Prices are moving slowly today for BHP and RIO. Bought call options this morning hoping that they will go up tomorrow. The price looks like it will end where it started. Hopefully today was the bottom.
The XMJ (S&P 500 Materials index) opened up a whopping 70 points today. Will be interesting to see if it holds up (43 points at the moment) around the 7,500 mark. If it retraces to yesterdays lows than I would be very bearish on resource stocks. I think the XMJ will only go up from here but will be able to see it better by the end of the day.
Looks like resource stocks are back in favour again after a week long retracement. Was tempted take the money and run with my RIO and BHP options but the strength of the price move today suggests to me that it will continue on through monday. Hopefully will be right and be able to to take my profits.
Overall I think resource stocks will continue on their merry way up again.