Australian (ASX) Stock Market Forum

Sarah Palin: The Barracuda

The one thing that pisses her off is the large number of hairy legged humourless feminists down there who hate men.


What is it with feminism being equated with hairy legs? Does it mean that I am a feminist? Please don't tell any of the lads down at the soccer club!

Have you bought your Sarah Dolls yet?



Order your Christmas Gifts early get 10% off all orders placed before November 1st 2008​



I'm pretty sure that any Joe 6 Pack would have these in his car for company


Have you bought your Sarah Dolls yet?



Order your Christmas Gifts early get 10% off all orders placed before November 1st 2008​

View attachment 24766

View attachment 24767

I'm pretty sure that any Joe 6 Pack would have these in his car for company

View attachment 24769

I leave that for sickos like you mate. I prefer real women.

And you hate working class men more than working class women. Verrrry interesting as Sigmund would say.

You do like posting your sex toys and pr0n on ASF.

The one thing that pisses her off is the large number of hairy legged humourless feminists down there who hate men.

Oh assumptions, assumptions what's your thinking like without alcohol?

Had my legs lasered years ago smooth a silk!

Hate men, goodness no - my Partner and I are in a very loving, caring relationship for the past 10 years very loyal to each other.

I think most men are great. Even some who support the right side:eek: At the end of the day I assess a person on their integrity, morals and ethics. My standards are obviously universes apart from yours. It’s great we are 1000s of kms part. Wouldn’t want it any other way!

My partner has read your comments and thinks your a disgusting pathetic example of the male race
You seem to be the one in love with Sarah. Just didn't want you to miss out on merchandise they sell globally. Will remind you of why you argued so hard.

Sex toy and pr0n. There is no pr0n or sex toy just a selection of dolls - pretty harmless. Why would they make dolls that could mislead children? You really can't interpret very well with dolls.

Don't hate working class men, assumption again when will you learn? I have many friends in the Fire Brigade, Police Force, Construction, the Army and Farming industries. Then I do have friends who work in corporations who wear blue shirts with blue collars. Respect them all.

"Real women" like the one you alluded too in your rather public bantering would be delighted to R... you I'm Sure.. But then again my idea of a real woman and yours are quite different.
Keith Olbermann connects the dots about Sarah Palin. Who's been really associating with terrorists and extremists?
hilarious :D
Olbermann makes a great comprehensive review!

Troopergate was the subject of the Anchorage Daily News today:
Sarah Palin's reaction to the Legislature's Troopergate report is an embarrassment to Alaskans and the nation.
She claims the report "vindicates" her. She said that the investigation found "no unlawful or unethical activity on my part."

Her response is either astoundingly ignorant or downright Orwellian:
Page 8, Finding Number One of the report says: "I find that Governor Sarah Palin abused her power by violating Alaska Statute 39.52.110(a) of the Alaska Executive Branch Ethics Act."

In plain English, she did something "unlawful." She broke the state ethics law.

Perhaps Gov. Palin has been too busy to actually read the Troopergate report. Perhaps she is relying on briefings from McCain campaign spinmeisters.
That's the charitable interpretation.
Because if she had actually read it, she couldn't claim "vindication" with a straight face.

Palin's response is the kind of political "big lie" that George Orwell warned against.
War is peace. Black is white. Up is down.
Palin and her husband were obsessed with Wooten the way Capt. Ahab was obsessed with the Great White Whale. No Wooten, no peace.

Other papers have commented on this:
If a public official refuses to acknowledge reality and invents an alternative reality to live in, she cannot be vice-president, let alone president, of the United States. This is not a judgment call. We have a denialist loony on one of the major tickets.
I'm so pleased to see that Monegan has instigated a cleanup in this scandal.
He had a brilliant reputation until Palin came along with her vendetta against her sister's fifth husband.

Ex-Official: Palin Lied, Threw Me Under Bus
Fired by Palin, Walt Monegan Says He Wants to Clear His Good Name

Palin called Monegan "insubordinate" and accused him of having had a "rogue mentality" while he was part of her administration. She leveled those charges in a filing to the state Personnel Board, justifying her dismissal of Monegan.

Now Monegan has formally complained about those accusations to the same panel, and is asking its members to hold a fact-finding hearing "to clear his good name, remove the stigma he has suffered, and redress his reputational interests."

The filing counts four different explanations from Palin for why she fired Monegan, and rebuts each.

The report concluded that Monegan's refusal to fire Wooten "was not the sole reason" but was "likely a contributing factor" to his firing.

Monegan called Palin's charges against him "absurdly baseless," filled with "disturbing inaccuracies" and "distortions of the record" in filings to the board submitted Monday.

The accusations, his lawyer wrote, were part of an "unwarranted, unfair, and very personal attack on a man who has served the people of Alaska with distinction for almost 35 years.

Asked whether his personnel board filing was an overture to a civil suit against Gov. Palin, Feldman said, "Mr. Monegan seeks only that which was wrongly taken away from him, and that is his good name."
Doris I'm going to need a ladder to read all your ramblings about Sarah Palin. They go from one end of the page to the other.

I take it you don't like her.

But you are raving on a bit.

Are there any stocks you think might be affected if she became VP?

