All analysis wether set in specific Systems coding or used in Discretionary trading is subject to PROVE/DISPROVE.
Wether its Yogi and the likes combining Time, Price,or others who include Pattern and volume.EVERY form of analysis is governed by Prove disprove and application of the analysis.
If one of Yogi's time points is disproven simply move to the next.If one of Elliots wave counts is disproven move to the next,if an RSI over sold is disproven then move to the next. If a Fundamental valuation is disproved or altered due to X then move to the next---AND APPLY that analysis to the trade/s.
Discretionary does not mean arbitrary.
It can and should mean.. logical methodical a SYSTEMATIC check list that is ticked off...
Only recently did a computer beat one of the best players in a chess match.
If a Discretionary system is SYSTEMATIC Given enough computer resources
It could be coded... But The very best so called Discretionary systems maybe
have too many variables hence two many relationships to weight
That call for Judgement beyond what a reasonable amount of $$ in today's computer can achieve..
Big Blue (was that the name of the Computer) How much did it cost?
I bet the variables in the markets are even more convoluted
BUT... That does not mean that there is any real discretion in the rules and principles that should be applied..
eg crossing the Road
System..... At the traffic lights.. Green = walk
discretionary..... Away from the Traffic Lights
Now You can not cross in any way safely outside a time tested logical that can be broken down to a check list ..
The discretion is in a way illusionary..
However to apply principle to practice requires
Judgement and experience
So crossing the road becomes intuitive and safe
But to someone who always waits for the Green light
reckless guessing and gambling with life and limb..
That said the method does have to have a completely real logic
based on reliable feedback..
Shutting ones eyes and crossing at the same time as yesterday.
Or on the count of four have No logic to start with..
A method must be Scientific in approach..
And flexibility is important...