How much do we all remember in the time prior to the GFC, when the subprime mess was unfolding in the US, how all the pundits (and many on this forum) assured themselves and the rest of us that Australia was 'decoupled' from the US. Do we still think so?
Apparently so, given the rise in the XAO over recent days, despite the extremely dangerous position in the US, where no sign is apparent that they are going to avoid going over the fiscal cliff.
"7.30" this evening had an interview on this with Adam Rosen from the US who details the potential ramifications for Australia if this does happen.
So if our markets are forward looking, imo they're so inclined because they're wearing blinkers.
Glad to hear you're finding a trend following approach useful, DocK. How do you select your stocks?
(If you're disposed to share this, of course.)