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Serious newbie wanting to learn

Thank you. The two smartest and most profitable members ASF supporting this.

Joe - get some new detection software. It's buggering ASF. Someone with that level of obsession (yeh I have evidence) is enough to make leave. I know that's his ultimate aim, but I don't really care. He can have it all to himself.
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Joe - get some new detection software. It's buggering ASF. Someone with that level of obsession (yeh I have evidence) is enough to make leave. I know that's his ultimate aim, but I don't really care. He can have it all to himself.

I have good detection software in place, simply because ASF is a magnet for spammers and it is something that is necessary for a forum this size. I have conducted a number of checks and have found nothing suspicious. My policy is to wait until I know that someone has come here with an improper motive rather than banning people arbitrarily. I would rather delete some spam than lose new ASF members.

I just think it's more productive to give people the benefit of the doubt. I don't really see the downside.
Why would you want this thread closed down anyway, whether he's suspicious or not, he is yet to try and scam anyone or sell anything, and we could actually have a decent discussion about things that might help your trading from the likes of TH and tech/a(plus others who know what they're talking about) that will benefit us all, the thread has the right title that new traders can come to and it hopefully be filled with gems how on how to go about things the right way.
Woah. I wasn't expecting to come back and see some of the responses...quite startling and somewhat toxic to be honest. I started typing a whole lengthy response and then stopped... and asked myself...seriously? really? Is this what I am here for. No. So I stopped, deleted my response and will focus on the reason of why I am here.

Thanks to all the guys and gals who are encouraging and post specific advice on where to start - really appreciated. Huge thanks to @tech/a, you've posted what looks like a GEM of a post at first glance and I will go over it tonight, formulate some questions for you and others and then post again re continuing my trading journey. Also I have been reading Stan Weinstein's "Secret of profiting and bull and bear markets", an old book but the principles seem very interesting. Anyone have any feedback on that book?

Thanks again to all.

How about you show us the evidence or send it to Joe?
Nothing wrong with that book for a starter, momentum based I believe?

Looks like the same Adam Grimes of SMB Cap. Great to see some no nonsense stuff out there. Breezing through it now, hoping to pick up some gems
Woah. I wasn't expecting to come back and see some of the responses...quite startling and somewhat toxic to be honest.

Hi NT, Don't be perturbed by some of the responses. The fact that some have been seemingly skeptical about your intentions is nothing personal I can assure you.

The trading world is infiltrated with charlatans and littered with victims who have been relieved of their hard earned, so when people here question the validity of your intentions treat it as an opportunity.

If you have turned 500K into $10 mil then you are likely one of, if not THE wealthiest person on this forum. Personally I hope you have done that and hats off if so because you are in a league I will certainly never be in!

Personally I'd contact Joe Blow and verify your status to eliminate any further skepticism ... that way hopefully you can get some good advice on trading and at the same time help others with some good advice on property investment ... win win! Cheers.

@tech/a great post and very helpful mate. I have downloaded the 2 pdfs and I will go to Dymocks in the city on Monday to see if I can buy the other 2 books, otherwise I will buy them on line. Systems testing sounds very interesting, does it mean once you have put together a system you test it through a software? Does it require technical computer skills?, because that is not my strong suit to be honest.

So the pdfs and the other 2 books all seem to be around Volume analysis, any other resources you would say are 'invaluable' to have regarding patterns, risk management?

So far it seems that to be able to successfully trade you need to be able to see opportunity (? non randomness ) in the markets by understanding the crowd psychology in the chart and then utilising that to make profits on the upside while managing the risk on the downside.

In a way its similar to property investment, understanding how psychology of the crowd works, ie how it presents its self in the markets, what it looks like, what the indicators look like, and then being able to pounce at the right time. Property though does let you do a few things to add value to a deal and it's also very much like poker, in that, if your a better player than most people you will be able to secure better deals than most, making money from day 1 while greatly reducing your risk.

