Just a quick update on the workshop. If anyone is still interested then can u please send an email off to linuxtroll@cyrox.com to confirm it.
Its on the 23rd Aug in Melbourne
Cost for people who already have the setup is 303 USD, and for people with no setup is 997 USD. Details on the workshop in cyrox.com. If u already have the setup trollman will send u the paypal details later.
If we dont get 10 people confirmed for the workshop its off.
Hi tayser i have 2 questions, is it only possible to get those indicators through purchasing it off Cyrox.com? or is it a simple coding that can be applied? in terms of liquidating your account do you do that on a regular basis or are you the sort of guy who leaves his money in there and just continues to build up his pile?
Hi tayser, what would you suggest to be a suitable demo account broker to be run within ninja trader? currently having problems trying to get a live feed from the broker into ninja trader please help