The arrogance of some people here to say oh you should have researched this. If you go to your accountant do you take his tax advice and then go and do your own research. A certain percentage with financial skills could but for most they take the advice of a trusted advisor.
Walk in someone shoes for a while before you start throwing mud.
I haven't had computer access since my last post and have only had a short read of some of the posts since however Frank I back up your claims that this most definitely feels very much as though we've been raped and anyone who takes offence at this remark certainly has no idea how we feel or they wouldn't feel so defensive.
I have never been physically raped but I have worked with someone who has and helped her work through it, and I can tell you something for nothing my emotions over this storm case are very much on a par with the way she is feeling even to this day let me tell you.
Any claims by a rape victim that this situation has no similarity is very very much mistaken. You have no idea and never will know just how destruction this experience has been. I take offense most strongly that we, the victims are to blame and need to take responsibility and I know that my reasoning is sound on this issue and don't need to repeat myself.
If this is how a person seeking financial advice is treated, if this is how financial planners are 'allowed' to operate and get away with it, if this is how the Australian banking system is allowed to mistreat their clients then all I can say is the whole industry needs dismantleing, it's disgusting.
Irrespective of what 'percentage' of blame one can level at the banking industry, the fact remains that they have a case to answer. The criminal put up the idea and his partner gave him the means to allow the crime to occur, I believe it's sometimes called 'aiding and abeting'
To all storm clients out there don't believe that you are in the wrong for seeking and accepting financial advice from these experts, you have been well and truly raped by the financial advisor and his financial backers and anyone who thinks otherwise is an outsider in this fight that we have on our hands for justice. They are the ones who have no idea and their continued onslaught of storms victims is the most disgusting thing that I've ever had the misfortune to read in my life.
"Auctioneers expect a crowded Storm sale
Camera crews from the Seven and Nine networks will capture the event on television and real estate agents believe it could attract as many as 200 people - they briefly toyed with the idea of hiring security guards."
Why do I have a sneaking suspicion that you will really be there?
I hope you snap some pics with your g-Phone from the scene and upload them for us all to peruse.
Unfortunately a mate has started a Church on the Gold Coast and I need to steer the Bentley from here to there by hallelujah hour on Sunday. He has asked me to look at the books.
He is having major problems with a rat in the ranks, money disappearing, sex, a pregnancy, very ungodly behaviour, and there is also a very important rich wedding in which the Bentley stars in the afternoon.
So I will be saying goodbye to Townsville at Cluden at about midnight tonight, stopping only for sustenance at a servo, and in no time at all will be whispering matins on the coast. I plan to cross Pine River at about 8pm and the Nerang shortly after.
Word about is that there were two interested buyers for Casa Cassimatis, but now there is only one, something to do with Kuwait buggered the other one. The local bookie says $1.4m. It seems such a steal.
God bless you my son for your good work for such a noble crusade, a trip like that will take 12 hrs or more my God be with you and good luck with your forensic accountancy work, maybe you could have a quick chat to Mammy just to see if there are any loop holes he may know but you are not aware of and have look over his book cooking instruments .
My mate Peter is there as well after a stint in some government funded housing scheme all us 99% can only look back in awe and wonder why were are not among they chose few but then like any good battle plan it all comes apart once the first bullet is fired, so best of luck.
By the way the blonde in Cavel Ave near Believe it of get F&^K attraction is actually more well endowed than any man so be warned.
More by Bridget Carter @
Financial planners spend something in the vicinity of four years at university studying for their degree, more for their PhD,
You'll have to excuse me if I fail to believe that there was anyone 'successful' in financial planning who sold insurance, I may have believed it once but not today. That's a furfy.
Time they got rid of the non professionals out of the profession and tightened up on their 'professionalism'. No unqualified person should be legally allowed to call themselves a financial planner. Just my two bobs worth.
I haven't had computer access since my last post and have only had a short read of some of the posts since however Frank I back up your claims that this most definitely feels very much as though we've been raped and anyone who takes offence at this remark certainly has no idea how we feel or they wouldn't feel so defensive.
I have never been physically raped but I have worked with someone who has and helped her work through it, and I can tell you something for nothing my emotions over this storm case are very much on a par with the way she is feeling even to this day let me tell you.
Any claims by a rape victim that this situation has no similarity is very very much mistaken. You have no idea and never will know just how destruction this experience has been. I take offense most strongly that we, the victims are to blame and need to take responsibility and I know that my reasoning is sound on this issue and don't need to repeat myself.
If this is how a person seeking financial advice is treated, if this is how financial planners are 'allowed' to operate and get away with it, if this is how the Australian banking system is allowed to mistreat their clients then all I can say is the whole industry needs dismantleing, it's disgusting.
Irrespective of what 'percentage' of blame one can level at the banking industry, the fact remains that they have a case to answer. The criminal put up the idea and his partner gave him the means to allow the crime to occur, I believe it's sometimes called 'aiding and abeting'
To all storm clients out there don't believe that you are in the wrong for seeking and accepting financial advice from these experts, you have been well and truly raped by the financial advisor and his financial backers and anyone who thinks otherwise is an outsider in this fight that we have on our hands for justice. They are the ones who have no idea and their continued onslaught of storms victims is the most disgusting thing that I've ever had the misfortune to read in my life.
Hi Harlequin,
Nice to have you back! The bigots are still out in force, I'm afraid!
Do what I’ve now done and only reply to people with something constructive rather than destructive to say! Idiots will only succeed in vexing you if you encourage them.
It's much better if you relegate the 'Dumb and Dumbers' on this forum to the back-bench where they belong. They just want you to confess to something you didn’t do to feed their own egos. You’ll never be able to explain to such people what happened because they have all the answers.
Trust me, it’s not worth your time or effort.
Better to wait for intelligent posters to come along rather than squander your energy for nothing.
Thanks Frank I'll take your comments on board.
We have committed a 'crime' apparently. I, and many others, have already admitted that our 'crime' was to believe a financial planner, who had the financial backing of the CBA, and believe what they had to say. I had dealt with that bank before and trusted them implicately.
The point is not, 'you should have done your research etc' , the point is 'we should have been able to trust the very people who let us down'. End of story.
In what?Boggo our storm financial planner had a university degree.
Ive never read this thread.
But this is the wisest thing you can possibly do.
I have a rule which I never break.
"If I cant control it then I dont do it."
You'll never find yourself on a thread like this!
Like the floods, storm and co have stripped the homes off thousands and they've been left floundering without any idea of how or why, and then to boot, they've been called greedy.
One minute you think you're doing the right thing seeking and accepying financial advice and the next you're a greedy mongrel who should have educated yourself and realised that what you were doing was wrong, what a load of hogwash.
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