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Suicide and Voluntary Euthanasia

Dutch paediatricians back right to die for under 12s​
I was listening to this on the drive home today.

Late Night Live - (Monday - Thursday 10pm. Repeated: 4pm the following day)


Well done ABC.

Dying with dignity​

Dr Nitschke is understandably emotional and his language presumably reflects that. He is not apologetic and is taking an aggressive stance in response. He probably feels the need to do so, given how little support he seems to be receiving.

This is a very interesting post. I had been talking to Julia back in January by email and she was feeling frustrated with the forum and discussed moving on. Yet ASF was everything to her. Perhaps her death was a natural cause but cannot help feeling she had given up.

Was working on going up to visit as I had been in her space myself. Eight years back loaded up with every tablet in the house, but woke 15 hours later to the screams of my Daughter on the phone. Had sent her a last message. So glad I came through. But apart from her beloved dog Julia did not have that family. So priveledged and lucky.

We need support. Remember well a young Constable hung himself in a local park, he had been stood down pending an enquiry over a wrongful arrest. His Seargeant it turns out was more responsible but the young fellow was isolated from his peers and his girlfriend had left. The pastor very correctly identified that we need anchours or we drift away.

Find it hard getting Julia's spirit out of my mind on this, could be wrong, what do others think. ?
California Governor Signs Hard-Won Right-to-Die Legislation​

Medically assisted death weeks away in Canada​

More on link below...

Euthanasia advocate and Melbourne doctor may risk jail in fight to assist terminal cancer patient​

Where are we at in Australia?

California To Permit Medically Assisted Suicide As Of June 9​

Good on you Bob.

Election around the corner and the politicians are too scared to touch on this issue. Cowards

Vote Compass: Aussies want it, but euthanasia still a 'great untouched issue'​

Assisted Suicide Is Now Legal in Canada

And One Province Is Providing Free Drugs to Do It​

Canada Legalizes Physician-Assisted Dying​

There's a Voluntary Euthanasia Party in the Senate on 2 July-

A vote would be a good way to send a message to the pollies
This is a very interesting point of view and a good story from somebody who has gone through a lot.

This narrowing, this excruciating drawn-out shutting down is precisely what Sue doesn't want for her last days ”” if it comes to that.

She has no problem with palliative care. This is not palliative care versus euthanasia, she says.

She just wants the right to choose from a full range of options ”” not for anyone else, for herself.

The "euthanasia debate" is ass-about, if you ask Sue.

"We've got these positions put out and we have all these facts and figures trotted out about what countries have it and how many people and that sort of stuff but, you know what? Nobody bothers to ask me. This discussion, which we need to have, it's about me, it goes on around me but doesn't include me," she says.
Palliative care has advanced a lot over the last 20 years but can be expensive.

My concern is that if this bill results in a reduction on the quality of palliative care and the encouragement of people to "get out of the way" then it will be a bad thing. Doctors now do practice a form of euthanasia but having government protocols and forms and bureaucracy all over it is not how I want to spend my last days.

I think the first draft of the bill will be a mess. I note the AMA are not for it.
Also I know there will be horse trading in the senate. This could go pretty badly.
Some movement in NSW

You must remember that while some doctors are more altruistic than others, all (well I hope all) entered medicine with the aim to help people. The hippocratic oath itself states "I will neither give a deadly drug to anybody who asked for it, nor will I make a suggestion to this effect". I for one did not get into this profession to perform such acts or have it expected of me to do so.

A ten year old post.
Bolt is sound on so many issues. But he is wrong on voluntary euthanasia. He needs to get out of the way on this one.

Our dogs and cats may die with dignity. But not our human seniors, and the terminally ill of all ages. Well-done by those States working toward changing these out-dated laws.
Andrew Bolt, Herald Sun
October 19
Yep. I'm on board with it. Palliative care has its limits unfortunately.
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