Australian (ASX) Stock Market Forum

Sarah Palin: The Barracuda


As I recall there were some Republicans in between there, since Jimmy

1/ Ronnie
2/ Bush the Elder
3/ Bush the Dumber

Why didn't they do something?

And the inconvenient truth is that the poo is hitting the propeller at the end of two terms of conservative watch, AND the period of greatest acceleration of this trend was in the last 7 years under Bush The Dumber.

I have a feeling the Republicans won't be mentioning this. They wouldn't just be shooting themselves in the foot, it would be blowing it off with a bazooka.

That was actually laughable. (Understand that I'm not a fiscal liberal either)

Wayne - did you even watch the video? The Congressional Black Caucus was the group that kept Fannie and Freddie from being fixed. These people have yelled and hollered for the past decade about "redlining" and racism in granting of loans, and have argued for "no peek loans", and loan quotas, etc., whether these people can even pay the loan after they got it didn't matter to them. Maybe you have to live here to understand. The Republicans tried to do something, but the Congressional Black caucus ranted and raved, and the Republicans caved. Did you hear the Congressman that mentioned they are trying to "lynch" Frank Raines? Yes, he used the word lynch. Raines cooked the books at Fannie, and got 90 million over a 5 year period.

Fannie and Freddie were always Democrat pet agencies. The revolving door from Democrat officials into and out of Fannie was revolting.

Put the Democrats in charge of the House, Senate, and Oval Office, and you will not see change.

The Dems even tried to insert a bonus to ACORN (google that one) into the bailout package. Unbelievable.
Items remove from the bailout package by REPUBLICANS

The funding of the Housing Trust Fund, the slush fund that feeds ACORN and La Raza, is out. You can thank House Republicans for enough obstructionism to get that result. Other changes made to the final version of the bailout, according to a source on the Hill, were the removal of several provisions:
Provision to provide unions and other activist groups with proxy access for corporate boards
Provision to mandate shareholder votes on compensation issues (union priority)
Diversion of funds into a housing fund to support left-wing activist groups like ACORN
A provision to allow trial judges to arbitrarily adjust mortgages, creating bonanza for trial lawyers
A provision to require the government to sell to state and local governments at a discount homes the government acquires as a result of foreclosure
It also suspends mark-to-market rules and requires a study on their effects on the collapse.

Anyone that doesn't think most of the problem is due to Democrats and their special interests, hasn't been paying attention, or, they have only been looking at the MSM
Items remove from the bailout package by REPUBLICANS

Anyone that doesn't think most of the problem is due to Democrats and their special interests, hasn't been paying attention, or, they have only been looking at the MSM
Anyone that believes your totally one-eyed view of things would be misleading themselves.
Anyone that believes your totally one-eyed view of things would be misleading themselves.

That's okay, bury your head in the sand. Be honest, have you heard any of what I have said in my last couple of posts in the MSM? Do you have any curiosity about what is really going on here in America? Perhaps you have just made up your mind, and now have your hands over your ears. For myself, I blame both sides, I've said that before in previous posts. But to think that Obama and the Democrats are not knee deep in this stuff is just wrong. For example, Obama got the second most political donations from Fannie and Freddie since 1989. What makes that even more incredible is that he has only been a Senator for 3 years and 9 months. The number one person that received political donations from Fannie was the Chairman of the Banking Committee, Senator Dodd (Democrat of Connecticut), and that is over an almost 20 year period.

Nevermind, Blame Bush/McCain for all the world's problems if it makes you feel better.
Nevermind, Blame Bush/McCain for all the world's problems if it makes you feel better.

Blame or failure to take responsibility for the current chaos I didn't think the Dem's were in the white house?
Great find spooly74!
This collates the best of her worst... to date.

It's a good lesson for all of us... Don't speak unless you improve on the silence.

I wonder if 10am Friday our time (am I right this time... with daylight saving in the US 2020?) Palin will have learned her facts well and can project them by rote to the actual questions asked. She has to redeem herself. Can she?

... BTW Boston Legal is on... ;)
Joe Biden - singing while Drunk

Barack Obama and Joe Biden Gaffe Machines

And my favorite one:

Joe Biden Screws Up During Interview

There are dozens more of these gaffes, but you get the picture. I'll take Sarah Palin over these morons anytime.
Palin Can't Afford a Debate Mistake

A major mistake, particularly on foreign policy, would be absolutely fatal to her candidacy.

Palin must also avoid what we've seen from her in recent media interviews:
those deer in the headlight moments where it seems like she doesn't know what to say.

Watch for Palin to come out aggressively against Obama, McCain campaign officials told ABC News.

Part of Palin's strategy will be to call Obama out as a liberal, putting him on the defensive so that Biden will have to answer for Obama.

