Australian (ASX) Stock Market Forum

Should the North of Australia be developed, or populated by FIFO and 457 visas?

I think the north should be developed but I think it is a waste of time and money to develop boring agriculture. Dam the rivers - I'm all for that, but use the water for maximum value added ROI. I'm thinking tourism.

Massive raging water slides for the kids.

Barramundi World where the barra are trained to perform acrobatics in brackish water for a fifteen minute show every hour.

Croc Dundee world where you get to feed and wrestle with the crocs.

Water Buffalo paint ball.

I'm on a roll...

Yeah keep on rolling South....the further the better
Time to revive an old thread, it sounds as though the academics are waking up to the problems.

A sentence from the report stands out.

The paper highlighted the need to attract investment and introduce other industries like steel production and agriculture

Wow, I wonder how much the report cost?

Thanks spt.

This has unfortunately been driven by political considerations.

Ian Macdonald, a Queensland Senator was running with Northern Development, with good ideas about a Townsville-Darwin link, with dams, agriculture, mining, health, education and industry spread through the major population and fertile centres.

I am not quite up with why Ian was sidelined.

I have met him and he is a good thinker, with the nation and the north as his focus.
