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Should the "Yes Men" be able to change the world?

Couldn't have said it better myself
Cynic, Pixel I think you have offered far more of an insight into your state of mind than observations about the Yes Men.

There was a society that considered its actions so right that any protest or disagreement automatically meant the protester needed psychiatric assessment and incarceration .

That was the Soviet Union of the 1950's, - 80's. Can you remember the protests of the Free World on behalf of the valiant Russian activists who exposed the Gulags and excesses of the Soviet government? Perhaps you'd like to check out the reference and see if this model is the one you would use to take care of protesters.

But perhaps CYnic you are already aware of this and your just running an elaborate hoax to see who agrees ?

Cynic, Pixel I think you have offered far more of an insight into your state of mind than observations about the Yes Men.

Glad to see you did gain some insight, basilio

Now go and get that Asimov novel I told you about earlier:
That will provide an even more valuable insight into the human psyche when there is a dichotomy of views and the population faces the choice between immediate personal loss vs potential future discomfort.

PS: The full quote, from which the title is taken, reads
"Against stupidity the Gods themselves contend in vain."
So I don't expect the Yes Men, Moylan, or all of their doting fans to come to reason. But there may be hope for one or two.

Does this sound familiar Cynic, Pixel ?

I urge you to check out the Wiki post on political abuse of Psychiatry in Soviet Union. Desperately sad stuff.
Does this sound familiar Cynic, Pixel ?

I urge you to check out the Wiki post on political abuse of Psychiatry in Soviet Union. Desperately sad stuff.

Comrade Basilio, thankyou for providing this wiki "reference" to psychiatric misdiagnoses within the Soviet Union.
I do, of course, understand the difficulties that can arise in discerning words written in plain English whilst attempting to read them through green (or watermelon) tinted lenses.

I fail to understand how one equates those to whom

"fictional claims of altruistic intent are simply a creative cover story used to excuse and justify the crimes they perpetrate in their quest for publicity" (as per my original post)

with those whom

"were capable of functioning almost normally in the social sense" (as per your wiki quote).

I believe that many would readily agree that there is a chasm of difference between the aforementioned groups.
Are you able to illuminate me on your thinking in this regard?

One could be forgiven for interpreting these recent efforts at obfuscation (of original intent and meaning) as further examples of one fantasist's need to invalidate those not supportive of said fantasist's self delusion.
Very simple Cynic.

The Communist Leaders of the Soviet Union decided that anyone who thought there was anything wrong with Communist state had to be sick.

So they sent them to psychiatric hospitals to be treated for their illness - which was criticizing the government.

You are proposing that we should treat the various Jonathans, Yes Men and other do good fantastists in the same way on exactly the same premise - that they are clearly sick people who need help.
Jeff Foxworthy penned this to explain the differences between Republicans and Democrats.
Well, we don't have those around here, but I reckon most of it applies to this context:

If you ever wondered which side of the fence you sit on, this is a great test!

If a Liberal is a vegetarian, he doesn't eat meat.
If a Greenie is a vegetarian, he wants all meat products banned for everyone.

If a Liberal is homosexual, he quietly leads his life.
If a Greenie is homosexual, he demands legislated respect.

If a Liberal is down-and-out, he thinks about how to better his situation.
A Greenie wonders who is going to take care of him.

If a Liberal doesn't like a talk show host, he switches channels.
Greenies demand that those they don't like be shut down.

If a Liberal is a non-believer, he doesn't go to church.
A Greenie non-believer wants any mention of God and religion silenced.

If a Liberal decides he needs health care, he goes about shopping for it, or may choose a job that provides it.
A Greenie demands that the rest of us pay for his.

If a Liberal reads this, he'll forward it so his friends can have a good laugh.
A Greenie will delete it because he's "offended".

Well, I forwarded it.

And one more that I'm adding in this context:

If a Liberal recognises a danger ahead, he works towards a solution.
A Greenie demands everyone stop what they're doing and listen to him talk about it.

Your admired activists have perpetrated frauds that hurt innocent people! The reason for your repeated efforts to compare the oppressive practices of Communist governnments with my contempt for the deceiptful,malicious and criminal acts of self-delusional glory seekers continues to elude me....

Unless... are you perchance one of these fantasists whom thinks it's okay to deceptively and maliciously disrupt the lives (and livelihood) of law abiding citizens in order to further your own idealistic/political pursuits?

I don't believe that Anthony Moylan is sick or unwell in any way because of his recent action.

It will be up to the courts to decide if he is a criminal, should ASIC decide a prosecution is warranted.

If he is, he may end up being fined or in Goulbourn Gaol.

Should the latter happen he may feel quite unwell.


Thanks for that GG.

If it comes down to a requirement for action on the part of ASIC then I shan't be holding my breath.

As for fines, what are they going to do? Garnishee his welfare payments perhaps!!

Gaol is too good for this conceited !@#$%. I'd rather see him publicly humiliated by being forced to spend years performing low paid, labour intensive, tasks until such time as all affected are fully recompensed for any financial losses incurred consequent to his stunt.

No worries mate, basilio was setting up a strawman argument, which I felt was a bit of an unfair response to an excellent original post from you.

I personally hope Moylan does time, qldfrog, a fellow ASF member, has had a considerable loss because of Moylan on WHC.

ASIC will be under considerable pressure to prosecute as this type of action is so easily repeatable, particularly as the behaviour is endorsed by the Greens, a party holding the balance of power in the Federal Parliament and in coalition with the ALP in Tasmania.


Ah my dear Cynic you truly are one with the delusion of words. An infinite capacity to roll veritable miles of babble across brooks that will not hear you.

Roll on to the sea Cynic. Let your melodious words fill the ocean with their wisdom. Us mere mortals stand in awe and wonder.
And dear Cynic given the vehemance of your feelings towards our little petal Jonathan for his 20 minute prank I wonder what you would propose for the other 100,000 various scammers who rip off investors on the stock exchange or similar financial institutions ?

Clearly it must be many orders of magnitude higher if you want any type of comparison.

Really GG ? Strawman argument ? Perhaps a quick refesh of Cynics florid response might refesh your memory

And then I said

Guess what folks ? The last government that decided activists were just sick in the head and should be put in a mental asylum for treatment was... the Soviet Union.

Seems like a pretty close analogy to me.
Meantime, since I understand he has been camped in the bush for around four months, one would assume he has no job and is not looking for one.
Presumably, then, the taxpayer is funding his existence?

What a surprise! Yet another attempt at obfuscation!

So you want to take this thread off topic now do you? Is your original position becoming too difficult to defend?

Did I hit a nerve when talking about the reasons people cling so dearly to their heroic fantasies?

I am sure I am not alone in wanting to see any criminal prosecuted to the fullest extent of law. I also believe that many would agree that such people should, as far as practicable, be held financially accountable for the losses of their victims and not be allowed to enjoy any notoriety arising from the commission of their crimes.

Are you happy to get back on topic now Basilio? Or are you still finding your original position indefensible?
Meantime, since I understand he has been camped in the bush for around four months, one would assume he has no job and is not looking for one.
Presumably, then, the taxpayer is funding his existence?

Sadly, Julia, that seems to be the case. Meaning your and my taxes paid for his laptop and Internet access fees as well as for all the other fluffheads' upkeep.

Allow me to jog your memory Basilio, I believe this earlier post highlights the inconsistencies of your "strawman" comparison between my expressed sentiments and your wiki quote re psychiatric misdiagnoses in the Soviet Union.
i can see why basilio was confused at one stage into thinking Moylan's name was Doyle.

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