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Suicide and Voluntary Euthanasia

Not sure if your statement is attempting a case for or against this?
DB, as I said, you are entitled to your view.

I don't agree with any of the killing -- be it babies, elderly, disabled.

BTW, dogs cannot talk so there is no way he could tell you anything.

imv, there is no such thing as a conservative bill.

141 clauses.

That is my view.

In most cases these people are only kept alive due to medical intervention in the first place. I'm not sure that this is the way 'god intended', or is it OK to keep someone alive past their use-by date using modern medicine, but not OK to end the suffering?
You know
Upon reflection I think Julia bought this topic up with her own situation in mind
Problem UP There?

Wise Man Up There: Trying to find 21 virgins for every ... followers.

Wise Man Up There: Pssst, Don't tell them that everyone, yes everyone good or bad is a virgin Up Here. They don't get the virgins, they are the virgins.

Chances are the majority adult virgins are lesbians and gays. That would be a shock for a believer; getting to Islam heaven and finding out his virgins are men!!!!

So you would do nothing if your dog was 15 years old, having siezures, shitting itself, yelping in pain, was blind and so on. You would just wait for it to die. Might take months.
"Because it cant talk."
You are avoiding the obvious thrust of the question.
I think it is called ducking and weaving or creating a strawman.
Just had to do just that with my 15 yr old Labbie and 19 yr old cat
Both lost quality of life and it was more for us than for them that we stalled.

Having to power of execution of your long term mates is very painful

With a 94 yr old Dad in a nursing home
I’d hate to be in that sort of position even under their instruction.
Lindsay, as I have said, you and anyone else are entitled to their view.

Ducking and weaving?
that humans and animals are different?
I don't see dogs walking around being doctors.
They need us.

I care about animals, but I am not a vegetarian, as the Greens would want.
The Greens are the death cult, imv.

Doctors are for healing, not for killing.
I don't see you mentioning any babies that are killed for no reason.
Are you advocating for the death penalty for criminals as well?

Yes, tech, Julia brought this up regarding suicides.

Philip Nitschke has also been mentioned as an extremist.

Junior, what hospital would that be -- St Vincents.
Another reason for freedom of speech, freedom of thought, freedom of religion.
We had a dog and a cat, both loved and part of the family.
Our cat passed away at 18 years old, and our dog passed away 6 months later, at 10 years old.
I put up this song by Eric Clapton.
It was written when he lost his son.
Doctors are for healing, not for killing.

Some people reach a stage where there are no remaining avenues for healing, or pain relief, or any acceptable quality of life. They face the prospect of many weeks or months of unbearable pain/suffering with certain death to follow. This is the situation where, for some people, ending life under their own terms a little sooner is preferable. It is kinder not only to the individual, but to friends and family who have to witness ongoing suffering as an alternative.
More straw men and avoiding the actual questions being discussed.

This podcast has very insightful, informative and authentic discussions of these issues.
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Here is a podcast episode that specifically addresses the hyperbolic, strategic and ideologically motivated reference to the 'killing of babies'.

A very difficult area and until you are involved you really don't understand the mental tug of war that goes with watching a loved one in pain.

I have just spent almost three weeks at my wife's bedside as she was losing her battle with a brain tumour.
On one hand you just don't want to watch them writhe in pain, confusion and become bed bound but on the other hand maybe a selfish approach where you want them to just hang on for longer.

My beautiful wife lost her battle yesterday morning. I am sad, upset and also angry that I couldn't do anything for her but I am glad for the time we had.
My beautiful wife lost her battle yesterday morning. I am sad, upset and also angry that I couldn't do anything for her but I am glad for the time we had.

I am sorry for your loss Boggo. You did all you could and that's the only thing that matters. My best wishes to you and your family during this difficult time.
Boggo, mate, there is nothing sadder than losing one so close. Words just don't fill the void, hang in there and don't forget, there are a lot of friends here.
It certainly puts a lot of things in perspective, what really is important, those you love.

I have to rate the loss of mine as the worst thing I've ever had to endure and I still weep now and again when I think of her.

My heartfelt sympathy for you cobber.
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