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Slippery Pete

Mediation over and poor Pete's left looking for a way to slip out.
Hope this is not provided for him, especially given his discourtesy to the court. He can certainly afford to pay for legal representation even if he declined to appear personally.

James Ashby didn't look like he was in a compromising mood, and he wasn't.
Hope he maintains such a stance. The resumption of the case tomorrow will be interesting.


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A blubbering Slipper apologises to the Court.

PETER Slipper struggled to contain his emotions today as he told the Federal Court of the impact of sexual harassment allegations against him.

Maintaining the allegations brought by his former staffer James Ashby were an abuse of process, Mr Slipper also said the suit was “an attempt to destroy my marriage . I love my wife your honour”.

Appearing close to tears, Mr Slipper apologised to the judge for his show of emotion and said he was devastated by the case brought by Mr Ashby, someone he “thought was a friend.”

“Your honour, it's really hard for me to express how upset I am over the last six months since these proceedings have been filed.”

Great cartoon. Says it all about Slipper really. A cane toad would have more genuine emotion.
This just gets more entertaining by the minute.

Earl Slipper of Queensland ??

He got to kiss the PM.
So the content of the text messages is being dripped out, bit by bit.
I don't think most people could care less about the sexual stuff, but Slipper's comment about enjoying disciplining Sophie Mirabella goes to much more important considerations for when he was Speaker.

All up, it's hardly appropriate that the electorate should be entertained or titillated by the tawdry and salacious behaviour of the person in the parliament's most respected position.

Pretty disgusting all round.
Anyway you play it Ashby is dumb as you can get.

Scenario 1: It wasn't a put up job to ingratiate himself with the LNP. At most he gets a 5 figure settlement and is basically unemployable.

Scenario 2: It was a put up job to ingratiate himself with the LNP. In this scenario he's delusional enough to think he's going to get a standing ovation at the LNP AGM and a plum position working as a ministerial staffer when the coalition wins in 2013. In the end at most he gets a 5 figure settlement and is basically unemployable.
So the content of the text messages is being dripped out, bit by bit.
I don't think most people could care less about the sexual stuff, but Slipper's comment about enjoying disciplining Sophie Mirabella goes to much more important considerations for when he was Speaker.

All up, it's hardly appropriate that the electorate should be entertained or titillated by the tawdry and salacious behaviour of the person in the parliament's most respected position.

Pretty disgusting all round.

Just in case anyone had any doubts about the decadence of this Government and its toady independent supporters, then this has been resolved by their support of the odious Slipper to continue as Speaker. How could anyone in parliament respect him.:dunno: I would give him a scumbag rating lower than Alan Jones.
Breaking news - Slipper resigns as Speaker

A win for Abbott. Slipper admits that he is unfit to occupy the role of Speaker.

AFTER a day of high drama, an emotional Peter Slipper this evening resigned as Speaker.

Mr Slipper went into Parliament just after 7pm this evening and reported with "great sadness" he should not continue as Speaker. This came after earlier surviving a vote to remove him as Speaker by one vote.

A highly emotional Speaker, in terms, said he was tendering his resignation to the Governor-General.

Mr Slipper said that despite the one-vote victory fending off his removal earlier this afternoon he deemed it best to resign.

Expressing great sadness and frustration at an inability to introduce Parliamentary reforms he wanted.

"The importance of the role Speaker in the House of Representaives is far greater than my own role," Mr Slipper said.