i just read the story about kay danes. very interesting. it draws some interesting comparisons to that of schapelle corby.
they are similar becasue both kay and schapelle seem to have brokern the laws of a foreign country and got busted for it. and paid the price.
kay, if you go to communist dictatorship and engage in activities that have anything to do with human rights or the security industry you are either a spy or a trouble maker. what do you expect will happen?
just who has experience in the security industry, surveilance, interregation resistance, hmmmmmm.
anyway regardless of what you were there for, either to spy on them or start a rebellion, you had to expect somehting like that to happen to you... hell i could have told you that. now even though i agree that those regimes should be changed, you are under their sovreignty whilst there and at their mercy.
they believed you borke their laws and bingo. they believed you were either spying or a threat to them in other ways and they took action against you. no surprise there.
now, notice that the australian government lobbied in order to seucre kay's release. this is bacause the aussie government believed you were either innocent or doing what is in our national interest. so thats why you are free, and you know that....... who knows what strings they pulled or who they paid or what they did to get you out.... excellent... i am gald... and it only reenforces my statement several days ago that our government will not leave an innocent perosn behind.
if corby was innocent and our government knew it... it would take a phone call and she would be out. she is still in there because the powers that be know she is in it waist deep. the diabolical drug trafficking mastermind. schapelle "the mastermind" corby.
thanks kay, you are living proof that she belongs there.
Slim, you win, this post is the best so far on this thread. 99.9 out of 100.