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The Albanese government

Who is going to be the first to try and knife Airbus next year?

  • Marles

    Votes: 1 8.3%
  • Chalmers

    Votes: 3 25.0%
  • Wong

    Votes: 1 8.3%
  • Plibersek

    Votes: 3 25.0%
  • Shorten

    Votes: 2 16.7%
  • Burney

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Other

    Votes: 2 16.7%

  • Total voters
Dutton locked up a family spending 30 mil to do so to make a political point then when the heat got to much released them due to political expediency what a grub no principles there!
Feul excise doesn't rise biannually.
It's indexed to CPI twice each year, most recently on 3 February 2025 which lifted the excise rate on petrol and diesel from 50.6 to 50.8 cents per litre.

GST applies to that too, so the "real" rate of excise, over and above GST on the actual fuel itself, is 55.88 cents per litre.

Long term according to government itself they spend about 30% of that on roads. The rest is just a tax.

From memory wasn't it Malcolm Fraser that brought fuel excise in, to help stimulate exploration for new reserves?
No wonder it is a struggle to get intelligent and qualified people to take position of leadership in government, no one smart enough would want to be constantly called names in front of their family and friends.
We can only judge people by their actions and Dutton has questions to answer on whether he made a private benefit from privileged information. If Labor or Greens people did similar then they should face similar questions.

He should be answering the questions in front of the NACC which has the power to get to the truth, not our dozy media.
Malcolm Fraser that brought fuel excise in,
Malcolm and the Liberal Party of the the time bear responsibility for bringing in the refugees from Lebanon's vicious civil war .
This irresponsible move from the right of politics , pointed to trouble ahead when NSW schools in the 1970's were the first to notice , the male children of these unsuitable immigrants , with a nasty attitude to female teachers .
So , can't blame Labor for what looks like , this country's failure to integrate its muslim immigrants . It can only get worse , now . Other countries have failed at it spectacularly too , especially in Europe .
What about the fuel excise?
@JohnDe Totally agree with all you say in this post, but all politicians have hides thicker than elephants.
The one thing that I despise is attacks on a politician's family.
That is definitely a no-go zone.
@sptrawler Back in the day when that tax was brought in the Government new that they going to be sitting on a cash cow. And every Government of the day since realises it.
Hence the constant increase in the excise tax

All I could find from a quick search was wiki.
The Commonwealth introduced a twice yearly indexation for Consumer Price Index of fuel excise taxes in 1983. In 2001, the Howard government adjusted the excise rates because of the introduction of the GST and stopped the automatic indexation of the fuel excise tax.[8]

The second phase of the Australian Fuel Tax Credits Scheme came into effect on 1 July 2008. Under these changes, all off-road business use of fuel became eligible for subsidies. The changes benefited businesses that do not run large vehicle fleets but consume large amounts of fuel in business processes (such as mining, manufacturing, construction, plant operations) became eligible for a fuel tax credit.

The indexation of the fuel excise tax was reintroduced by the Abbott government from 10 November 2014, with indexation being effected twice a year, on 1 February and 1 August.
@sptrawler And to just take the icing off the cake a bit.
The diesel rebate was pretty well cut in half for a year.
I think the Libs realised that there are plenty of voters who were not happy with that, me included.

They were Christian Lebanese, that were being persecuted by their Muslim counterparts.
1. Tanya is Australia's Kamala Harris.
2. I don't think the LGBTIxyz community represents the majority view.

If anything, Labor should take note of the U.S. Don't pander to minorities, do the best for the most people. (Not that Trump is actually doing that, but that's what the people voted for).
1/ personal opinion: I think Tanya is a whole lot smarter than Kamala, I have heard some interviews prior to the last election where she seemed actually quite lucent and sensible. Unfortunately she is beholden to the ideological left of the Party, prompting the Kamala-esque infantile lunacy.

2/ Of course it doesn't, although I do think that sizable minority has been gaslighted into advocacy for them.

Could it be that middle Australia, the swinging voter this totally put off by all that? It will be interesting to see this election, particularly in light of the citrus hued demi-God.
I think Tanya is a whole lot smarter than Kamala, I have heard some interviews prior to the last election where she seemed actually quite lucent and sensible.
She is however someone who said she didn't understand the concept of aspiration. That being so, there'd be some incredible irony if she sought to become party leader.

Of course it doesn't, although I do think that sizable minority has been gaslighted into advocacy for them.

From what friends tell me, don't assume that someone being gay or lesbian means they support the politics surrounding it all.

One I know is truly fed up with it, her key point being "what are we fighting for?". The argument being that the whole thing at this point is a campaign for the sake of a campaign, one that's looking for reasons to justify its existence rather than being in response to an actual problem. Go back some years and there were real reasons yes, there was something to fight for, but at this point not really. Meanwhile there's a laundry list of far more pressing problems in society needing attention.

From my own perspective I supported equality, I actually marched through the streets for the cause once despite being heterosexual, but at this point it's done. There's broad acceptance of gays and lesbians in society, even the marriage issue has been resolved, so it's done. To keep arguing there's a problem at this point sounds awfully like nit picking or failing to to grasp that no other group lives in a perfect world either. Keep going and it'll do far more harm than good, it'll turn people against the cause and against those it supposedly represents. It'll send the whole thing back decades.

That's where the political Left has lost the plot in my view. It's lost sight of the original aim, equality, and has turned into relentless advocacy in a way that amounts to a demand for privilege.
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