People often talk about change and then do nothing about it, but the change has to start with yourself. 3 years ago after going through a rough time and reading a self help type book, I put a list together of short (1yr), medium (5yr) and long term (10yr+) goals. That list still sits beside my bed and gets looked at regularly. I've ticked off all the ones on the short and half the ones on the medium. The important part of the list is it can include ANYTHING and some of those goals should at the time seem unachievable. My list included financial, health and "spritual" type goals (not religion) eg: buy an investment property, lose weight, change my attitude towards certain things. Whenever I have a bad day I look at this list and remind myself of the good things I have achieved. And let me tell you the spiritual or attitude type goals are by far the hardest to achieve.
I suppose my point is if you want to change make some sort of commitment that you can be reminded of until you achieve that change.