Benny, please note that you can upload and attach images directly to your post by clicking on the paperclip symbol in the post editor or by clicking the "Manage Attachments" button in the "Additional Options" section directly below the first "Submit Reply" button.
The advantages of attaching images directly to your post is that there are no bandwidth limits and the image will never be removed or deleted.
The Window7 snip tool is a super easy and free way to just capture the chart...the tool allows you to capture just the part of your screen your interested in.
For beginners, just make sure you have a valid (and not too large - <90k) image file on your local computer, then it's just > Manage Attachments > highlight the file on your local computer > Upload > Close this window > Post your message.
Can anyone help me here please? I can get the chart address (above) so anyone can click on the link but I'd prefer to post the chart directly