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STO - Santos Limited

STO is making higher highs over the past month.
Don't let fear of loss impact on profit.
Mitigate risk.
Selling prematurely will negate both Risk and Potential profit.
If your buying on the way down this is what your waiting for!!

I have a sell order at $4.25, almost got there last Wednesday and again today, waiting patiently.

Now you folks are asking to review my strategy.
I planned to hold STO as a long term on my super even if this has given me more than 22% return so far.
Now you folks are asking to review my strategy.
I planned to hold STO as a long term on my super even if this has given me more than 22% return so far.

I plan (hope) to build a position for the long term thus not selling my whole position, taking profit, de-risking and will hope to get in cheap again somewhere down the road, i half expect another capital raising.
I have a sell order at $4.25, almost got there last Wednesday and again today, waiting patiently.
Indicative Price on open is $4.25. Order still in???
Dunno what I'm gonna do.
Good scenario, not bad.
I just sold the SMSF lot but hanging onto the personal shares.
Finger on the trigger.

While I think the company is sound, when to jump on or off is pure speculation.
I got cold feet and bailed yesterday...$4.04 just a little pissed off.

About 10% pissed off I'd say

Just to make you feel better, I jumped in at about $7, then the $6s, then took up all the rights at $3.85 [?]... so still losing.
I bought it at the close yesterday!
It was the most beaten down of the larger ones and most leveraged for a turn.
I bought it at the close yesterday!
It was the most beaten down of the larger ones and most leveraged for a turn.

I thought your strategy was to buy into a spike (oil thread yesterday). STO almost closed on its lows yesterday. AWE had a much better close, as did many others. Just wondering what your reason for buying was. Buying because it's been battered doesn't seem a great strategy.

No my strategy was all about the oil stocks themselves the oil price itself is often misleading and doesn't spike or tank till after our market closes.
You will notice that they all kicked up toward the end of he trade and their matching prices were almost all positive to the last open market price. That has consistently indicated a ramping anouncement from the Russians or Saudis, since the tank at the start of the year, that delievers a good return for our oil stocks the next day.
Normally I would buy them all but on this occasion the spike was not aggressive enough given this was not going to be a suprise announcement. I think I picked the right one to get into assuming that the announcement was going to be positive. What they have done so far today indicates that it was a good buy. But I should have gone them all!
I i half expect another capital raising.

Didn't have to wait long, a billion dollar placement is a hell of a placement, never seen one that big before, shareholders diluted by 15% but the payoff is that STO is 100% de-risked...SSP at $4.06 or there abouts.
Is there much interest in Santos lately.
I have been keeping an watch on them for a while and thinking of taking up some shares.
Anyone have any opinion or T/A on them?
Is there much interest in Santos lately.
I have been keeping an watch on them for a while and thinking of taking up some shares.
Anyone have any opinion or T/A on them?

There is nothing in regards to T/A on this stock.
It is just trading in a sideways range, might take another look if it breaks above $5.07 and see what it is doing then....maybe a trend will get going above that price....time will tell though....
There is nothing in regards to T/A on this stock.
It is just trading in a sideways range, might take another look if it breaks above $5.07 and see what it is doing then....maybe a trend will get going above that price....time will tell though....

Thanks Triathlete for the comment.
Im a relatively new at this and have mostly speculative stocks in my portfolio for hopefully a quick enough turnover.
I do have one or two stocks which I'm my mind are long term holders for me, adding Santos to this list if I do buy in.
As they are going sideways at the moment would it not be better to take up as small holding now and more if if they do turn more bearish, instead of waiting to break above $5.07.
Am I on the right thinking here that it would be more advantageous to to that rather than wait and see if it becomes bullish to $5.07 (keeping in mind its a long term holding).

I see your point and this is what the majority of long term investors do building up a position in a stock that they believe will go up over time.

I would just add what if this stock goes sideways for the next 10 years this would mean that all you would be getting back on your investment is the Dividend whatever that may be and no capital growth.

As an investor getting both capital growth and dividends is what you need to target because if you are not getting the growth than someone else is...

Look at Telstra many people hold this in there portfolio for the dividend yet they have lost plenty due to continuing to hold the stock when it was showing signs of a decline and we can all see what has just happened to its share price which has collapsed after the last dividend payment......

Always remember there is a time to be in a stock on the long side and a time to be on the short side and a time to stay out altogether.....
Thats true it can bee in a long rut of going sideways for a long time. But I would rather be in a stock sideways for a long time (if I can spare the cash and have no other investments that need cash attention) than miss out on the uptake straight away and plug in come re buys along the way.
If you are able to leave money in a sideways stock I think in my honest opinion that would fit in your last point about there being a time to be in a stock on the long side even if it is sideways rather than holding, but that is just me and you and many other will probably know more than I and have certain and more refine criteria than me.

I will be keeping an watch on Santos with the view of buying in soonish.
Just out of interest is Santos in your portfolio?

It does not matter if you miss out on the first 10% of a move as long as you pick up the next 80% but that is the trader in me talking.....

I would need to know the move has started before I put my money in, this way I pick up the most in the shortest amount of time rather than letting my money do nothing but go sideways.

The stock market to me is about getting Growth and Dividends are the icing on the cake so to speak....

Santos is not in my portfolio as there is no reason for it to be there....
Ah I see now. (sorry I'm a bit slow lol). Your first sentence is makes more sense than my entire thinking.
I think my mind-frame is still in the speculative stocks, buying in low and early and hoping for the best and riding out the weather hoping the stock makes it worth while (Please don't take this literally I do research and T/A the best I can on them).

I'll hold for a break in the sideways momentum and see what happens to Santos.
Crawling out of the debtors prison and improving margins. Potentially doing an FMG if oil can stay above 42 or so. Though it's margins are not as great at this point.
Crawling out of the debtors prison and improving margins. Potentially doing an FMG if oil can stay above 42 or so. Though it's margins are not as great at this point.

Yes it's amazing how much fat can be squeezed out of the production cost with a bit of commodity price pressure. FMG moved down the cost curve dramatically and will now reap the benefits for years to come.

STO has greatly underperformed as a major oiler so perhaps this quarterly is just what the doctor ordered. The chart is showing some hope.

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