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Social Engineering

Who pays the bill for extra police at union demonstrations?

There's plenty of politics in this, in the People's Republic of Victoria.

One man thinks justice consists in paying debts, and has no measure in his abhorrence of another who is very remiss in this duty and makes the creditor wait tediously. But that second man has his own way of looking at things; asks himself Which debt must I pay first, the debt to the rich, or the debt to the poor? the debt of money or the debt of thought to mankind, of genius to nature? For you, O broker, there is not other principle but arithmetic. For me, commerce is of trivial import; love, faith, truth of character, the aspiration of man, these are sacred;

Back on the meds again?
More population, more crime, police resources probably haven't kept up, they have to prioritise.

As long as they solve the serious crimes like drug trafficking, murders, assaults etc then I suppose they are doing their real jobs.

But they seem to have plenty of radar traps on the roads to get revenue.

Make minor road works an 80klicks zone for miles either side on a 100km motorway and put a camera in .... that's the QLD way to raise revenue

love how the cops parked at end of 80k zone pointing to 60k.

There's this camera at an intersection I thought weren't necessary because it's a bend and just up ahead is another one. Saw it removed so thought wow, that former premier with fine taste for expensive, but free, wine really did deliver on his promise to remove cameras that's just put there to raise revenue. That was nice.

Recently found that they simply moved the camera to the smaller road of that 3-way intersection.

More people die in road accidents than due to murder.

So while solving murder cases is important, it is not more important than reducing road deaths.

Also, I don't have any problem with offsetting the large cost of policing with fines from those people caught breaking the law.

Either way the public is paying for the police service, Fines just push part of those payments onto those caught breaking the law.

I have paid my fair share of fines due to my stupid behaviour when I was young, and yes the fines hurt, but they did curb my behaviour, also they didn't hurt as much as the possible negative affects of my behaviour.
Make minor road works an 80klicks zone for miles either side on a 100km motorway and put a camera in .... that's the QLD way to raise revenue

Road works are a big problem area for crashes.

it is estimated that nationally each year at least 50 deaths and 750 injuries occur in crashes at roadworks with a cost of more than $400 million

So the reduced speed limits are there for a reason, and are enforced to try and make people obey them. enforcement costs money, I am happy for the people violating the rules and putting others at risk to foot the bill 36 - Debnath - Occ Road Safety in Action.pdf
Also, I don't have any problem with offsetting the large cost of policing with fines from those people caught breaking the law.

There is a lot more money to be made by siezing the assets of drug traffickers than fining people for exceeding the speed limit by 10 kmh.
They asked me if I wanted to get the car dusted. I said is it even worth it?
All these bs CSI shows make people think we have all these methods that work 90% of the time. When the truth is you are lucky if you can lift a fingerprint that can be used.
I knew it was all bs, they said it was "F'all chance" so I clutched it and drove it back.
There is a lot more money to be made by siezing the assets of drug traffickers than fining people for exceeding the speed limit by 10 kmh.

Every couple hundreds per click counts.

That and it's more bang for the buck.

Hope we don't go the way of some US states where the cops get to seize assets of those they suspect are up to no good. Like pulling over a druggie-looking guy, see a few grand of cash he claims he's bringing along to "buy a car"... then you take it.

Can he really afford to sue the police department if you've taken all his savings? And he has no car to drive around?

Not sure how they'd match a fingerprint (if any) against people they're not out there catching. I just don't see them doing that CSI print matching against their database on your one.

I guess the cop there was trying to save you some money. And the hassle of having to clean up the dust after you pay them to take it back.

Thing is, seems that small-time crooks know this and so they're more tempted to break in and steal properties.

A cop actually called me back to question our report of the "stolen" car. He asks how could they take our stuff first, then came back later for the car? That doesn't make sense.

I told him that our crappy car isn't on premium two-way insurance. So if it's lost it's lost. We're not trying to scam the insurer. Oh, OK.

At least they did try to do some detective work I guess.
Look at that, $1.5Trillion in tax cuts to the rich. But that's not enough... how are you going to pay for that? Why you take it from the poorest and most vulnerable people in your society, obviously.

You really can't make up how nasty these farkers are.

U.S. tax revamp still incomplete as Republicans eye social program cuts
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Even before completing their overhaul of the U.S. tax code, Republicans in Washington have begun turning their attention to changes and possible cuts in the social safety net of government programs for the poor, children, elderly and disabled Americans.

President Donald Trump, House of Representatives Speaker Paul Ryan and other Republican officials in recent remarks have made clear that welfare or “entitlement reform,” as they often call it, will be a top priority for them in 2018.

“Next year, we’re going to have to get back to entitlement reform,” Ryan said on a radio talk show on Wednesday
There is a lot more money to be made by siezing the assets of drug traffickers than fining people for exceeding the speed limit by 10 kmh.
I am not sure about that, but you can do both,

Speeding fines offset the cost of enforcing speed limits, and seizing drug money and assets can offset the cost of that.
The plan for an impending war is to keep the U.S.A. team lean, mean and hungry for fighting while topping up the rich so they can survive the confrontation.
The violent left have hijacked Melbourne.

How many events were closed down.

Yeah OK , woteva. WE are talking roads without any works happening except at night and that's on the shoulders with steel crash barriers. Tke last LNO premier saw it for what is was and wanted to introduce 100k during non works times (daytime) and 80k for actual work times.

We can all play the contrary game, but fact is they are ridiculous rules and great revenue raisers

So What Asian welfare system do you propose?
Please put one forward, that offers more than a "Western System" and I'm sure lots will flock there.
I know our systems aren't brilliant, but please show us one of the Asian systems that is better or equal.
Also don't come up with the "money" crap, Australia gets 8 million tourists, How many do Thailand get? Also Thailand makes heaps of cars Nissan Navara RHD utes for a start, all Triumph motor bikes, a new Ducati plant has been built there.

Yet you go on and on about how we don't give enough, I hope you have renounced your other citizenship.LOL

Just joking, but don't pull on the heartstrings too much, you will kill
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