Or equally if the little social worker Obama became P, any stocks that might go gangbusters given his links with the mob in Chicago, possibly casinos, security firms.

I'd be interested in your thoughts.

Little Social Worker? Social work is one of the hardest jobs with little praise and acknowledgment. You wouldn't know what the term really means as you are the most obnoxious self centered person around.

If you had an inkling you might stop belittling people who work in the field.
Obama is great with people as social work is about dealing with people mostly individually through various crisis and guidance. Skills needed are high-level analytic and observational skills, effective listening and communication skills since they are always interacting with people. Empathy, sympathetic and understanding to the needs and emotions of their clients and also be resourceful and creative when solving deficiencies.

I can't think of one of these unique skills you would possess. GG

No wonder you love Gotcha Sarah - probably wish you could get her
Little Social Worker? Social work is one of the hardest jobs with little praise and acknowledgment. You wouldn't know what the term really means as you are the most obnoxious self centered person around.

If you had an inkling you might stop belittling people who work in the field.
Obama is great with people as social work is about dealing with people mostly individually through various crisis and guidance. Skills needed are high-level analytic and observational skills, effective listening and communication skills since they are always interacting with people. Empathy, sympathetic and understanding to the needs and emotions of their clients and also be resourceful and creative when solving deficiencies.

I can't think of one of these unique skills you would possess. GG

No wonder you love Gotcha Sarah - probably wish you could get her


One man's garbage is another's provocation for a 'treasure'! :D

... only because 'that one' still has his pre-frontal lobes usurped by his amygdala. :(
Define the right side?

When I said I have friends who are right sided they are not extremists or heavy duty Christians. They have their faith but don't try to convert people. They are tolerant of society's changes which are more publicly displayed now. They can accept failure and compromise.

Defining the right side to me is the ideology derived on the persuasiveness of leaders with psychological personalities for self interest to establish a society based on traditions past and the over use of Christian based religion to justify the exterminate of other countries who are preserved as threatening their security. They like the statue quo, don't take well to new concepts.

Being right orientated has a vast meaning from benign to fundamentalism. I believe the USA as some dangerous fundamentalist who will do any thing to keep the bible belt happy and locked in their unchallenging thought process. The USA has its own form of propaganda; I watched a very interesting programme on USA students and the weakest subject in schooling by results; that subject - American History. If you don't understand your history, or question if it was true by self research but chose to believe what benefits you from current media coverage. You open your self up to failure by repeating the past.

They are usually insecure (would never admit it), into retaliation most own guns, ignorant of current world issues, believe the God will save the day and believe they are right all the time. Not unlike any other religious fundamentalist. You've got enough fundamentalist in the USA!

The world is changing very fast and peoples thought processes are not keeping up. Critical analytical skills need to sharpen to see what is happening.

Do you believe what you see in front of you? Do you ever think it was planned for you to come to a certain conclusion? Was what you saw 'real'? Was the 'reality of what you saw true?' What truth makes you feel comfortable and safe?

Manipulation is very easy subliminally or by constant repetition to keep the masses who don't 'Think' under control. "It is God's will....." has been used to death as an excuse for anything that challenges.

‘The Iraq's have nuclear weapons, lets knock them off.’ Really? Where? It has been clearly proven there were none.

So in the heat of anger, retaliation and shock all sense of reasoning goes out the window. Where is Bin Laden? I thought the USA was so up to the moment with weaponry they would have found him by now, he's just in some rocks, right?

Anyway, that is my view I will probably be shot down, that's OK, you asked what I believed.
No arguments from me, im just curious as to what people think in terms of "left" and "right".

I believe thow that there is no left or right as so many people have different opinions on different things which it makes them both left and right ;)
No arguments from me, im just curious as to what people think in terms of "left" and "right".

I believe thow that there is no left or right as so many people have different opinions on different things which it makes them both left and right ;)

Good post. It is so frustrating that people are typecast as being 'left' or 'right'. I mean we have a 'financially conservative' Labour party government now for fooks sake (even though it is interesting that they have just blown half the surplus on fiscal hand outs to the working 'poor' and pensioners).

'Left' and 'right' is so a World War II/Cold War - errr I am ducking for cover here but dare I say it - 'Baby Boomer' view of the world.
'Left' and 'right' is so a World War II/Cold War - errr I am ducking for cover here but dare I say it - 'Baby Boomer' view of the world.

Lets get this right sorry for the pun.

Aego asked me to define right side.

I did define was I think it is.

Do I believe in right and left?

Yes - In the sense that we live in a democracy Labor, Liberal hammering at each other all the time though they can see eye to eye on certain legislation. This can be a good thing, bring new ideas challenge the original idea, come up with a better idea.

Yes - that we have to mandatorally vote for one or the other. Well that's what we are meant to do. Or get Fined. Aego and Bushman do you tick for a party?

No -Sometimes I just write on the form what I think they both should be doing without ticking boxes. Can't fine me I turned up and had my name ticked off. Anyone else challenge the system?

No -I understand that people can have several views on many topics which may conflict with their basis belief system, this can change from being the viewer to being the participant, peer pressure etc. That is the main part of my argument to use critical analysis. You have a brain use it!

Bushman get out from under that chair now! I'm not from the baby boomer age and my parents hadn't even met in WW2.