired by men and women, with a religion taking the credit....

Well then, we may as well change the name of the "Religion gone crazy" thread to "Humanity gone crazy", because it is humans that have gone crazy and religion is getting the blame for it...
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