Hi All,
Looking for some opinions on superannuation as a concept, rather than any specifics within superannuation itself.
I personally disagree with the entire concept. I think people should be free to do with their money as they wish now, and not be forced by the government to have a specific amount of their money held for a certain amount of time. I think the whole superannuation industry is simply a big distortion of the market, a government protectionist racket, and that the whole industry would not exist in a free-market given their typical returns records (the government published an excel spreadsheet detailing this, hard to find it now so no link I'm afraid).
The whole premise of superannuation is that free men are not capable of taking care of themselves and their families, that they are base creatures with time-preferences that are too high for their own good, and who will simply starve to death when they can no longer work - or start begging for a pension from the government. On the face of it, whilst we all accept the existence of government enforced super, the entire thing is disgusting, immoral, patronizing, and dictates that the government is your guardian, and you, a grown man or otherwise, are one of its helpless little children.
Looking for some opinions on superannuation as a concept, rather than any specifics within superannuation itself.
I personally disagree with the entire concept. I think people should be free to do with their money as they wish now, and not be forced by the government to have a specific amount of their money held for a certain amount of time. I think the whole superannuation industry is simply a big distortion of the market, a government protectionist racket, and that the whole industry would not exist in a free-market given their typical returns records (the government published an excel spreadsheet detailing this, hard to find it now so no link I'm afraid).
The whole premise of superannuation is that free men are not capable of taking care of themselves and their families, that they are base creatures with time-preferences that are too high for their own good, and who will simply starve to death when they can no longer work - or start begging for a pension from the government. On the face of it, whilst we all accept the existence of government enforced super, the entire thing is disgusting, immoral, patronizing, and dictates that the government is your guardian, and you, a grown man or otherwise, are one of its helpless little children.