Thanks for the post. I note that you have mentioned the application of SAM numerous times. With regard to Burra, AUSMEX have been pioneering the application of MT and AMT through a gridded program.
My research has confirmed that both BHP and OZ have been using MT/AMT to define their known IOCG’s in recent times (perhaps in preference to SAM???) and for further exploration in the Gawler Craton. AMG’s use of SAM in the Cloncurry area and MT/AMT in Burra seems to be worlds best practice by this junior and their efforts are being rewarded.
@Anastasia in my opinion, one should use whatever is possible. Cost of these applications are all fairly acceptable. What I have learned over the years is that a good explorer needs to be very open minded.
I would have liked to talk about Burra but that would have meant the article would have become a book
Thank you for your contribution.