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Solution to the Islam problem in Western countries

For a start: restrict immigration from muslim majority countries as much as possible. If you are in a hole stop digging.
Not attacking those that call out bad behaviour.
If more people had the guts in the past less kids would have been abused by the catholic church. What the hell were people thinking back then. Thats the problem when religion gains to much power.

Nothing evil should ever be 'in the name of God'. These so called holy men should be exposed for what they are.
Seriously? ASF needs another one of these threads? Seriously?

The domination of political and religious threads is almost on part with actual share trading threads. Can this question not be asked in a current thread?


We have to start a process of de-islamization of Western society.
That means a lot of things.
I'll expand in due course.
Can't be covered by a single post.

Seriously? ASF needs another one of these threads? Seriously?
The domination of political and religious threads is almost on part with actual share trading threads. Can this question not be asked in a current thread?

pink boy, Many threads get too long and drift off topic so for those who want to discuss something specific it is useful to start a new thread as we have just done.
You are not obliged to read any threads that do not interest you.
This thread will be closed quick smart.....

The West and Islam will never see eye to eye.

You have a book of fiction which -
  • Tells people (Muslims) to kill non believers/infidels
  • Condones Gays/Lesbians/Transexuals
  • Women are degraded and treated as second class citizens
  • Certain food is not to be eaten/consumed (alcohol/pork)
  • Allows underage marriage (Muhammed was 50-something when he married Aisha, who was 6 or 7 at the time)
  • Is not allowed to be questioned and their prophet is also not allowed to be depicted
  • Encourages violence

The real question should be - 'Would you classify Islam as a terrorist organization/group/system/structure?'

I don't see a difference between David Koresh and Islam.
This thread will be closed quick smart.....

The West and Islam will never see eye to eye.

The real question should be - 'Would you classify Islam as a terrorist organization/group/system/structure?'

I think your points belong in the “Islam – Is It Inherently Evil Thread”.
This thread is for discussing solutions to a recognized problem.
I think your points belong in the “Islam – Is It Inherently Evil Thread”.
This thread is for discussing solutions to a recognized problem.

There is only 1 solution. Ban Islam.
I think funding should be cut to religious schools in general.

The money saved should be put into upgrading the standard of public schools and public schools should not provide any religious education, apart from a critical scientific analysis of the claims made by religions.

Parents should be fined if their child's behavior is unacceptable and there should be special schools with tougher discipline for any child that is expelled, at the parents expense.

Maybe then the spread of religious nonsense can be halted, and it's influence diminished.
Religion in Schools
I think funding should be cut to religious schools in general.

I agree with this. Don’t allow any religious teaching in schools except I guess for private schools with a specific religious affiliation where the choice to have children indoctrinated by a particular religion will be the choice of the parents and not a choice made by the state.

Some others:

Pass legislation to make the practice of Sharia Law illegal.

Pass laws, which ban all religious organizations from having any role in the labeling and approval of food products.

Hate Laws
Make sure the law applies to everyone with complete even-handedness, muslims and non-muslims alike.
Freedom of Speech
Don’t allow political correctness to weaken our freedom of speech.
It must remain possible to talk openly about Islam (as with any other religion) and allow it to be questioned.
If muslims seriously want to integrate with Western Society they should welcome and allow their religion to be discussed and questioned.
If there is nothing wrong with Islam it should be able to withstand free and open discussion.
Get tougher on Radicals

Terror at Home
Jihadists/radicals who are found guilty of terrorism related activities in Western countries should be deported if they have dual nationality. Don’t just put them in jail. It costs the state to keep them there and they will always find ways of continuing their activities from behind the jail walls. Get rid of them. Expel them from the country.

Terror Abroad – eg ISIS followers
Allow them to leave the country if they want to go and fight in Syria/Iraq for ISIS. It is madness to try and prevent them as they just become ticking time-bombs in our backyard.
Let them go but don’t ever allow them to come back.
Change the referendum, before its too late

I didn't think it was possible to prevent them returning if they are Australian citizens, but I noticed on CNN or SKY tonight in the stream of headlines that cross the bottom of the screen, that Bahrain have revoked the citizenship of a dozen or so people, so it must be possible.

Yes, I don't know the mechanism required.
But one good thing about letting them go is that some of them get killed anway.
We solve it the same way we solve all our problems: declare war, mint a few slogans, build a few more dozen prisons.

War on drugs; just say no.

War on poverty; "don't be poor"[?]; "greed is good" [?]; "welfare queen"; "socialists left wing nut"

War on terror; defending our values; protecting freedom; WMD ["no, not there; not there either" said W.]

... wait, there's an Islam problem? Since when?
Since the 7th century actually.

Anyway when is not the issue in this thread it is about solutions.

Shouldn't there be a problem first for us to then figure out the solutions?

If it's Islam that tell those guys to blow up our army bases or commit terrorism, shouldn't we then ask why the other 99.99999% of Muslims who, among other things, also pray five times a day and one would assume are equally indoctrinated by Islam... yet they do not commit crime or act of terrorism?

All states have foreign spies and enemies living and operating among their people, and if we go to war with any other state and the now enemy gov't order retaliation, it will be carried out. Do we have a Russian problem? A Chinese problem? A japanese problem? An American problem? Indian problem? Those countries don't have spies or sleeper agents here?

So terrorism problem, definitely; Islamic problem? Don't think so.
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