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Should I be Scared?

what happens to the bargain hunters who move in to buy cheap in a crisis if the crisis worsens and prices drop further?

i cant go short with my broker, so ive cashed out, and will wait a little bit, that way i dont have to be scared at all
i cant go short with my broker, so ive cashed out, and will wait a little bit, that way i dont have to be scared at all

Okay, so I can see that you've taken sensible measures to eliminate your exposure to the market.

However, these unfolding events and their impact on the western economies, still give ample cause for fear.

Our society is just coming to the realisation that squillions of dollars of perceived wealth was simply an illusion.

Can you imagine the extent and severity of the likely repercussions that will inevitably ensue?

Can you name even one major entity in Australia that can be guaranteed to remain solvent in light of what's happening?

no i cant, all all of what youve said IS scary, my suggestion that by cashing out and waiting is merely in terms of a strategy for being in the stocks market, in terms of society in general, the impact upon jobs, lending, you name it, hell yes its a worry, and much more than any of us can doing anything much about, save trying to keep our money as safe as we can

Obama is doing OK. Its the likes of Sarah Palin that are the problem there.

Gillard , well at least we are still AAA. (And while we have her at least we don't have Abbott). Every cloud has a silver lining.
Obama is doing OK. Its the likes of Sarah Palin that are the problem there.
Well not her really when you consider ....

All the world's a stage,
And all the men and women merely players;

and the stage offers great wealth to those who play it well.
Due to the impending downturn tomorrow, would I be right in assuming that the aussie dollar will be heading south as well?
Due to the impending downturn tomorrow, would I be right in assuming that the aussie dollar will be heading south as well?

Compared to what? Are we still using the U.S. dollar as the standard point of reference to rate the value of our dollar against? Of course the answer is "Yes, we are", but we may need to question this in the near future.

The value of the Aussie dollar is closely tied to our interest rates. There is talk of the RBA decreasing the Official Cash Rate soon, and the Commonwealth Bank has already cut fixed mortgage rates. Lowering Aussie interest rates will put downwards pressure on the Aussie Dollar, because there will be less demand from overseas investors wanting to buy Aussie Dollars in "carry trades", i.e. borrowing money overseas at low interest rates to invest in Australia to earn a higher yield.
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