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STO - Santos Limited

Potential juncture for this one. MD remained unfavourable all day. Over all the ASX of 70 or so points .... bad news everywhere ... and yet does not make a new low?

A short term CALL play could be on the cards ... will we get a signal?


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MalteseBull said:
wtf is with sto atm?

I thought it has held up well in the last couple of days considering, but maybe it's something to do with the mud pouring out of their drill hole in Indonesia, not sure, but good company standing up in these markets.
I've never liked Santos much.
Look at how they have performed long term next to Woodside.
They have pretty limited reserves, spent a fortune trying to find more and failed. Better oilers out there. Look at AMU for instance.
MalteseBull said:
wtf is with sto atm?

Banjar Panji incident media reports
02 Jan 2007

Media enquiries Investor enquiries
Christian Bennett Andrew Seaton
+61 8 8218 5155 / +61 (0) 400 686 106 +61 8 8218 5157 / +61 (0) 410 431 004

Santos notes recent media reports in relation to statements attributed to the Indonesian President, Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono, regarding costs claimed to be associated with the Banjar Panji incident.

It has been reported that “PT Energi Mega Persada’s unit Lapindo Brantas Inc [the “Operator”] must pay 3.8 trillion rupiah (US$421 million) to cover repairs and losses after gas exploration drilling triggered a mud flow disaster.”

Despite continued requests, Santos has not received any official communication in this regard from the Operator. Santos is continuing to attempt to clarify the status of any discussions between the Government of Indonesia and the Operator.

Further announcements in relation to Santos’ share of potential costs relating to the Banjar Panji-1 incident will be made as definitive information becomes available and has been evaluated.

Santos Brantas Pty Ltd has an 18% non-operating interest in the Brantas PSC which contains the Banjar Panji-1 well, located near Surabaya on the Indonesian island of Java. The PSC is operated by Lapindo Brantas Inc, with a 50% interest. The remaining interest is held by PT Medco E&P Brantas, which has a 32% interest.
imaginator said:
whats the outlook for Sto?
It shot up to 10.08 today.
DO u think its going up more?

STO will henceforth be known as "Mr Magoo" until such time as Flint extracts the digit
Hi there,

I have been following Santos for a little while, noting it has surged in price considerably in the last couple of months. Does anyone else share the opinion that it is due for a pullback in the near term?
I am assuming its price has increased on speculation of it benefiting from more flexibility with the removal of the 15% cap, and a solid oil price recently. However, the PE has also ramped up considerably. I am thinking with not much news of significantly increased earnings or new assets, the speculation value (and removal of some uncertainty in relation to the Indon Mud Volcano) may be fully factored in.
Any thoughts?



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Santos seemed to drop into a downtrend since the news of the Cap release, and release of some below-expectation drilling results.

Being new to charting, I noticed some interesting patterns on this chart and am after some advice. The Advance in price seems to be followed by a very consistent downtrend retracement, totalling around 50%. As it has followed a 50% retracement, and I can not see any major change in the fundamentals, is it due to continue an advance again? There does seem to be some support the last few days at around $13.15. Are there any other indicators I should be looking at to get a feeling of whether it is ready for a turnaround, or if the downtrend will continue?

Also note the 'Double Top' at the peak, before the downtrend commenced. Any comments on what this would normally tell us?



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Hi, can anyone tell me why Santos is holding up so well?? I have been watching it for weeks, and it seems to be doing OK compared to the rest of the market and most oil stocks. Any views ?? I've looked at the announcement and I can't seem to see anything of great significance.
This is because of the company's growing LNG footprint, open register and strong leverage to rising East Coast gas prices.
Profit fell but more reserves and good prospects?

SANTOS a good buy I reckon.

What do you guys reckon?
East coast gas is seriously undervalued both by international standards and compared to other fuels (notably coal). Incredibly, gas is actually cheaper than coal in some situations right now - that's like saying gold is cheaper than lead.

I won't last simply because if it did, gas demand will go through the roof thus ensuring that the situation isn't sustainable. So either global gas and coal prices crash or east coast gas prices go up. The latter is far more likely IMO.

We're talking big jumps in price by the way, not small 10%, 20% etc rises.

So you could go long gas producers with access to the east coast market or go short anyone with gas as a major business cost who is unhedged, baseload power generation being the standout industry in that sense.

Be warned though that this will take years to play out not weeks or months. STO is pretty well placed to benefit from all of this IMO.
Anyone know whats happening with STO today... 9 'becoming a substantial holder' notices released last evening!!!
don't usually follow them much so I have no idea yet, downloading now...
Well theres a hell of a lot of legalese stuff to get through - and seeing I'm not holding I wont bother - the crux seems to be Deutsche Bank (group) taking a 5.5% stake via a multitude of on market trades since Feb 25.
This is something like a >600$mill investment - so obviously they expect big things from santos....should create some interest!!!!!!!!!

- dukey
It would seem that this buying has been the main driver of the SP rises since late Feb - from around $12-13 to what we see now - $> 21.
will be interesting to see how she travels when they stop buying!!
Hi Dukey, Buy some, heaps more upside in this one. Positioning itself for big growth for decades with oil & csm. if it doesn't get bought out. It's doing a hell of a lot better than a lot of oil penny dreadfulls which arn't rising with higher oil prices,eg CUE & co.
A very interesting presentation by Santos today on their CSG,

It looks like their Gunnedah area may contain 40TCF of Gas which is double what their Qld acerage may contain (note though they did sell 40% recently to PETRONAS for $2.5Billion +)

Interestingly their Gunnedah acerage abuts ESG's PEL 238 and other tennements which makes ESG look strategically interesting (see page 13 of the presentation)

Overall highlights the value in the CSG sector
Agree totally YT.
STO could be a big winner in NSW - will be watching for further sp corrections.
>> There is so much going on in CSG sector at the mo. - it's almost impossible to keep your eye on the ball - cause there are about 20 balls to watch!!

#BUL discounted due to ANZ/Chimaera issue.
#RPM/QGC/BOW t/over
#Early stagers like PES, BOW, BUL coming on
#LNG plants galore (4 planned for Gladstone alone!) - gotta be some partnerships to come there..
#NSW dvelopments - STO, ESG, AJL looking very good for the future.
#LNC/SXP and other UCG developments.

... very exiting for the future ... but hard to keep abreast of everything!
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