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STO - Santos Limited

Hey Dukey,

Yeah there is so much going on its just crazy,

I can't believe ICN, I was looking at them, back in Jan they announced a 1TCF Prospective resource of CSG in there permit,

Key word was prospective, with 300m shares at 8c they were capped at $24m, since then after letting Santos take up a placement they moved as high as 40c = $120m Mkt Cap

Now they have settled back to around 25c = $75m Mkt Cap

I wonder what STO's intentions are there given its in the Surat Basin


  • STO location.JPG
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That STO slide says it all doesn't it - HUGE acreages.

I did have abit of a look at ICN last yr but figured they might be on inferior acreage on the edge of Walloons - seems they might be OK afterall - though I think I remember the seams were pretty thin.... but then so are BUL's so far.

My head is spinning trying to keep up!
so many companies... so few $$$
But I think AJL might be on the cards next for me though...

Still STO should be great long termer....
- As for their interest in ICN's area - I'm not sure If STO moves as fast as the mid-sized CSGers. Kind of like Telstra V Vodaphone. STO is a very big Co and possibly not so desperate to make things happen fast... but if they need that gas for their LNG plant then that could push things along.
Hey Dukey,

Caught in the CSG whirl wind hey? he he he, here's some more for ya

Santos/Petronas deal going ahead

Gladstone LNG partnership transaction with PETRONAS receives regulatory approvals Santos today confirmed the Gladstone LNG (GLNGTM) transaction announced on 29 May 2008, whereby Santos selected PETRONAS as its 40% partner in the development, operation and marketing of the GLNGTM project, has become unconditional and will therefore complete shortly.
All regulatory conditions have been satisfied, including confirmation from the Foreign Investment Review Board that it has no objection to the proposed investment by PETRONAS.

On completion, PETRONAS will pay Santos US$2.008 billion for its 40% interest in the project. A further payment of US$500 million will be made by PETRONAS upon reaching a Final Investment Decision for a second LNG train of 3mtpa capacity.

Yup - difinitely - happily i've been in this CSG whirlwind for a couple of years now since QGC was a babe in arms! -and it just keeps getting stronger!

Looks like STO should be set for a big sustained run like so many others..

Santos has around 600m shares on issue, using an avg share price of say $20 (makes it easy too) the Mkt Cap is $12 Billion So really this deal represents about 1/6th of STO's Mkt Cap which makes it quite significant really,

Never bothered to think about it in that way, always just thought of Santos as an Oiler, perhaps their future expansion potential may lie with CSG?

Hm yeah STO isnt too bad

Earnings and Dividends Forecast (cents per share)
2007 2008 2009 2010
EPS 75.8 107.4 112.1 96.8
DPS 40.0 40.0 40.0 40.0


Hm yeah STO isnt too bad

Earnings and Dividends Forecast (cents per share)
2007 2008 2009 2010
EPS 75.8 107.4 112.1 96.8
DPS 40.0 40.0 40.0 40.0



Hi michael

Just to clarify, are your earnings and dividends forecasts your own work? Can I ask what are your sources?


CSG article mainly on Shell, but mentions Santos and the Petronas deal,25197,24041984-5005200,00.html

"FOREIGN investors appetite for investments in coal seam gas and Australian companies with exposure to the new energy product shows no signs of slowing.

Royal Dutch Shell's global head of power and gas, Linda Cook yesterday said the super major was still looking for new CSG openings in Australia to add to its recently added stake in Arrow Energy.

"We've had that (CSG) on our radar for some years," Ms Cook said during a visit to Australia.

"Our interest remains high in various types of new gas opportunities including tight gas as well as coal seam gas in a number of countries around the world."
Lost count of the number of times someone has had sold 2 shares today, done a real good job of keeping the price down.
This stock IMO is now on the start of an uptrend. The shorters have kept it down. They will have to buy back some time, and so will the longers. It will gradual increase im expecting over the next two months IMO.

I'm pretty sure they haven't had their annual report announced yet. It should be pretty good withe oil pricing so high lately. I just go buy the technical side.

Should close higher tm.
Done well today STO is going to provide its report tommorow so it should follow OSH, it's up 9% at the moment after yesterday when it announed its full year report. IMO it should be up at least 3 % tommorow. I jumped in yesterday and will be out tommorow if all goes to plan.

Every please do your own research and do not in anyway take what I say serious at all! I am a newbie!

u might want to explain where u pulled the 3% from... hopefully its not something u dreamed up last night.

Good call, I sold nearly half my holdings @ $18.85 and bought in again @ $18.08. Crayfish for tea tonight.
Positive reports get rewarded in this climate.
u might want to explain where u pulled the 3% from... hopefully its not something u dreamed up last night.

LOL What dream? They were goin to announce their accounts today, I said at least 3% I jumped out when it was at 9%.
STO - Santos

I couldnt find an existnig thread on this which surprised me so apologies if I missed it.

Santos has been punished last week, worse than Origin, and its ownership cap comes off soon. Does anyone know of any reasons why they were so heavily punished last week, apart from the obvious??
Hi dan.

As you note on the QGC thread, almost everything got trashed last week.
Add in the continuing slide in the PoO and the liability hanging over STO from the Indonesian mudflow business and I'm not surprised that the SP continues to be under pressure.

Disc: Not holding STO at present.
This keeps getting smashed. Is it because of the price of oil?
I put in an order at a price i thought was too low to be reached any time soon and now it has been filled and the shares continue to slide... Any reason why its going worse than the market at large??

Certainly, it's about the PoO.
Everything on my O&G watchlist is down.

PPP -2.6%
NWE -5.9%
OSH -3.1%
STO -4.3%

I don't think it's anything personal against STO - they're all in a downtrend so I'm not buying!


Its like anything negative or even the lack of positive news...seems to drive
the SP down, and that's every stock...not just Santos.

Gold falling with Oil.

could have something to do with that bloody great mudflow they have going in java . there are estimates of up to $829 million for the clean up & Santos have provisioned for about $90 million so maybe that is whats spooking the market
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