Anyway, I will print out those PDFS in office works and work my way through them and get those books. Looking forward to as you put it, "light bulb" moments, and then perhaps one day an epiphany of my own

Really looking forward to starting this journey and posting how my progress is going with hopefully much feedback from the folks here.

Kind regards,
Nothing wrong with that book for a starter, momentum based I believe?

Hi @CanOz, no I don't think so mate. According to a quick google search, " a momentum trader is only concerned with stocks in the news". So far from what I have read in his book he doesn't place much emphasis on FA and mostly looks at trends, MA, volume and RSI. I am only on page 45 though so not sure that the rest details.


Hi @barney,

Thanks for your feedback. I am always happy to answer questions folks may have on property investing and try to give my 2 cents. I am not looking to prove anything to anyone mate so really what people want to believe is fine. I have nothing to sell (hell 99% of the knowledge I learnt for property investing is on the net and in books, irony is most believe it cant be that simple and there has to be a holy grail - doesn't exist). I am here just to get some direction and start my trading journey.


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Thanks for setting the record straight. That's kinda weird, you go onto google and type 'momentum trading' and this is what shows up "Momentum traders are truly a unique group of individuals. Unlike other traders or analysts who dissect a company's financial statements or chart patterns, a momentum trader is only concerned with stocks in the news. These stocks will be the high percentage and volume movers of the day."

Thanks for the link. Then yes, I would guess the book does focus on momentum trading as per the link you attached.

Just purchased this @tech/a from TradersCode. Also seems his software is still not out.

Foundational Chart Analysis Series: "Support/Resistance Techniques of Professional Traders" - 6 DVD Home Study

Also the book, The business of share trading, seems to be well recommended in the past. Something I should order?

I think with the pds you guided me to plus those books and now this Wyckoff course i bought..enough material to start?

I have the same course.
A good foundation in VSA
Unfortunately I don't think he has software anywhere near
Completion he has said the same thing for 5 yrs.

Remember all patterns and bar/volume patterns are indications of
Where you can anticipate price may go.
Without context treating them as signals to buy or sell is not wise.

With a few 1000 hrs of screen time you'll soon see what I mean.
Don't know of the book you mentioned

**Meant to mention as a fellow property buff.

I love the ability to buy an investment with the value of a property make a few % on it and sell it again in a matter of days/hrs/or minutes!-----with the click of a mouse.

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"Remember all patterns and bar/volume patterns are indications of
Where you can anticipate price may go.
Without context treating them as signals to buy or sell is not wise."

Hmm...would I be on the right track by thinking when you say 'context' you're referring to the actions/history preceding a possible signal that could possibly enhance the meaning and reliability of the 'signal'..?

Also Unholy Grails, good to get? or mostly covered from all the other vsa stuff Im buying.?

"I love the ability to buy an investment with the value of a property make a few % on it and sell it again in a matter of days/hrs/or minutes!-----with the click of a mouse."

Yes the liquidity and speed of the transaction ( once your able to profit from trading ) is definitely a huge plus I would think. I am not looking to build an asset base which really is the hardest part of wealth creation imho, I've already done that. What I'm looking to do is just add a possible CF stream in the future which is highly liquid. Also have been intrigued by TA for a long time just never had even 2 hours a day to devote any time to it. I do now so why not try and see where it leads me is my attitude

Thanks again

Radge is a mate.
And Daffy has a few pages in the book devoted to Tech Trader
So a great read!
Radge is a mate.
And Daffy has a few pages in the book devoted to Tech Trader
So a great read!
Ok added to the list. If i am average with computers and have no chance in hell in writing code, is systems trading something I should probably avoid?
I'm a builder I'm old school
I'm about as computer savvy as
Any duck. Designed tested and traded
T/T live for 7 yrs. To attempt to prove
Idiots can design and trade a profitable
System. Think that was achieved.

At some point you should learn. I think.
Hi @barney,

Thanks for your feedback. I am always happy to answer questions folks may have on property investing and try to give my 2 cents. I am not looking to prove anything to anyone mate so really what people want to believe is fine.

All good.

You seem pretty methodical in your approach which is a good start .... good luck with your journey
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