Australian (ASX) Stock Market Forum

Suggest Fundamental Analysis book to get on my Kindle

well i bought Common Stocks & Uncommon Profit and am about 1/3 of the way through...

my take so far: while there are some key lessons to be learnt it seems to talk from the perpective that the investor can speak with key employees of the business to learn about how it operates and then from there make a decision on investment.... who can actually speak to the management of a company to determine if they are a good investment??? or find out how their employees are treated???
i was really hoping to read about fundamentals to understand that side of the coin and hopefully improve my analysis efforts...

im not looking for a book full of sugar coated lies but i am finding this one so far to be somewhat negative and a big promoter of playing low return but safe options...

Try Terry Smith, "Accounting for Growth" 1996. Not sure if it will be on Kindle, but I discovered it on some dusty bookshelf a few months ago and despite its age, it is readable and interesting as it examines the warning signs evident in reports of companies especially during the LBO boom in the 80s. Nothing really changes: another 20 years, another boom and bust :)...
The Intelligent Investor certainly is the most-well known however it is a bit dull.

One of the most popular and easier to read books is One Up On Wall Street, Peter Lynch

Of course as a macro investor my favourites are:
- Inside the House of Money
- Stock Market Wizards
- The New Market Wizards

The most theoretical and impractical book by far = The Alchemy of Finance, Soros