I've had a chat with Merrill regarding the announcement yesterday, particularly with regard to the role of CNEEC, being that its apparently primary role is to act as an engineering EPC contractor. I wanted to clarify whether it really had the capacity to assist SYS towards it getting funding in place for the project. Merrills comments are most instructive, and please excuse me if I have misrepresented her comments, but I don't think so:
1. CNEEC does actually undertake the role of engineering contractor, primarily on an EPC basis, but in that process undertakes a review of projects, whether they be China or overseas based, that confirms project viability and attractiveness for investment in the future by effectively a Chinese state wealth fund, which has around US$40 billion for investment in such projects. The aim of CNEEC in this SYS project therefore is to initially vet the project (already done), then prepare an alliance (in process with the first step being this MOU announced yesterday), then develop the engineering arrangement coupled with finance.
2. As a precondition, as denoted in the announcement, SYS must bring to the party investors capable of bringing in funding on behalf of SYS for the first 15%. SYS is currently in discussions with certain overseas investors, who may not be Chinese (more likely European) who will become involved with the project through an investment in/with SYS.
I can only conclude that the first announcement of yesterday will be followed up with some interesting developments in the coming weeks. So whilst the trading may continue at its own pace and course of share price, I believe there is a good reason to retain your shareholdings on the basis that you might be surprised, pleasantly, with some extra news flow sooner than later....
On that basis, I am holding despite the share price coming off somewhat today.