The McCain campaign is bringing in some heavy hitters to prepare Palin this week for the debate.

The reaction among some conservatives has turned bad.
There are lots of second thoughts now about her selection within the conservative community, and the buzz on Palin has gone all bad.

Biden can't use McCain's denigrating-Obama strategy can he... he'd be accused of disrespecting a woman!
... not that he would. He's a gentleman who has dignity.
Joe Biden - singing while Drunk

There are dozens more of these gaffes, but you get the picture. I'll take Sarah Palin over these morons anytime.

Is singing while drunk a bad thing in America? Does this mean we can expect some kind of new aggression towards Japan and Korea if McCain/Palin get in, in order to wipe out Karaoke bars? The War on Karaoke.

Posting that singing video as a bad thing, and thinking that gaffes are actually worse then a complete lack of knowledge or (seeming) intelligence is pretty funny.

Surely if you take off the rose-coloured glasses you can see that Palin is a completely inappropriate and 'lacking' candidate whatever you may think about the politicians from the other side.

Video clip of Palin talking about her debate with Biden.

She is so painful to listen to! Wish McCain's people would give her elocution lessons too!

Watch McCain beam as she reads about him 'on the stage' last Friday night.
Then she arrogantly reads abuse of Biden and the debate with him. Ugh!
She copies Mahommed Ali's style.
"I haven't met him yet but I remember hearing about him since I was in the second grade!" Nasty piece!
With all this negativity from Palin and Mc Cain trying to score point with the public.

It defeats the purpose of the campaign. Do tey actually have some policies or are they aiming to get in on their whinging and bitching abilities.

I'm sick of Palin/McCain spending so much time resorting to finding fault when they haven't looked at themselves clearer.

This is meant to be a campaign about leadership?!

Leaders also should be humble enough to admit a mistake they have made like McCain's 26 years of No Regulation of Wall Street.

Palin does she know where Wall St is? Has she been there? Small time Mayor is out of her league when it comes to the complexity of Wall Street.
The City of Wasilla derives its name from Chief Wasilla, a respected local Dena'ina Athabascan Indian Chief. There is some debate about the meaning of the Chief's name. One source claims it means "breath of air" in the Dena'ina Athabascan Indian dialect. Other sources assert the name descended as a variation of the Russian name "Vasili" meaning "William".

Heck I know all about Russia... My home town is descended from Russians ... :rolleyes:
PS just a ramble over a few peripheral points..

No doubt most have heard this, but the fact that Alaska can see Russia on a good day - and that means you're an expert on Russia and ready to set the world and it's "funny little tantrums and tensions" right, :eek: etc

Does that mean that, with the tallest mountain in USA, Mount McKinley (6,194m), that she's closest to space, and therefore an expert on outer space as well?

As for sorting out the Middle East .. I can imagine her saying "Heck I've brought up 5 kids - well one's only coming up 1 year old - but the Middle East will be a snack " ..

5 kids... Bristol. Piper. Track. Willow. Trig.
Together, the five names stunned one maven.

"In my 20 years in the field and after writing nine baby-name books, I gotta say [she] stumped the master," said Pamela Satran, co-author of the book "The Baby Name Bible."
"I've never heard of those."

PS As for "shoot first, check if was a moose or a deer later" ....
What was that quote based on Golda Mier? (paraphrased)

".. Until we learn to love our children more than we hate our enemies.."
Somehow I can't see Sarah in a peace-making role. :2twocents
Barack Obama and Joe Biden Gaffe Machines

Hey sleepy - in these times of mass media, you will find gaffes.

104 of your Republican senators just rejected a motion sponsored by your own beloved leader and beloved incumbent. If they are viewing Bush & McCain with suspicion, what of the man on the street?

Here is what Pelosi said today. I quote it because I agree with the sentiment (I cannot vote in the US election after all). 'The party is over' sleepy and the worst excesses happened on your watch. Conspiracy theories and media propaganda will get you nowhere now:

''They claim to be free market advocates when it's really an anything-goes mentality: No regulation, no supervision, no discipline. And if you fail, you will have a golden parachute and the taxpayer will bail you out. Those days are over. The party is over,'' Pelosi said.

''Democrats believe in a free market,'' she said. ''But in this case, in its unbridled form, as encouraged, supported, by the Republicans - some in the Republican Party, not all - it has created not jobs, not capital. It has created chaos.''
After finding out the Morally Great White Knight Sir KRudd had once appeared to be in a drunken state at a strip club, I felt sorry for all Orstraylians... :)

LOL I remember telling some Americans about Bob Hawk in the 80's holding the record for the yard glass drinking at Oxford and then listing his other foibles we all agreed at the time that no US president could get elected with such a back ground.