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Suicide and Voluntary Euthanasia

Wait, didn't l saw the Government should ask 3 questions on the upcoming gay vote?

Gay marriage
Medical Marijuana

That's right, we are talking about politicians. All talk, no action and waste money...
I dunno, like if I get diagnosed with oldtimers or what ever it's called, Think Ill just become frickin fast food junky, be slamen down Mars bars, you know, take up parachuting, cliff climbing, try balancing along the hand rail of some bridge over a freeway, That kind of stuff. There are no fatty's in nursing homes.
If you think it should be legal then blow your own brains out before you can't. Seems pretty simple to me.
Question you gotta ask yourself is, WHAT'S STOPPING YOU?
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Many people nearing end of life are stuck in a hospital bed, immobile, incapable of ending it.
Many people nearing end of life are stuck in a hospital bed, immobile, incapable of ending it.
Indeed so the problem; I was 100% for euthanasia law: it should be the right of people to end their life, when they want;IAnd I do not buldge on that
But then seeing the world as it is with '1984' already there, what are my chances not to be euthanised by a future government: above 50, male, white, not gay and not voting the "right way", potentially even spreading 'rumours' on our islamic friends-> so obviously not of a sound mind to make judgment...I do not have much chances.
Many people nearing end of life are stuck in a hospital bed, immobile, incapable of ending it.

Yeah I know, but the point I'm trying to make is that if we are preemptive and personally act, on our own behalf, before it gets to that stage, then whats the problem? Why are we always looking for others to do it for us or make stupid rules for such! Why don't you just do it?!

I'm guessing it's not the destination that is the fear, but the amount of hurt the journey takes.
I'm guessing we have a strong instinct that says 'there's something wrong with it.'
Metal detector at the nursing home may detect the 12 gauge .

Good in theory Notting, but we are not all so comfortable with, nor have available, such methods, e.g. drugs or firearms (there are laws). Nor so comfortable with the the after-affects on our loved ones of the more violent methods.

Would you say '..just do it yourself..' to the 90 year old, in pain on a hospital bed? That might be any of us some day.
Wait, didn't l saw the Government should ask 3 questions on the upcoming gay vote?
Gay marriage
Medical Marijuana

That's right, we are talking about politicians. All talk, no action and waste money...
Completely support this notion, let's have a separate ballot paper, in conjunction with the next Federal election. But as you say ..politicians. It would involve too much common sense, and would save too much money.
Many people nearing end of life are stuck in a hospital bed, immobile, incapable of ending it.

Sadly the only problem I see is, there are many who will be hovering around the bed, willing to assist you whether you want it or not.
Safeguards will be in place I assume.
We are all entitled to our view.

Freedom of speech and freedom of thought is a must in this country.

Dictator Dan and his Green Stalinists would have to be the most extreme, radical, left wing.

As I have said, I call them communists.

Good on the MPs that stood up for LIFE, family and faith.

This is my view.

Two former prime ministers from opposing sides of politics have urged Victorian politicians to abandon a euthanasia bill, amid warnings the legislation would fundamentally alter the way society valued human life.

Paul Keating and Tony Abbott have come out strongly in opposition to Victoria’s voluntary euthanasia push, which yesterday passed its first hurdle in the state’s lower house. The former prime ministers joined the nation’s peak medical body and Australia’s most powerful churches in seeking to have the bill scrapped.

Malcolm Turnbull also signalled his personal opposition to euthanasia, but said the federal government did not have the power to intervene

“It is a big development there is no doubt about that,’’ the Prime Minister conceded.

But he rejected Mr Keating’s assertion that such laws would fundamentally change the nation.

Victoria’s Voluntary Assisted Dying Bill made history after the legislative assembly voted 47 to 37 in favour — making it the first time a government-backed euthanasia bill has passed a state house of parliament. It will now proceed to the upper house where the vote is expected to be closer.

Mr Abbott called on politicians to block the bill and give more consideration to its possible impact on society.

“I want them to block it and, at the very least, I would like them to delay it until after the next election so the public has more time to think about it,” Mr Abbott told The Weekend Australian.

He described the legislation as a “turning point” in the way society viewed doctors, patients and the terminally ill.

“I think we’ll regard this is a sad milestone in our decline as a decent society. It marks our descent into a country which regards human beings as disposable, and we don’t want anyone ever to be regarded as useless, worthless or disposable. But that’s what this legislation says.”

Mr Keating, who this week urged parliamentarians to reject the bill, yesterday accused Victorian politicians of effectively voting to remove one the most basic human rights.

“What it means is that the civic guidance provided by the state ... is voided when it comes to the protection of our most valuable asset; the essential human rights of the citizenry, especially and particularly those in either a fragile state or state of mind or fragile period,” Mr Keating said. “To do or to cause to abrogate the core human instinct to survive and live for the spirit to hang on against physical deprivation, is to turn one’s back on the compulsion built into the hundreds of thousands of years of our evolution.”


Cant quite believe the verbose waffle Keating has vomited up here. Can only assume that he has never been witness to horiffic chronic untreatable pain. Of course we expect churchy Abbot to pop up on the no side. It easy and completely expected for pious folk to lean on their doctrine and words of their church leaders especially when they also have not had real exposure to the kind of torment and indignity we are talking about. I presume all on the no side provide cutting edge palliative care to thier aging and suffering dogs and cats and budgies who shake, have siezures, have no joy, cant eat, are in constant pain and long ago lost any hope of improvement in condition....if not then why not?
NSW LC (upper house): 19 for, to 20 against = voted down.

Sometimes you just despair of the political class. Gay marriage, good as gold. But if you're in pain on your deathbed, with under a year to live - you're on your own mate.

Inhumane and out of step with the community, as a postal survey would soon demonstrate.

With due respect to Tink and others of the opposing view.

I have witnessed an immediate family member in this situation.

The fact is, hospitals doctors & nurses discreetly put people out of their misery every day when their time remaining is measured in hours or days. Time to attend to those who may have months of unbearable misery ahead of them (and their friends & family).

Couldn't have put it better Logique.
NSW LC (upper house): 19 for, to 20 against = voted down.

On a lighter side of things.

Wise Man Up There: Wheww..... what a relief.
A flood of fragile and feeble elderly immigrants from Down Under.
How are we going to handle them?
Don't you mere mortals know we already have a big problem up here.
Don't you mere mortals know we already have a big problem up here.

Problem UP There?

Wise Man Up There: Trying to find 21 virgins for every ... followers.

Wise Man Up There: Pssst, Don't tell them that everyone, yes everyone good or bad is a virgin Up Here. They don't get the virgins, they are the virgins.
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