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I watched the Kyrgios interview, he was very measured with his response, I think a lot of the issues are due to the PC upbringing today.
Don't put them under pressure, don't tell them they need to do better, don't tell them they are being brats, don't tell them anything.
Unless it is positive, so they don't feel disappointed.
This isn't going to make a better Australia. IMO
Equal prize money for women is such utter nonsense. Men are naturally much better at sport, therefore they draw greater viewership (translates to sponsorhip $).

In the modelling world, men get paid about 1/10th that of female models. Why? Because there's less interest. Looking good is much more important for women than men, so women attract higher viewership and therefore much higher pay.

There's a reason the CEO and the office cleaner aren't paid the same wage. They bring different value to the company.
Good point GB, and that interest could be measured and prize money calculated accordingly.
Good point GB, and that interest could be measured and prize money calculated accordingly.
Easily Fixed.
Don't have a womens' competition.
Don't have a mens' competition.
Just have an open competition, even the trans gender wont cause an issue.
Chinese bottled water sold at Oz open. Talk about an oxymoron.
No wonder Oz tennis is so pathetic.
Easily Fixed.
Don't have a womens' competition.
Don't have a mens' competition.
Just have an open competition, even the trans gender wont cause an issue.
This is a great idea.
It would also be necessary to have 50% women in the draw.
There would be more interest in the first few rounds as the women are smashed by the men. What a giggle.
This is a great idea.
It would also be necessary to have 50% women in the draw.
There would be more interest in the first few rounds as the women are smashed by the men. What a giggle.
They could have a handicap system, like in golf to even the field. Those on top of the 'ladder' get bigger appearance fees. AND I AM NOT saying that women have bigger handicaps. Heaven forbid.
The women should play best of five sets like the men. I don't understand why they do not. Some of the women's matches are over in a minute which further reduces interest. Equal pay for equal play.
The women should play best of five sets like the men. I don't understand why they do not. Some of the women's matches are over in a minute which further reduces interest. Equal pay for equal play.

If it was an Open competition women would still only play 3 sets (0-6,0-6,0-6)
If it was an Open competition women would still only play 3 sets (0-6,0-6,0-6)
I am no fan of dismissing women's sport because they generally can't compete against men. Why isn't this juvenile argument put up in regards to men's boxing? Don't have any weight divisions, just let the heavyweights beat the bejesus out of everyone.
The women should play best of five sets like the men. I don't understand why they do not. Some of the women's matches are over in a minute which further reduces interest. Equal pay for equal play.

I think you summed it up well there Maca, the problem with this whole equality thing is, they don't compare apples with apples.
Seen in company with Nicole Kidman at the tennis, Anna Wintour is apparently the editor of a fashion magazine. Not that you could tell from the ugly sunglasses and the mop on her head.

Anna breezed into the country, pausing to take a swipe at one of our greatest sporting heros, Margaret Court, whose name Anna says, should be removed from the tennis centre.

There's such a thing as an ungracious guest Anna. Don't let the door hit your bony bum on the way out
Watched Krygos and Nadal last night and nearly turned it off because of the grunting, disgusting.

ALso the ball was hard to see on that colour surface.
Have you ever thought how lucky Australia was to have a golden era in tennis....Laver Hoad Court Goolagong etc. I think it was countries with compatible weather,training facilities etc like Australia USA (california) Spain and a few others that dominated.With the advent of indoor courts and more training facilities countries like Sweden,Switzerland and Eastern European nations got active.Winners even come from Easter Asia.
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