Australian (ASX) Stock Market Forum

Shares vs. Property

Re: Shares vs Property

Careful who you show that report to've likely to burst a few bubbles around here...the ego kind that is, not the asset inflation kind :) South Australian property investors, giddy up!

Err yup Been making my point from/for "SA Great for sometime".
But as usual SA isnt on the map of Australia evidently.
Re: Shares vs Property

It's about time the housing market retraces.... The next boom is around 2013-14 ... I can't wait to prove my teachers wrong... they think that the housing boom will continue... A bit optimistic I think...
Re: Shares vs Property

You can make alot of money on both if you are skilled in each area. To make money on property you usually have to gear it in a growth area. But with all the tax on property it would not be a sensible investment.

Lets all thank a the Labor govt for that. I Wonder if federal Labor would do the same to the stock market.

I'll also remember that when selling my PPOR and paying zero CGT.

Try doing THAT with shares.

Re: Shares vs Property

Know of an investor who held 2 properties.
One his partner (male) and one he lived in.
They would reno both over 12-18 mths and have each as their PPOR.
Then sell (NO TAX).
Did this for 10 yrs I know of and around 8 properties.
Re: Shares vs Property

Yep, theres no money in property.

1] Dennis Gen [shopping centres] $589,000,000
began his working life selling pen's.

2] Gorden Fu [shopping centres] $575,000,000
Started out painting cinema posters in Taiwan

3] Chris and Virginia Anderson [house and land ] $100,000,000
Came out from NZ and started doing reno's and worked up.

4] Brett Pointon [buying and trading property] $203,000,000
Started as a Chalkie

5] Rodney Forrester [ retirement villages] $165,000,000
Started doing small industrial unit's

6] Maha Sinnathamby [springfield lakes] $445,000,000
started in Sydney driving taxis

And the list goes on.

source Sunday Mail top 100 list.

Re: Shares vs Property

Yep, theres no money in property.

1] Dennis Gen [shopping centres] $589,000,000
began his working life selling pen's.

2] Gorden Fu [shopping centres] $575,000,000
Started out painting cinema posters in Taiwan

3] Chris and Virginia Anderson [house and land ] $100,000,000
Came out from NZ and started doing reno's and worked up.

4] Brett Pointon [buying and trading property] $203,000,000
Started as a Chalkie

5] Rodney Forrester [ retirement villages] $165,000,000
Started doing small industrial unit's

6] Maha Sinnathamby [springfield lakes] $445,000,000
started in Sydney driving taxis

And the list goes on.

source Sunday Mail top 100 list.


Wow. I wonder if the Sunday mail could also add the personal equity rate and [bank].
Re: Shares vs Property

I can honestly say my shares in the past 5 years have outperformed my property...problem is I have more money in property. But diversification in the long run is the key. Keep a bit of both and have your own business. If you can achieve those three you are on your way to long term financial wealth.
Re: Shares vs Property

Wow. I wonder if the Sunday mail could also add the personal equity rate and [bank].

Even if we said they only had 5% equity it would be

1] $29,450,000

2] $28,750,000

3] $5,000,000

4] $10,150,000

6] $22,250,000

Nothing to bleat about.

Re: Shares vs Property

Know of an investor who held 2 properties.
One his partner (male) and one he lived in.
They would reno both over 12-18 mths and have each as their PPOR.
Then sell (NO TAX).
Did this for 10 yrs I know of and around 8 properties.

This is interesting. But wouldnt they have a better set up if they both buy a property each, make each their PPOR by living in it for 6 months, then rent to each other?

That way they can claim the tax benefits of an IP and sell it for no CGT. Does that work?
Re: Shares vs Property

Couldnt be rented to each other.
Evidently the law states that you must live the principal amount of time in the house and 12 mths min.
If you live say 12 mths after having rented it out for 2 yrs previously then only 1/3rd would avoid CGT.

Fraid thats about my extent of basic knowledge,would need to speak with a tax consultant if you need specific advice.
Property vs. Shares (Yes, its been said before!)

I have been doing quite a bit of research the last couple of days (and have also created a mass of excel spreadsheets) and I cannot come to a decision between property and shares.

Take a look at this:

BT Insights - Property vs. Shares

Would this scenario depict a real life situation in regards to outlays, deposits, returns, etc?

I am very new to this and would like the most information I can get before I start my investment portfolio!
Re: Property vs. Shares (Yes, its been said before!)

I have been doing quite a bit of research the last couple of days (and have also created a mass of excel spreadsheets) and I cannot come to a decision between property and shares.

Take a look at this:

BT Insights - Property vs. Shares

Would this scenario depict a real life situation in regards to outlays, deposits, returns, etc?

I am very new to this and would like the most information I can get before I start my investment portfolio!

Need to be always mindful of 'whos talking', because they are probably selling something and will obviously bias their product. Others may be defending or justifying a decision they have taken. Keep researching and never stop. If you want great growth on your money it is going to take a lot of work (researching). Dont be afraid to make a decision but be afraid when you have made one - ie keep evaluating that decision. OK if it is wrong but dont let it burn you.
This thread, property vs shares, in my opinion both, one is going to do better than the other at different times. I like looking at things when most have lost interest ie buying in the lows, and an awful lot of it is only ever 'on paper'.
One day I will probably write about my clone theory, it is what I teach the kids (when they are listening :p:)
Good luck Y.T. Keep posting.