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Suicide and Voluntary Euthanasia


question = challenge ...I'm not into spoon feeding so I assume even you will be able to find the challenge/question I posed earlier to all who support euthansia

as i said in my earlier post, you can ask me questions all you like but unless you answer the question I asked first to all those who support euthanasia - and you stated you support euthanasia - you're simply wasting my time expecting me to answer your question, whether it is related to this thread or not, when you clearly are unable to answer my earlier question.

if you genuinely want a reply to your question, go back and answer mine first.

good luck because my says you won't be able to come up with a valid answer

let's see how you go..



Perhaps you could repeat your questions (or provide the link to them), I for one can't find the questions you are refering to.

Bull market,
read my last post. actually dont worry here it is for your convenience
Bull market,
I am having trouble finding a question mark in any of your posts which would suggest that you havn't actually asked a question.
Could you please refresh my memory? what was the question again?
I may be wrong but I cant see it.

Now would you mind re-posting your seemingly non existant question? so that I can at least decide if I will have a crack at an answer.

I will either try to answer it or leave it alone.
One things for sure, I wont answer questions directed to me with a question!

You havnt edited any of your post yet so mabey I will look ouit for that question to be edited in somewhere
MM, Wayne

<<<edited, breach of code of conduct No2>>>>have a look at post #47.


Prison Break starts shortly so I'll you in the soup maybe tomorrow



Tone down the insults mate.

Please, everyone else as well, no personal abuse!!!!

BTW Bull, I have no interest in the topic, just trying to expedite the discussion.
no problem wayne

if you take anything I said as an insult then so be it, but personally I don't believe I insulted anyone unless you or anyone can post anything that proves anything I said is wrong

gotta go for tonight


Just cut the BS Bullmarket!!!

Everybodies had enough of it, OK!!!!!
wayneL said:
Just cut the BS Bullmarket!!!

Everybodies had enough of it, OK!!!!!

Congratulations ! one of the best posts by a mod ever

hi wayne

no problem - I just called it as I saw it and since you or MM couldn't post anything that proved anything I said was not correct you took the easy way out and deleted my post.....everything I said is 100% correct


I wouldn't like to be the one to argue, if someone offered me the chance, to end thier missary, you'd really have to be buggered, in a pretty bad state to end your excistance. Maybe its the best thing you' could do!
But its difficult to even contimplate the subject, maybe thats what happens when someone has given the world enouth greith, or when they pop the question?
Not a healthy market!

bullmarket said:
hi wayne
everything I said is 100% correct

which is the reason why I decided not to reply in the end, to your non existant question. You say you dont want to change peoples minds but then say the above.

If your so perfect then I 'challenge' (wank wank :screwy: ) you to answer your own non question/ challenge. You should have the answer no doubt!

The point Im making is that nothing in the world is perfect but somewhere the line has to be drawn between what is humane and what it not.
Is keeping some one alive that has no quality of life due to sickness, that wants to die humane? ... I think not! mabey you could change my mind?
As other people mentioned, you wouldnt do it to your dog. so why do it to humans?
oh, thats right, dogs dont go to the after life apparently! (see quote below)

If it were my dad (for example) I would want to accept his wishes and if he was worried about me getting his money (which seems to be one of your arguments), fine it would all go to charity before hand. Some things are more important then money.
would you really care about money if you had nothing to spend it on and were dying anyway?

eternity is a very, very, very long time to be suffering in hell or whatever for getting it wrong for the relatively miniscule 80 odd years on average we spend in this life

As above, One of your first left of field arguments was about having to spend eternity in hell (if you belive that) for making a mistake.
Well if you have to spend eternity there then does it really matter if you get there a few days, months or mabey even years before? you would be there for forever anyway


Agree with you, and appreciate your swift intervention and I really love this site, it is great place for people with open mind and place that we won’t have to feel intimidated.

Thanks again.
Hi Mint Man

In an earlier post you asked me a direct question and I subsequently asked you to go back and first reply to the question/challenge I posed to Happy and everyone else that supports voluntary far from what I have seen, no-one has come up with any suggestions.

From my point of view you and Julia, who also asked me a direct question, are simply wasting my time expecting me to answer your questions when you clearly are unable and/or unwilling to first answer the question/challenge I asked you - since you both say you support's as simple as that....

imo you can't expect me to answer your questions since you won't answer mine so we'll just have to agree to disagree on this one


bullmarket said:
so we'll just have to agree to disagree on this one

thats all of bullmarket's cliches out of the way for this thread. I no longer need to watch this one to wait for them.

exit stage left for me!
Actully Julia ,i`m going to go off topic here,
but I would like to ask someone like Prospector who has a background in psychology her thoughts on whats happening on this thread,

bullmarket said:
hi wayne
you took the easy way out
Ha, are you serious or what? are you the pot or the kettle?

Your thread has seemed to ignore one side of your question, suicide.
I think suicide is selfish in the context of killing yourself just because your life isn't the way it was ment to be so to speak. Example: If you have a loving family that has done nothing but help you with your drug addiction. For you to end it all is selfish. You leave those same loving people behind.(read my recent post in the 'recreational drugs' thread for an example of this)

However, in the context of not being able to end it all even if your extreamly sick with no quality of life. Then I think the ball is in the other court, it would be selfish for me/us not to let them go. But we are in a catch 22, even if we are not selfish we are forced to be. A great example of this is in post 51 of this thread.
Hi Mint Man

you seem to be coming increasingly frustrated and so you are now resorting to quoting a portion of sentences and displaying them out of context.

what I said in full was:

no problem - I just called it as I saw it and since you or MM couldn't post anything that proved anything I said was not correct you took the easy way out and deleted my post.....everything I said is 100% correct


Well I'm for Euthanasia but also realise that it's not all black and white.
I also admire people who are happy to choose other option.

Maybe some people need to go spend some time volunteering in an aged care facility to get some real facts and experiences with what real people are actually going through each and everyday, believe me it can be unbelievable.
Just seeing people getting so depressed when they have lost control of their private functions and too scared to leave thier room, some blind and neally deaf so they can't watch T.V or read or even listen to music. They sit in their room all day 99% of the time alone just waiting. Some have all of the above and have lost use of their legs too.
Most of these people are not in pain and some have told me they what to I can only begin to imagine what it would be like when you add pain.

I suppose what really gets me going is people who spend alot of time TALKING PRO LIFE when they could put their money were their mouth is a save some people who are begging for food and water to stay alive.

Lets all hope we grow old ....never having to go into a nursing home and if we have to lets all hope.... we have enough money to get into a good one....and if we do have enough money lets hope our family will use it on us...and if all works out lets all hope we are pain free and mobile. What are the odds? mmmmm
Hi Blitzed

Blitzed said:
.................I suppose what really gets me going is people who spend alot of time TALKING PRO LIFE when they could put their money were their mouth is a save some people who are begging for food and water to stay alive............

I can assure you there are many people out there who do put their money where their mouth is, as you put it, and so help make a difference in reducing the pain and suffering of those much less fortunate.


like it or not, you said what you said which included, and I quote 'you took the easy way out'.
With that quote I am just making an observation. I think everyone but you can see what I'm saying.

edit- I have decided to not reply to any more of your posts.
you can have the last word
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